Club run 6 June 2010

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Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Amy » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:56 pm

Well, I still went to Wisborough Green :D

Thought I'd turn up at CSS and see if anyone might be willing to come along... got there just before 9am to find plenty of newbees and just4funners waiting for the off. Did wonder if I should do the honourable thing and help Tim but :mrgreen: senior was on hand.

Pete was leading an alternative ride to Henfold Lakes which coincided with my route out as far as Dorking so I set off with them but parted with them at Elmore Pond as they were waiting for a slower rider. Turned off down White Hill and headed towards Box Hill where hoardes of cyclists seemed to coming out from with a steady stream riding up the Zig Zag to swell the numbers already at the top. But as I rode down into Dorking and up Leith Hill the numbers dwindled to only a few. Don't worry John I didn't ride up Leith Hill in the big chain ring - well not the bottom bit anyway :D

Went down Tanhurst Lane where a few brave souls were struggling up - though because the road is quite rough in places, it almost hurt as much hanging onto the brakes. I then followed the road signs to Cranleigh and on to Dunsfold, Plaistow and Kirdford. Just before Kirdford I saw a little owl - yes, that is what it's called - lovely little thing :D Also saw a few cyclists on my way, including 3 tourists laden down with panniers and rackpacks.

Followed my nose and ended up coming in to Wisborough Green from the opposite way which was kind of what I had intended - and a very nice lane it was too but then I hit the main road and followed that into the village itself. Checking the map back at home, I should've gone straight over and found another quiet little lane (one I think from the Spring Onion) but I was getting tired and didn't risk it.

The cafe was still there and I had a very welcome pot of tea with a sandwich. The waitress was very well-trained - obviously by the Over the Hill Gang - because she immediately offered to fill my water bottle when I went back inside to pay clutching it.

Set off back home and bumped into a cyclist who originally came from Sutton and rode with him for awhile until I got my bearings and knew exactly where I was going. Rode on to Bucks Green, Ellen's Green and Walliswood to ride up Weare Street, a lovely road in every season. One of the lads going the other way seemed to know me or think they knew me because he kind of pointed his finger in that way that says, I think I know you... either that or it was some strange code and I wasn't in the club :mrgreen:

I then kept myself going with the promise of an ice-cream at Capel which I duly did, sitting under the shade of some willows by the village pond. It was very welcome because I'd been feeling a little sick in the heat from Ellens Green to that point. Had a pigeon very interested in me and if I sat very still would come up within inches of me. Also incited some interest from a black labrador who came over to check if I had anything worth snaffling as soon as he was left off the lead :lol: (What do they say about labradors, eat anything no matter how disgusting?)

Headed off feeling a bit more revived and after that it was pretty much straight back though I was a bit worried by one car driver who I first saw parked on a bend, who as I passed carefully given the stupid place he'd stopped, put his hand out and waggled his finger round and round which was rather off-putting. He then started up and drove past me, staring at me and licking his lips. He did have passenger but it was still somewhat disconcerting... He then stopped in another daft place and seemed to expect me stop along side - just before a junction. He seemed to be waving a map but I pretended I hadn't seen it and kept on... Perhaps if he'd got out of the car and walked back to meet me with the map I might have stopped and helped him but he'd rather freaked me out and I was rather tired. Also he was right next to a cricket match with plenty of people to help him.

Otherwise pretty much a lovely ride, incident-free - not even a comment on my arse :lol:

Oh I forgot the idiot at CSS who reversed very fast at a couple of newbees I was talking to and when I pointed out that as cyclists, cars reversing fast at us to within a foot or less is just a tad worrying, he called me a silly cow or something similar. I waved and thanked him :roll:
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Amy » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:06 pm

oops forgot - 86 miles at about 15mph av (well raised it to 15mph after it was about 10mph at Elmore Pond)
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Marcus » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:52 pm

One of the lads going the other way seemed to know me or think they knew me because he kind of pointed his finger in that way that says, I think I know you... either that or it was some strange code and I wasn't in the club

It wasn't a strange code, if you hadpicked up on it you could have been in the club......I'm sure you know what I mean nudge nudge etc....

This was a good write up Amy. You were obviousley determined to go Wisborough Green or Pete's group smells.

Considering the high numbers now going on the club run it would be nice to have some more write ups.

I was at Herne Hill today watching small ones on mountain bikes and grown ups going round in circles on the track. Saw Geraldine from Kingston giving it her all over many many laps. They have a coach on hand on Saturdays and I will be having a go soon.
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:01 pm

Look, I was a teenager once. I spent loads of time in the bathroom getting ready for a night out. But taking hours getting ready for a morning out on the bike????!!!! Jesus wept! Help me!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

We were late :shock: and just manage to join the 17mphaitchers led by Phil as they left Couldson South.

Sam suffered all the way to Coulsdon South and for much of the ride to the cafe - he blames it on the weetabix - don't ask. We even stopped once to check out his bike things were going so badly! :( We dropped right off but fortunately caught the group on the steps.

