Sat 25th Club Run Feedback

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Sat 25th Club Run Feedback

Postby Alex P » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:32 am

What turned out to be the first day of spring (or rather morning before it started tipping it down later in the afternoon) we had an excellent turnout at Coulsdon South Station as everybody sensed that it was going to be good weather. I as per usual completely mis-judged the weather and got the clothing choice wrong coming out in full winter gear so I sweated off a few extra pounds on the run (I must start reading those weather forecasts).

At least 70 people rode out from CSS in four groups and it was great to see so many new faces (7+) from the previous two weeks runs here again. We also had the General Secretary (Tamar) and Road Race Secretary (Paul) on a tandem. 8)

One thing that we are going to concentrate over the next few weeks and onward is to try to keep the group sizes down and do what we say on the 'tin' i.e. steady 18mph is 18mph. This improves safety and also gives people confidence to move up and try the next group up without getting disillusioned after being dropped when the pace picks up to 20mph+. We try to cater for all abilities (15mph to 20mph+) and to help we do need volunteers to lead the groups out or help the leader to keep the pace steady, so don't be afraid and help out.

Renate at the cafe at Charlwood had decided to take the Saturday off and left control to an unsuspecting friend who took the brunt of the full force of the largest club run so far this year. :twisted: We managed to frighten off any non cyclists in the cafe very quickly as we took over, bringing in the chairs from outside to cope with the demand, the atmosphere was fantastic but very load (nobody did claim the bacon sandwich on thin)

Monty took the opportunity to take the stage and made some announcements and introduce key members of the club who were there at the cafe and there were a few of them....

Club General Secretary (Tamar),
Club Captain (Monty),
Road Race Secretary (Paul),
Woman's Race Secretary (Maria) ,
Club Treasurer (Phil)
MTB Secretary (Sylvain),
Social Secretary (Keith)
7 Vice Captain's. (Me, Amy, Ian, Jo, Grahame, Tim, Phil)

In addition we had the youngest and the oldest riding club members there.

(Apologies if I have got any names or titles wrong, I've a terrible memory) :oops:

Out of the cafe the run split into two, Box Hill and usual route, I managed to tag onto the tandem on the way up Merstham Hill - well recommended, it was the fastest I had done it to the top.

This was a classic club run and hopefully everybody else had a good run too..

Top banana!!!
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:45 pm

Agree with your "says on the tin" comment. I was in the faster/steadier 17 group and promptly had my legs ripped off at the start (someone said we nearly caught the 18s at Reigate :!: Don't know if this is true as I was seeing stars at this point). Was thinking of dropping back but dug in and the pace levelled off after the top of the hill (still don't know the name) and I recovered on the flatter roads. I still bailed off early down Partridge with a couple of others to get to the tea first.

Managed to tag on to the front group leaving the cafe and got towed all the way to South Croydon by an Ajay led train. Judging by Saturday he'll fly up those Bergs next week. Thanks to this wheel sucking I got home with a new record on my computer covering the 50+miles with exactly 17.0 average, although I did nearly die climbing up to Selsdon lights trying to maintain this. I must finally be getting fitter.

You're right about the tandem Alex, I managed to tag on last week coming back through Coulsdon and Croydon - freewheeled half the way :D

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Postby Grahame » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:15 pm

I agree Andrew. The first 17mph group took off too fast away from CSS. It took a little while to get everything under control, which was why I made a move up to the front of the group between the traffic lights and the motorway junction. I'm glad you felt more comfortable after the "triple climb" when we seemed to get everything more under control.

Now, the next things I want to work on with that group is getting the start of the sprint delayed until after the last corner. This may require volunteers to work with me to set up a "train" to lead it out and pre-empt any attempts at a premature charge. I also want to get the group more consistent with calling out holes and cars, especially from the front.

Ajay-led train? He seemed to be tucked in behind Ian and I for most of the way back. :wink:
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Club run

Postby Paul on the Pearson » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:43 pm

It was good to be back in the saddle. First time out on the club run and only second time on the bike in about three months. Not wanting to blow a gasket or be unceromoniuosly dropped even before we left CS carpark! decided to go out with the more sedate 17 group and more or less managed to keep up. The principles of through and off were not entirely grasped by all in the peloton and things got a little confused at the front untill Tim pulled every one over and explained the finer points of said manouver.
Great atmosphere in the cafe but in a moment of madness and being the sort thats easily led and prone to get in with the wrong crowd joined the group for Box Hill which in my present state of fitness was, to say the least a little over ambituos. We speed along at a fair old lick and I soon found myself off the back, but not to be beaten persevered and rode at my own pace......... about 11 mph and flew up Box hill at a gazele like 7 mph.
Got home, fell asleep, woke up and couldnt move as my legs had seized up, which meant I had an excuse for not doing the shopping.
see you all Saturday
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Postby Ian A4size » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:43 pm

