Maybe I'm just used to it but I don't get leered and letched at too much (get more of that in the club that I notice...) and yes, I get idiots who cut me up with the stupidity of their driving.
In fact the last driver who leered at my @rse (that I know of) told me what a nice one it was
Like Lucy, I ride quite defensively and make sure I own my bit of the road (most of the time) - most people actually dont want to kill cyclists no matter how much they appear to hate them and making sure there isn't enough room for drivers not to squeeze by at certain places normally works - if it doesn't it means I haven't moved out enough and they're even stupider than normal. Eye contact is vital - sorry, looking at the driver is vital but it's amazing how some will look anywhere but at you...
As for getting number plates etc, well good luck, especially when you're on your own. However I do know of at least one occasion when the Midweek Wayfarers reported one particular driver that they had got the details for and the police said 'thank you very much, we've been wanting something on him for ages'. One time I managed to get to speak to a driver who'd decided I needed a shave and ask him to give cyclists a bit more room next time he overtook them, all I got was 'you had plenty of room' - as I could see the car practically under my arm pit I was somewhat gobsmacked at the twerp's response and then the lights changed.
Not much use again - though like Phil's 'friend' I try to make it clear what I think of them (one of these days I'm sure it'll get me in trouble but I don't think they even notice - I'm not even sure at times if they've even seen me...)