Things were a bit ragged - just couldn't get this riding in pairs lark sorted out and as for a pointed or shouted warning - forget it - it just wasn't going to happen. :shock: :(

The group was now 20 strong so we decided to split into two lots of ten at Reigate common. Sure enough, depite Phil's best efforts to ensure an even split we ended up with a group of 12 and a group of 8 - is it that people just don't listen or are they just a bit stupid?? but anyway hey ho. Alan M took the 12 and we stayed with Phil and the 8 - Alan, Brian, Lindsay, Roy and one other whose name escapes me (is it Lorraine??).

A very strange ride down. Loads of horses disrupted the rythmn somewhat, people joined us and left us. 'Le Nick' caught and rode with us for a while and then slowed us down!!, we had three Redhill riders tag along, we passed a couple of groups who had stopped for a puncture, they then passed us and we lost Nick and Lindsay. In the end 6 of us arrived at the cafe - five of the original eight and one other. :shock:

the ride back was fun - Lindsay and Alan couldn't wait for me to put my gloves on and buggered off without us. Sam, me, Brian, and a first timer - James (a strong rider) formed a group and gave chase. I led the way and kept it at a easy 29/30 kph for the first part, then kicked it up to 33 kph on the lane we overhauled Alan and Linday and Sam then hit the front and took it up to 40 kph (it was the slice of breadpudding that did it) - everyone was hanging on for dear life but we more or less held together. :D :D :shock: :shock:

Sam won the KoM over the golf course as I had to stop for a phone call (car MOT, curses!!!) - James was the only one that could stay 'close' to Sam. Regrouped at the church all feeling rather pleased with ourselves having averaged 32 kph on the home leg! Great fun - thanks everyone. see you next week. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Amy » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:14 pm

Oooh I also hitched a tow on a fixie/courier type along the road to the top of Pebble Coombe.

I turned just in front of this rider who then promptly went past me. I did think for a few minutes that I wouldn't bother hiking up the tempo and sitting on his wheel but then I thought, why the hell not... and caught him up over the 10-15 yards gap and just sat on his wheel until I turned right for Box Hill.

I did think about staying on the road down Pebble just to see how the fixie negotiated going down that hill :shock:

He didn't realise I'd sat on his wheel until I turned (and he had his ipod in - will never understand that...) but he gave me a cheery wave when he realised and I thanked him for the tow :D

Jon, I have no idea - how about leaving Sam behind? He might start getting the message :lol:
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:25 pm

Great report Amy, sounds like a belting ride. Shame it was mainly solo with no fellow Addiscombe to join you, perhaps the Dragon took away some of the likely takers.

Pebble descent on fixed is not fun, I've done it once on 72" and had to spin like a mad man and use the brake a fair bit.

Make sure Same has 3 weetabix Jon, he's got a new jersey to grow in to :D .
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:56 pm


Jon, I have no idea - how about leaving Sam behind? He might start getting the message :lol:

Nor me, Amy. I've thought about it and threatened enough times. He gets up early enough, is really keen, but just has no sense of urgency. cattle prod, maybe?? :lol:
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:00 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]
Make sure Same has 3 weetabix Jon, he's got a new jersey to grow in to :D .

He had three - he never stops eating - where does he put it all??? :lol: It's just he doesn't normally have weetabix for breakfast - so that explains his lack of form early on in the ride - energy release too slow should have had his usual cornflakes. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Roy Green » Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:22 pm

Continuing on from Jon CC’s report, as I was in his smaller sub-group …
Yes, the other lady was Lorraine, Kate’s mum. There are a few of these parent/offspring groups in ACC — nice thing.
I clipped off early to Charlwood, fancying a queue-less drink and an early return. Joined the real Seniors’ table there: President Joyce (happily recovering from a summer flu attack); Legend Jim (84 next month, and still there on a bike); Keith and Madame Butler, also on bikes, and self. Good feeling for me to be the youngest (I think) in an ACC gathering!
Left sharpish, along with Lorraine for most Agreeable riding company. We expected to be swamped well before Coulsdon by speedy persons. But we stayed ahead, through some effective joint pacing. Tried out some of Angelo’s really genuine Italian ice cream at Nonna’s. It goes so well with the gorgeous hot and near-still weather on this perfect clubrun day. Keep it coming!
Roy :mrgreen:
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:03 pm

Some of the most enjoyable, and funnny CR write ups for a while, good work
Snoop Doug

Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Elliot M » Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:43 am

Great to be out on a CR in the sun, having finally got rid of string of colds, throast and ear Charlwood with the 17s, a bit of revision of some of the basics wouldn't have gone amiss there as John says.

Anyway wanted to put a few extra miles in so over to Box Hill with a good steady group (led by two triathlete couples whose names I forget), back home for 70 miles total which was probably overdoing it a bit at current fitness levels.

Then went out for some beers and not enough food, consequently hit the wall in a major way on Sunday morning's ride - about 15 miles of flat towpath with partner :shock:

When I started getting overtaken by toddlers, I called for emergency riverside pub stop - polished off steak and chips in about 5 mins and was able to continue...
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Bridget » Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:32 pm

[quote="Elliot M"]over to Box Hill with a good steady group (led by two triathlete couples whose names I forget)

Hmm, depending on your perspective - I didn't find it steady! :oops: Kate and Ed; Beckie and Matt(?)
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Re: Club run 6 June 2010

Postby Elliot M » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:18 pm

i suppose i meant even, rather than relaxed pace... anyway all good training! :wink:

names sound right to me
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