Club Run Today

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Club Run Today

Postby Marek » Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:44 pm

Good fun club run today. I cycled up from EG and met the fast group at the Feathers as they came storming by. There were about ten or so in the group which was pretty good for the fast group.

As ever the pace hotted up on the hill towards Reigate with Ajay almost threatening to lead us out and then thinking better of it retreated, not sure where to though. :?:

Paul H set a blistering pace up Reigate Hill and I could not hold his wheel and he got a good gap by the top. When we regrouped after Reigate we still had our whole group and we set off for the rest of the run.

Out towards Rusper the pace hotted up again through the trees before the short club run turn off, think this caused some damage behind and we lost a few riders. Think a couple may have decided to take the short route.

Mr Lombari set a great pace to lead us up to the hill just before the gathering point before the dual carriageway, once onto the hill Paul H took the lead and then I could not resist taking a flyer, I really like that hill and it gave me an opportunity to get my own back for Reigate hill :twisted: .

Onto the dual carriageway and we had a good steady through and off for almost the whole distance. A few occasions where the pace was maybe a bit too quick especially on the hill up to the traffic lights ouch.

We then had a bit of through and off on the run towards Charlwood and then it was a game of cat and mouse as ever. One of the Irish wonders did a great turn on the front and then on the last corner I decided to go for a long sprint.

I hammered it home and managed to keep Paul H and Yohan just about at bay, according to Paul, Yohan was on my wheel went to come around but then the wind hit him and he went backwards. Better luck next time. :twisted:

I had to get back quick after the cafe so took the main roads back to EG.

Cheers for the blast guys.

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Postby Yohan » Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:35 pm

...I found today in the saddle particualry hard...not sure why, maybe the hot weather...maybe too many beers in front of the world cup?

I got dropped from the fast group just after the short CR turn off, an was thankful to meet up again by the DC.....almost got dropped from the DC...but was saved by the traffic lights..managed to sit in a get ma breath back on the charlwood home stretch, sitting at the back does have its benefits as i felt relatively fresh in the sprint build up.....took Marek's invite for a lead out, and for a nano-second thought i could come around him....was jus too much, an with this effort almost piled into Paul H who was sitting right behind me sorry mate :) ...well done Marek on ur sprint.......if only Poland could have had the same spirit they may have been heading for munich :wink:

clock up 21.7mph by the not a bad mornings work.

Have a good week folks

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Postby David Lombari » Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:04 am

Despite the legs feeling weak and having to kick myself out the door, the clubrun was great fun. Decided to go out with Ajay's group and enjoyed a real quick ride to the cafe.

Came back via Box Hill which seemed a bit easier this week too. Must ask though why we alway's stop at the car park rather than further round the corner at the viewing point? I know some people have to use the facilities but the viewing point would be a much more enjoyable place to cool down for 10 mins or so.

The pace was quick on the way home too and got home with 76 miles on the clock at 20mph average for the whole ride, including the south London traffic. Warmed down yesterday with a 15 mile run.


ps I hope the 'Lotto' guy that hit the Merc outside Butlers got everything sorted. I hung around until the situation seemed calm (the Merc actually chased the rider to the traffic lights and jumped them in order to have a go!).
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Postby Alex P » Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:39 pm

At the other end of the scale of the Club Run spectrum us in the 17's had a very brisk and pleasent run to the cafe. I even tried a different tactic to see if I could beat Nick in the sprint but you can't get away from the fact that you need stamina and strength both of which I need serious training in (about a years worth will do). However my real drama unfolded and the return trip coming into Reigate.

There I was minding my own business just past the roundabout at Reigate when a car at a side junction sort of pulls out a couple of feet and stops giving the impression that he had seen us and thought better of it (there were a few of us) and then POW! he just pulls out. :shock:

I had nowhere to go, panic braking and evasive manoeuvres prevented the full over the bonnet scenario, I glanced off the rear door, lost my balance and managed a MTB roll (I know now the reason I used to fall off so much before to practice for the real emergency) with my left buttock taking the impact.

In real World Cup style I arranged myself in the most referee sympathetic position - spreadeagled in the middle of the road and not moving with a low groan slipping from my lips, much to the consternation of my fellow riders who turned with "s@@t this looks serious", "something must be broken", "don't move", "ambulance?".

I could also hear others remonstrating with the driver - "I didn't see you", "are you blind there were five of us", "sorry", "sorry... you could have killed him".

Anyway a big thanks for everybody who stopped and helped, got the drivers details and the witness details. I have a graze about the size of a dinner plate on my buttock but thankfully it didn't damage my ACC shorts so they live to fight another day, but my new carbon time pedals are scratched - a job for BC insurance man.

To cap it all I as cruising back through Coulsdon with Amy, a woman more intent on crossing the road than checking whether anything was coming, stepped right in front of Amy knocking her off - luckily she was alrightish (Amy that is), the pedestrian was lucky we were not a car!!

All in all it seems to be one of those weekends with Paul Tunnel and Tony Kelly getting injured too.

(Remember be careful out there, it's a jungle :)
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Postby kieran » Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:25 am

My first club run in ages, and it was very good! We had what I think of as perfect cycling weather. I actually managed to get to Coulsdon st. before everyone had gone and thanks to Monty for letting me know the training group had just gone, managed to catch them at a red light not too far away. A good pace was set (thanks Paul and Marek) and had a nice through and off on the dual carriage-way. I did the pull up to the Charlwood sign, wondering why no-one was coming through to take their turn when suddenly about 5 of them over took me in the race for the sign, wish I could say that I gave chase and contested the sprint but not this time. A nice 1/2 hour in the shade in the cafe followed, then the journey home over box hill where I kept in touch with Aodan and Paul. The final distance for me was 75 miles at just over 20mph average so a good day and kinda made up for not doing the dragon ride (and saved me money!).
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