Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

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Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

Postby stamourp » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:08 pm

To the best of my knowledge there were no other club members participating in the Gorrick race at the weekend, so I'll keep it short.

This round was at Crowthorne, a blinding course with the rare combination of singletrack it is just about possible to pass on in enough places. Conditions underwheel for the Masters race were good; muddy, but not so bad the entire lap was a skidpan. The Gorrick Twitter feed had advised mud tyres weren't required and I plumped for the summer Racing Ralphs, crossing everything that I hadn't been mislead again after the Dancing on Ice rehearsal that was Porridgepot hill earlier in the year.

There was an end of term feel, as the last cross country race of the season and as there are only two rounds in the Autumn Classic the competition for series positions was not so fierce as the Spring series. Still, there was enough joshing on the line to know the competition would be serious to warrant the early start.

As a result of the rain in the week the course was different to those previous, and the entry to the Corkscrew was from a new angle. The same rules still applied: get the entry wrong and there is no chance to get back in the correct rhythm. A couple of deep drop offs and exposed roots kept the interest levels up, and it's not a very long race at 3 laps for Masters (13 miles).

After killing off the best part of my previous drivetrain in the Clwydian mud at the Ruthin Chain Reaction Enduro in September, I'd fitted a new chain, chainrings and jockey wheels. After years of doing so, this time I opted not to replace the cassette too. Big mistake as after the gun went, every turn of the pedal resulted in skipping. Shame really as I didn't have a bad start amongst the 35 or so Masters at the downhill start. After some highly unrecommended on the fly adjuster twiddling I managed to find four gears at the back that would hold and just stuck with them through the race.

Following the first lap the field split and the battles were few and far between. I had a bit of to-ing and fro-ing with another rider who was strong into the singletrack but fell to pieces during it. After getting by and then passing some vets I settled in for the balance of the race, which was afterwards fairly uneventful apart from the photographer's flash blinding me in a downhill shute and almost having me into the trees. The final results placed me eighth, which isn't so great but after four weeks enforced absence from the bike and any form of training with my hand in plaster, was good enough. Results are at :

http://www.timelaps.co.uk/assets/upload ... ter%20Male

The icing on the cake was just as I packed up to leave, the rain started. Looking at the photos later in the day, it seems the afternoon riders had a much harder time of it. Not quite as bad as George & Sylv mind.


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Re: Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

Postby Jamie AP » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:12 pm

Nice, you doing the winter series?
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Re: Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

Postby Sylv » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:18 am

Well done Peter

One day we'll meet at a race! Was planning to do the Meridas, but then got bitten by the cx bug :D
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Re: Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

Postby stamourp » Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:32 am

Thanks all. The cyclo cross bike is on order for delivery just before Christmas, so hoping to get a few races in before the end of the season. I have been inspired by the smiles through the filth of your own adventures Sylv (and George)! I know you can use a mountain bike, but any excuse for a new steed (and I need a new commuter anyway).

No plans to do the winter enduro series. Every intention of taking part in the spring series though. The dates have already been announced: http://gorrick.com/racing/spring/

Kind regards

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Re: Gorrick Autumn Classic XC2 14 Nov 2010

Postby Sylv » Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:12 pm

Cool, I think you'll love it - I realise now that you kind of miss the point when using a mtb for the cross races. When I did, I used to think most courses were boring, ie not technical or challenging enough, some just crossing grass fields and school football pitches. But now I've got the cross bike, I'm loving these courses! The focus is just more on a 100% effort for an hour, and the easier the course the easier it is to give 100%. It's just different from a mtb race. And on the cross bike anyway, any course feels kind of technical in places - especially when muddy!
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