All members - Questionaire for CW

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Re: All members - Questionaire for CW

Postby Toks » Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:53 pm

Can you help me out with a brief questionaire for CWs winter Health and Fitness magazine?

It's all about winter riding.

Most concise and interesting answers will run in the magazine with a picture of you (which we'll sort out later - it should also provide valuable info for ACC members to use. Don't feel like you have to answer all 10 - just the ones you've got some opinion on. Copy the questions you want, answer them and post on this thread

Thanks in anticipation - Huw

Question 1
"What do you enjoy most and look forward to about winter riding?"

Not killing-yourself-in training-because-there's-no-racing-for-a-few-months!

Question 2
"what are your tips for handling wet, cold and miserable riding conditions?" If last seasons anything to go by - staying indoors riding the turbo or even going to spinning classes. If not, wrap up warm: bib shorts, gloves, base layers, booties, cap under helmet and long sleeve jerseysQuestion 3
"Do you ride all year round? If so how do you stay motivated?

Yeah! Simply trying to find out if its possible to get a little bit fitter each year by continually training is enough. Also staying in touch with the cycling world via magazines and various cycling forums keeps me pumped up through out the winter
Question 4
"Do you have a designated winter bike or do use the same bike all year round? Nope, same one all year round. Might get a fixie this year though

Question 5
"Do you pay special attention to cleaning and maintaining your bike in winter or do you just let it get worse and worse until spring? Nope I'm rubbish at it. However if it is particularly dirty I will give it a good cleanQuestion 6
"What are your favourite pre big-ride breakfasts?"
Quaker oats, honey and banana.

Question 7
"Do you make a conscious effort to either buy british or eat seasonal foods? If so why and do you think it improves your diet and health? " You're Joking. I eat the good bad and ugly:kebabs, Pizza, Macdonalds, crisps, chocolate, sweets, Pasta, chicken, rice, Thai food, Indian food some vegetables but very little fruit. What you eat clearly has an effect on what your health and fitness but I'm not really that concerned about it - obviously?

Question 8
"In the winter do you do any other sports or go to the gym to make a change from cycling?" I watch lots of football, can't play anymore - its too painful on my lovely tender joints. :D

Question 9
"Are you planning a spring training camp? Why do you go? Is it for the sun, the miles or just as a holiday?" Nah! I like to keep my training terrain/climate-specific. Train on/in conditions (terrain) you plan to race in.

Question 10:
" Do you really struggle in the winter months with motivation, sleepiness or lethargy. Are you 'solar powered'? Does winter really get you down and if so what solutions work for you?"[/quote]Not really know!
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