Quite right indeed Grahame, I think it was a zero calorie ride for Ajay on the way home :wink:
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Postby sylv » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:06 pm

I left home very late and rode to Coulsdon (short route, just under 40km I think) on my own. Bloody hell it was windy "at the front"! I was huffing and puffing and though trying not to push too hard my average heartbeat to Charlwood was over 155. Recomposed a bit in the caf then seeing as what seemed like more than half of the group was going back via Box Hill I went that way too.

The race up the hill went like this: Kevin, though not having ridden for ages went off first in his "legs like pistons" style, overtaking a guy on a serious tt bike with a full rear wheel. I kept in his wheel for a bit then the climb got the better of his legs and it was me in front and someone else in my wheel (didn't want to know who). After the second hairpin and into the wind, I started increasing the speed a bit, nevertheless that someone, who I found out when he swiftly overtook me, was Kieran on his 8-speed beater. He just flew away and past tt-guy who had passed us previously, I just couldn't do anything and watched in awe as he dissapeared past the final corkscrew, gaining at least 20 secs in the last 1/2 mile.

Then we had a super-fast, tailwind-assisted, ride home. Aodan who has signed for the Grand Fondo was in the front group, so was Yohan who looked similarly fast, and kept launching mini-sprints. Kieran proved he's not only diabolically fast uphill but on the flats too, when he just left the front group for dead, even though we were pretty much at full blast.

I'll try not chicken out of Eastway racing next weekend ...

Postby Elliot M » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:00 pm

Well I stepped up to Ian's 18mph group for the first time on Sat. We seemed to have some issues keeping it steady, instead oscillating between 15 and 20mph on the flat but I think just about got it sorted by Charlwood - one to build on I guess. Definitely wearing too many layers I seemed to boil every time we went upwards. Respect due to the chap on the sky blue fixed wheel whose name I forget.

As per usual I seemed to find myself right at the front on the critical corner (I know some tactical wizards like Ajay know exactly what position to take in the pack when rolling out of CSS car park to avoid this).

Sitting outside the cafe noticed some top quality new bikes and got a major attack of jealousy over Kevin's curvy Gerolsteiner edition Spesh Tarmac, and that custom ti Seven that new chap has.

Thought I should get the extra miles in and went off to Box Hill at a good pace. Unfortunately a hit the wall on the first climb -- should have had an extra round of toast at the cafe -- and crawled up like a snail. By the time I'd got round the first corner I think most were out of sight round the next.

We fragmented into a few groups on the way back and after suffering at the back of Sylvain's group (see above) was pleased to bump into Phil Nash and Peter Munden at that big roundabout. So much so I didn't realise they were heading for Banstead rather than Coulsdon for a few incredibly fast miles on a very straight gently descending dual carriageway.

Peter pointed me back in the right direction OK but I got a nasty cramp climbing Grange Road up from Thorton Heath to Crystal Palace which saw me walking in fear of making it worse.

I made it 68.5 miles and probably the furthest I've done in a day so far..
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Postby Andrew G » Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:52 pm

[quote]Ajay led train.

I'm sure Ajay was at the front post Merstham drag through Coulsdon and S Croydon. Maybe I was still seeing stars.

[quote]This may require volunteers to work with me to set up a "train" to lead it out

Legs permitting I'll do my bit (n' bit).
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Postby Ian A4size » Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:20 pm

You are dead right Elliot, the speed fluctuated all the time- this was poss due to the fact that the ride was hijacked by quite a few riders who rode onto our tails when we left CSS, when i lead out we were only a group of about 12! When i got to the back of the inside line there must have been25!A "working" group i said, before we left-" thru and off and rotating" all we got was surge and brake :cry:, i guess by not doing the thru and off down the dual carraige way people have developed bad habits- or perhaps some of the riders have never done it.
Still it can only get better.
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Postby Yohan » Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:05 pm

..have to say I was glad to be back out on the CR after a few weeks away, and what amazing!
I went out with the 19's group, which started off at a nice moderate pace, which quickly picked up when Paul and Tamar started streatching thier legs on the front with the tamdem...few tried, me, Dave Lombari and others...but all we could do is watch as the Tamdem 'sonic' shuttle hurtled off in a single breakaway only to be seen again at Reigate.
This time between myself, Aoden, Dave L we managed to hang on to the wheel...and even do a a bit of work at the front!

