by Rob » Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:24 pm
a story
me and tim ventured out, down to couldson, over farthing downs, up whytleafe, straight across caterham, and up succombs.....although, i didnt actually make it up.
This is the first time ever, i havent been able to ride up an incline!!!
if any of you know succombs, youll know that at the top, it gets very steep, and bends left.....well, i entered this section, and my brute force(yeah right) snapped my dura ace chain(only like 4 months old)
so i free wheeled down, and held onto tims seat post as he towed me back to butlers for emergency assistance.
was quite funny, every so often i would have to imagine, im in the most aero position ever, freewheeling, at like 5 miles an hour!
i went past this cafe, and it was full of builders, as i went past they were mid way to eating their egg sarnies, and just staring at me, like wtf is that weirdo doing! stupid spandex wearing queer! HAHAHA.......was a very moment!!! guess you had to be there!
and its still so coldddddd