muscle cramps

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muscle cramps

Postby Alan M » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:06 pm

I quick internet search helpfully (or not) revealed the following. The last one is not to be recommended to those of you with hot dates but pinching yourself on the upper lip may be a possibility. Any more remedies?

What to do What should you do if you get a cramp? Popular remedies include massage, stretching, acupressure (relaxing the affected muscle by applying pressure to it), and giving yourself a hard pinch squarely on the upper lip. What about nutritional remedies? Previous theories have suggested cramping is related to fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance. These theories do not always hold true. (For example, musicians, who do not get sweaty, often complain of muscle cramps.) Yet, if you are plagued by cramps, you should at least rule out any possible factor that might contribute to getting them. Here are a few food tips to help you rule out theoretical nutritional causes.

Theory #1. Lack of water. Cramps often occur when an athlete is dehydrated. (But even athletes who are well hydrated get cramps.) To reduce the risk of dehydration-associated cramps, simply drink more than enough fluids before, during, and after you exercise. On a daily basis, drink enough fluids so you have to urinate every two to four hours. Your urine should be light colored and copious. During extended exercise, drink as much as tolerated, optimally 8 ounces every 15-20 minutes.

Theory #2. Lack of calcium. Calcium plays an essential role in muscle contractions. Anecdotal stories suggest that athletes who eliminate calcium-rich dairy products can become plagued by muscle cramps. For example, a ballet dancer who added yogurt and skim milk back into her diet reports her cramps disappeared. A mountaineer resolved his muscle cramps by taking calcium-rich Tums. Exercise scientists question the validity of these anecdotes, believing a calcium imbalance is unlikely to be the cause of muscle cramps. After all, the bones are a calcium reservoir and can supply the body what's needed for proper muscle contractions. Never-the-less, to rule-out any possible link between a calcium-poor diet and muscle cramps, I recommend that athletes plagued by cramps consume calcium-rich foods at least twice a day, such as low fat milk on cereal and a yogurt for a snack. This good nutritional practice certainly won't hurt them, and may possibly help.

Theory #3. Lack of sodium. Many health-conscious athletes restrict their salt intake on a daily basis, believing this will help prevent blood pressure problems. However, if these athletes are losing a significant amount of sodium through sweat, they may be putting themselves at risk for developing a sodium imbalance that could contribute to cramps. This situation is most likely to occur in extreme sports such as an Ironman triathlon or 100-mile trail run, particularly if the athletes have consumed only plain water during the event, no sodium-containing food or beverage.

Theory #4. Lack of potassium. Athletes who sweat heavily may lose some potassium, but they are unlikely to become potassium depleted. And if they did, the whole body would be affected--not just one muscle. Never-the-less, eating more potassium-rich fruits and vegetables will hurt no one.

Theory #5. Lack of pickle juice. Some football players and athletic trainers swear two ounces of pickle juice taken ten minutes before exercise prevents cramps. The reasons are unknown and untested, but there's no harm in trying...! The above suggestions are only suggestions, not proven solutions. But you might want to experiment with these dietary tips if you repeatedly suffer from muscle cramps. Adding extra fluids, low fat dairy products, a sprinkling of salt, extra fruits and vegetables, and even some pickle juice certainly won't harm you and may possibly resolve the worrisome problem. I also recommend you consult with a physical therapist, athletic trainer or coach regarding proper stretching and training techniques. Nutrition may play no role at all.
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Postby Elliot M » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:28 pm

Quinine (in tonic water) is another one many people swear by.
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Postby richv » Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:29 am

I'm sure it's the gin that is most helpful :lol:
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Postby Maria David » Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:12 pm

Personally, I've found that problems like muscle cramps etc can be caused by under-hydration, but more importantly by lack of the right (combination of) electrolytes. An electrolyte drink is even better for you than a plain old energy drink. (Check out the Science in Sport range.)
And beware, water is not always the solution (pardon the pun) - if you're suffering from from lack of sodium (hyponatraemia), which can happen on hot sunny days, water will exacerbate the problem.
Then also beware of bananas - high potassium content will suppress sodium even more.

Unfortunately, if you haven't got the devices to measure your electrolyte balance try caffeine with sodium. (Quinnine's not bad either.) These stave off cramps and will give you a zip (provided you don't get affected by their diuretic effects). So after all that science, the old coca cola with crisps is probably your best solution.
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