We hit the dual carrigeway for thru an off, and the pace was amazing with a tail wind, I heard Tamar say we hit 33mph along the way.....we also seemed to have dropped most of the we were now down to 5.

Its the hardest I've worked just to stay on someones wheel, but i managed to keep with the tamdem till the sprint, and I dont know where it came from, but slipping out from Paul & Tamar's draft I pipped them by half a wheel for victory......I was in pieces!

The ride back was good, with a nice pace, which turned into Comp mode as various attacks were made by Slyv, myself, Aoden, anther rider (sorry dont know your name), and kieran who left us all as we raced thru chipstead into Coulson.....on the whole another fab ride..

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Postby Matt Robbins » Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:12 am

...Just to add to Yohan's post (were you on the Bianchi Yohan?) the three newbies in the 19 group were myself, Ming (on the beautiful ti seven) and he took that corner at 22mph on his 'gents racer' i'll never know...

I think it's fair to say we all had an absolute blast on the ride out to Charlwood...The speed on the dual carridgeway was something else and I just about hung on until we turned off on to the lane back into Charlwood where Yohan, Aoden and the Tandem's pace were just to hot...

Thankfuly the cafe was in sight and somewhat unsuprisingly us newbies all opted for the short route home...although I don't believe Andrew was suffering at all as at the first opportunity his was flying man!

Another great club run...lovely bunch of people...can't wait for the next one!
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Postby Yohan » Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:00 am

Hi Matt
yes that was me on the multi-cloured Bianchi :)

Glad to know you Andrew and Ming are enjoying the rides, you all looked very strong....look forward to seeing you on the next one.

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Postby Tamar Collis » Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:28 am

That sprint of yours was so impressive Yohan. I knew you were gonna go for it and had my eye on you...but there was nothing left in the tandem tank. :(

I am always so jealous of you guys being able to go that fast on your own.

I love riding the tandem. Watching the ground zip by at speed is exhilerating and Paul corners with total confidence and finesse. It is harder to corner a tandem that a single bike but Paul's taken me round roundabouts in time trials and we haven't dropped below 27mph.
What a buzz!

We'd been aiming for 19mph average...and sure enough that's what the clock said on arrival at Charlwood....but afterwards I discovered that it had only been 16mph avg at Coulsdon so we must have actually been averaging a touch faster.

Hope you all enjoyed the fast pacing up the dual carriageway. With a bit of practice we should get it smooth enough so that we don't drop you and you can get some good hard paced work done.
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Postby Toks » Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:10 pm

[quote]The race up the hill went like this: Kevin, though not having ridden for ages went off first in his "legs like pistons" style, overtaking a guy on a serious tt bike with a full rear wheel. I kept in his wheel for a bit then the climb got the better of his legs and it was me in front and someone else in my wheel (didn't want to know who). After the second hairpin and into the wind, I started increasing the speed a bit, nevertheless that someone, who I found out when he swiftly overtook me, was Kieran on his 8-speed beater. He just flew away and past tt-guy who had passed us previously, I just couldn't do anything and watched in awe as he dissapeared past the final corkscrew, gaining at least 20 secs in the last 1/2 mile.
[quote]That sprint of yours was so impressive Yohan. I knew you were gonna go for it and had my eye on you...but there was nothing left in the tandem tank.
Hey sounds like these two boys are flying! Hey a great reports from everyone I can't wait to go on a club run again. :)
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Postby kieran » Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:51 am

Well, it was a good ride, as usual I left late so I missed the tandem train and ended up doing most of the outward route on my own. When I reached the cafe, standing room only, I couldn't believe the crowd, as we left I got talking to some kids on dirt jumpers, who were stunned by the amount of us leaving the cafe. I think the cafe should apply for a tardis extension! The ride back through box hill was set at a good pace by Sylv & co, with Yohan sprinting off the front a number of times. The only reason I went up box hil so well was because I was determined not to let the TT guy get past (and Sylv had done alot of work on the front earlier) but, alas, he passed me just before the cafe and continued on his merry way (at least he waved!), whereas I pulled in panting like a deranged dog in a desert. Sadly I won't be doing rides like that for a few weeks as my wheels (worn rims), chainring (teeth like shark fins) and chain need replacing, so just left with my old rigid MTB or track bike.
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