Club Run 1/5/10

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Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Dan_K » Sat May 01, 2010 3:51 pm

My first club run this year. Have done a fair bit of riding but not had a Saturday free in ages.
Decided to go out with the 17s and see how I got on. Had a nice big group but think the abilities were fairly mixed and maybe a few of us should have really been in the 18s or above.
Was a bit stop/start at times. The group split when we hit Rusper and the pace really went up to around 20mph. We missed a turn and unfortunately I was the one to clip someone's wheel with the stop to turn round. No damage done as it was at walking pace but I have sprained my wrist slightly. Feel more foolish than anything but guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.
We did the reverse route coming back and again it was a fairly mixed group. Was getting a bit frustrated as the pace was quite erratic and not many calls or communication going on. Not sure whether it's just because it's early season for some riders or because of the state of the roads in general but at times it was getting quite hairy. Bit of a lack of discipline, maybe it's just because i've been riding in other groups outside of the club so far this year.
In the end, it got a bit tiresome so as we hit the steps, I decided to go for it and was joined by Rob and a few others, who then decided to leave me on the top bit of the drag!
Got back on in time for the last 4 miles into Coulsdon and we had a nice train going on until we hit the traffic at the roundabout where police had closed the road.
Someone had attempted some acrobatics with a refuse lorry which was laying on it's side and blocking the overpass!
All in all, a mixed day. Felt good to get out but think i'll ride the 18s next time and push myself a bit harder. Was good to catch up with everyone. :D
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Andrew G » Sat May 01, 2010 5:12 pm

I went out with the 19s, a good group of experienced riders. Smooth and fluid and ne'er a problem on the way. I turned off at Partridge with Dombo as I wanted to get back fairly early, so just a brief ablution stop and chat with Joyce before back outside.

Met up with Mike who'd said at CSS he was going straight back too, and we were joined by Matt D, Dombo and a couple of others. Matt and I sent a good tempo up to the point the rain started falling, a few drops at first...and then the sky fell in! Matt and I clearly have a similar principle, if it gets grim go harder, as without a word we both simultaneously upped the pace and started driving it along.

Unfortunately Matt picked up a flat but said to carry on so I continued the towing on my tod. I think the two I don't know dropped off at a simliar point as when I next looked back they'd gone. Eventually rode out of the rain, and in to clear blue skies and bone dry roads, at the housing estate before the church climb. Dombo flagged a touch and dropped off but Mike was spinning his fixed beautifully today. Over the church climb and then through Merstham and down to find the flipped lorry, not sure how he managed that maybe it was just tired and wanted a lay down.

Ta ta to Mike at Coulsdon and then back home to stick my shoes in the airing cupbard to dry out by 12:15.

Fingers crossed for the weather not being too grim tomorrow for playtime in the woods with the rufty tufty bike.
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Mike I » Sat May 01, 2010 8:32 pm

"... shoes in the airing cupboard..." Yep, mine too.

[A different airing cupboard, though. In a different house. ]
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Roy Green » Sat May 01, 2010 8:59 pm

It’s usually tales of deering-do with the training group or other speedies on this Forum’s club-run accounts. So a few words about the club’s little-celebrated but so worthwhile Just For Fun group, with its pace suited to the slowest newcomers.
In charge of the JFFs, as nearly always, was ACC’s top Recruiting Officer, John Czernoby (sorry if the spelling’s wrong, John!). Beside myself were three other relative newbies. One guy had done the London Marathon last week in 2hr 54min, so he wasn’t likely to fade out.
John and I acted as sheepdogs for Julia, as the two men pushed on after Reigate Heath. Julia was gamely tackling the run on a very heavy steed, with very solid-looking frame, V-brakes, chunky tyres, well-sprung saddle and in trainers. From Gatton Steps onward, she found the slopes a real drag, perhaps not surprisingly, but gamely twiddled away on a granny gear. I thought my days of having enough puff to spare to lend a pushing hand were well behind me, but gave some assistance on the Gatton and Norwood Hill drags. Good for my ego, anyway. Nice of Julia to stand Pine Café beverages for John and I. :D On reflection, few of us would have found the club-run easy on that kind of bike, so bravo! She promised to be back (borrow a friend or young relative’s lighter bike, Julia!) :)
For the return, I joined a fair sized brisk paced (for me) group taking the outward lanes to Reigate route back. It was my turn to hanker for a helping hand as I tailed off on Norwood Hill, not to see them again until Coulsdon. Help came from Captain Monty, who’d left the café late. With some soft pedalling from M. as I slid back on the drags, but otherwise quite a fair pace kept, assisted by a helpful wind and shameless wheelsucking by me. There was a great gathering of well over 20 in Nonna Rosa’s.
So a ride decidedly of two halves for me, but greatly enjoyable, and really showing the Agreeable spirit to the full. :)
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby John the old'un » Sun May 02, 2010 9:30 am

[quote="Roy Green"]It’s usually tales of deering-do with the training group or other speedies on this Forum’s club-run accounts. So a few words about the club’s little-celebrated but so worthwhile Just For Fun group, with its pace suited to the slowest newcomers.

