Organiser's Training Day

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Organiser's Training Day

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:41 am

Unfortunately same date as the Club Dinner.....


This course will be held at Handcross Parish Hall, High Street, Handcross, West Sussex RH17 6BJ starting at 10:00 and finishing at 16:00 on January 17, 2009.

This course is aimed at both informing new race organisers with regard to running a road/circuit event and keeping existing race organisers up to date with current practice

Road/Circuit event Organiser Training will be supported by qualified tutors, the Regional Road Race Organisers Handbook and a candidate pack.

This course is free to attend, but you will need to be a British Cycling member. Lunch tea/coffee will also be provided free of charge.

This course will be split into the following five modules:

Child and Vulnerable Person Protection.
The child protection training will cover good practice when dealing with young and vulnerable people with the added information on the responsibilities of the race organisers to protect the data that they have accrued.

The communication module will deal with using various methods of communication to their best effect. It will also deal with recruiting volunteers, gathering materials and resources necessary to put on a road/circuit event. Candidates will also develop a project timeline keeping track of who they will need to communicate with and when. Consideration will also be given to checks on materials use in races.

Administration will deal with budgets, licence checks, record keeping, and the various forms that are used by British Cycling to record events.

The technical module will look at conducting and interpreting a generic course risk assessment. Candidates will learn about the differences between generic and specific risks and how to deal with these. They will also try to develop a traffic plan concerning a specific real life road racing circuit to give an idea of the signage and marshalling necessary to run a road race.

The competition module will look at the more practical things that an organiser will be involved with when setting up the course. This will include the fitting of radios, placement of signage and equipping race marshals.

Please let me know if you wish to attend this course as I will need to organise training material and lunch for you. RSVP

Please pass this invitation on to anyone you know who is already a road/circuit event organiser or is thinking of organising a road/circuit event in the future.

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