Gym Membership

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Gym Membership

Postby David Lombari » Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:43 pm

Unaccustomed as I am to doing more work than is absolutely neccessary, I've decided to push myself a bit more and join a gym.

I've found one on the Wandsworth Road, The Southbank Club, £39 for everything including spinning and pilates classes.

Looks real nice. Anyone out there a member?
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Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:08 am

Nice one Dave, you've flushed me out (kind of)! It's waaaay too cold for a softie like me to be out on the bike but I too have recently joined (and go to) a gym. Decided that I fancy another crack at Ventoux later in the year, a proper go this time, none of your 2.5 hours twiddling.

I'm not a member at the plate spinning place to which you refer although with that kind of entertainment laid on I wish I'd known about it. I've joined a place in Wallyville - decided that it needed to be as close to home as poss otherwise I wouldn't go.

Price wise - I pay £69.50 per month for a joint peak time membership includes all the regular classes they run, free creche (well you know how I like cuddling my teddy bear), sauna. The place is well kitted out, although no spinning machines. Too far from yours I guess but - for what it's worth - I reckon the cost you mentioned sounds pretty reasonable.

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Postby David Lombari » Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:29 am

Morning Doug, How?s it going?

When you say ?none of your 2.5 hours twiddling?, don?t you mean none of YOUR 2.5 hours twiddling??

Only joking??or am I?!

Just finished reading ?Push Yourself a Little Bit More? by Johnny Green, the Clash?s tour manager. Let me know if you want to borrow it.
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Postby Jon H » Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:10 pm

Dave, I go to the gym at Beckenham Spa. They have spinning classes, but I don't know about Pilates. You don't have to sign up for membership, you can just turn up and pay for each session, although you do have to do a gym induction first which is £20. Alternatively you can pay for full membership which is £40 per month all in. Google on "Bromley Mytime" to find the website.
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Postby ninder » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:47 pm

I have used the South Bank gym as it's just around the corner from us. I was a member for a while (but am now Fitness First as it's nearer work and I can use any FF gym). But while I was at SouthBank I rather enjoyed it - good facilities, music, classes and they gave me a work-out programme. I did the Sunday night yoga for a while too.

My bro-in law plays squash there regularly and is in the league. He has met some good people through the gym and sometimes goes down there to watch sport events on tv in the cafe/bar area with like-minded souls. So it's recommended by us locals - and it has an indoor secure lock-up for bikes which is great.

Drop by to see us after your work-out - you know where we are - Ajay'll be on the turbo and I'll be eating doughnuts as training for the tandem...
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Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:56 pm

Dave - it's mostly going backwards mate.

I have spoken with my lawyers and they have advised me to state that you are of course correct in reference to my hours rather than yours.

Johnny Green rocks - I'd love a borrow of yer book. I'm reading Margrave of the Marshes - swap when I'm finished?

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Postby David Lombari » Thu Jan 26, 2006 3:52 pm

Thanks for your input y'all. I was v.impressed by the personal service(!) given by Southbank and the amenities, including a secure cycle store inside the building. I'll be able to use it on the way home from work, so hope to use it quite regularly.
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