So a ride decidedly of two halves for me, but greatly enjoyable, and really showing the Agreeable spirit to the full. :)

Well done Roy. Great to read about the J4F group.
Miss it loads, but slightly making up for it here in sunny Greece with 25 degrees. It would be lovely except that the roads here are lethal. If you think London is dangerous forget about Athens. !!! Due back on the Isle of Wight next week and out on the bike again.
Best regards to everyone.
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Dombo » Sun May 02, 2010 12:54 pm

Good ride with the 19s today, although as usual my 2.6 mile "warmup" to CSS wasn't enough. The ride out to Reigate was uneventful, Nick up front with me sheltering in his wake, and we caught all the lights at green until the t junction where I caught up. Rotation was good although my timing was off so I caught the front on the long drag, sharing the load briefly with Dave K. I managed to gasp out a monosyllabic greeting before flagging and the pack went past. Great relief therefore when Andrew announced he'd peel off at Partridge for a short cut to the caff.
After a quick sarny to bring my egg consumption to three in as many hours, we set off for home; Andrew and Mike setting a cracking pace into a comedy downpour - probably the wettest I've ever been on a bike. The elastic finally snapped and I fell off the back, peeling off for home where Mrs Dombo had enjoyed perfect sunshine and wondered if I'd fallen into a pond.
As ever, great ride in great company.
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Phil H » Sun May 02, 2010 2:50 pm

I went with the Hartfield group. It started off nicely but we did experience British drivers, British customer service (note: you might want to visit the St. Ives Tea Rooms near Hartfield before it goes out of business - which wont be long) and finally British weather. Shivering along the A22 out of East Grinstead in a deluge with the cars sweeping by throwing sheets of water over you, it's not always easy to remember that we do this for fun.

Anyway, despite the weather and the issue with finding food, I enjoyed it at the end - especially the 40mph blast across Farthing Down back into Coulsdon. My Garmin shows 71 miles, 4,500 feet climbed and some interesting deviations in search of lunch. And Corridori did have the clip for the mudguard for my commuter/winter bike so the day turned out well.
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby Marcus » Tue May 04, 2010 9:09 am

Not sure of what the weather would do today so it was another outing for the tights who probably felt they wouldn't be out again for another 5 months.

Large turn out at CSS again this week and the 17's was probably 24 or 25 in numbers. This was split in two with Phil leading a group behind the Captain who lead the group I was in.

As fitness levels increase after the prolonged layoff over the extended winter some usual 17ers have moved up. As Dan has said there are still some who are too strong for the 17s.

I am not ashamed to say that I tried hiding at the back of our group of 12 or so and did not see who was doing most of the work up front. As is the norm when riding with the Captain everyone gets a turn in the front, the group is kept tight and together. We all made the turn together at Merstham for the 3 peaks and although I fell behind slightly here we all made it through the lights and did not need to stop at Reigate for a re-group.

A good pace was kept up at this stage and on the flats and downhills I'm fine :D

Averaging above 17 all the way up to Rusper cruising at approx. 20. At this sped some found the speed hard and at Rusper Damion turned off at Partridge whereas I saw the group disappear 200 metres ahead with Earl another 100 or so metres behind me.

Earl soon caught me up and we continued at a good pace until we met half the group who had taken a wrong turn and had turned around.

It seems the pace had taken off and the group was split again. Not sure of the full story here. Also Dan had a slow speed off damaging his wrist. All of this allowed Earl and I to get on the group and we had a good ride in a tight group to the Cafe led my iron man Nigel.

Big group on the way back for the reverse ride back led by Rob Q mostly. 1st time I and many others have done this and it was a very good pace ride. Shouts of easy on the front are expected when the group is 20 plus in numbers with various levels of fitness and ability.

I was enjoying it although I'm sure that many like myself didn't recognise where we were at times and what to expect next.

It wasnt long before we were back in Reigate. Shouts of all on were met with surprise by some and Teach Jon took the register (you can take the teacher out of the classroom but you cannot take the classroom out of the teacher) I think Jon found the pace sedate and automatically went into teacher mode although he didn't give anyone detention. The group stretced out here and over the Reigate steps even more.

The strong ones disapeared whilst some of us crawled over the steps. I found some renewed energy after encouragement from Tim and soloed through Merstham before being caught by Martin. We then had a rapid head down ride to the Cafe at Coulsdon where the coffee and hot chocolate where a flowing.

Great day, great riding, great company. See you next week exept for Serena, Lucy, Dan and some others who should be in the 18's at least.
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Re: Club Run 1/5/10

Postby mlocke » Wed May 05, 2010 9:03 am

19's for moi

Good ride down. Steady group of experienced riders Nick, The :mrgreen: DK etc.

Not much to report.

Won the sprint 8) If you could call it that as there appeared to be a lack of sprinters in our little posse

Ride back was somewhat quicker (or felt like it)

Shadow stormed past at one point and I killed myself to catch him.

I had a small rest at the church and snuck off before the group so that i could take it easy over merstham. Once at the top a group of three thundered past at 100 mph being led by Paul H. I latched on and got a nice, but infinately painful tow to the roundabout where the ride was slowed due to the overtunred lorry.

Nice latte in Nonna's thensome stupid sprinting game with Steve and Phil over the hill to Wallington

Cheers for the ride everyone, good to be back

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