Vote for new Eastway site

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Vote for new Eastway site

Postby ajay khandelwal » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:30 pm

I got this email from Daniel Berry who I rode the Flanders and Etape with.

He says this view is backed by our very own Paul T.

I am sure you are aware of the issue over the proposed relocation of Eastway (especially Ajay through the efforts of Paul in the Addiscombe) so this is just a plea to please respond to the consultation and vote for Hog Hill before the deadline of 3 May - it is the only reasonable alternative for all sorts of reasons. The more people that turn out for Hog Hill, the harder it will be for the LDA and BC to foist the terrible Rammey Marsh site on us (although not still impossible, sadly).

Please nag all your cyclist friends and clubmates to do the same and copy to whoever. Thanks.

To register, e-mail with name and address or telephone 020 7954 4500.

All the best

ajay khandelwal
lives on this board 24/7!!!
Posts: 365
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2002 4:20 pm

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