Clubrun 8th September

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Clubrun 8th September

Postby huw williams » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:22 pm

A mere 65 out today.

There were a couple of important TTs on fetauring ACC members which explains this pathetically low turnout :-) :-) :-)

24° was forecast (they got that wrong by about 23°) - it was cold, especially leaving the cafe.

Anyway - the training group was predictably a madhouse with Paul H tapping out a steady 25mph up the hill out of Coulsdon. The Merckx man was still high on his Belgian adventure so every time Paul showed a sniff of slowing down he'd come through and raise the pace back up to acceptable levels.

I showed my hand on the front through Merstham but Merckx ripped our legs off up Gatton so I wasn't stupid (or fast) enough to try that again. Through the lanes was a relentless 27-30mph express with the usual suspects on the front. Toby joined in this sluggfest and politely suggested that a couple of others might like to come through too. I politely informed him that the others in question would be more than happy to oblige if they were a) capable b) able to breath and c) in possesion of full use of their primary internal organs particularly heart and lungs. Actually I think I expressed it a lot more concisely than that. "F**k **f" might have been my exact words.

Paul's bike developed a curious high pitched whine from the bottom bracket area which became more and more pronounced the faster he wound up the pace. Any reasonable man would have slowed at this point and spared his machine (which was howling in agony) further torture, but he was having none of it.

On the hill up to Rusper and the two chief protagonists got a gap which in my devastated condition I was quite happy to let them keep, until Toby and Chris K set off in pursuit and dragged me with them, flying along the descent toward the climb before the Dual carriageway.

The group had split at Rusper, come together just before the hill and split again on the climb which was murderous. There was more off and on than a 70s German porn movie but we regrouped at the lay-by for a brief respite before the T&O. That was tidy(ish) and very fast - I kept looking at the speedo because I had the impression that between each roundabout the speed was ratcheting up (sometimnes the T&O can be slower than the ride down due to concentrating on good technique, but not a bit of it here - the last flat section before the turn to Charlwood we were knocking out 35mph

The run in to the sprint just got hairier and hairier but stayed together until Paul and Stu hatched some devious plan to work the Shadow over (I think money changed hands too) and played us like suckers - we were all over the road at the sign.

22.9 avergae, so if anybody at CSS tells you the training group is going out at 21mph walk away... just walk away. Thank god George wasn't there is all I can say, cos he likes to go faster than the fastest guy :-)

After that it was a very amiable social ride back with no fireworks for me but I think Chris K and the Shadow beat up some guy in a car and there was a motorcycle stunt rider doing dangerous stuff all over the road outside Regalinos.

Yet another excellent ACC ride in a summer of excellent rides, hope everyone had an incident free day.
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Postby Steve B » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:38 pm

Great report Huw :lol:

Will report later

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Postby Andy S » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:06 pm

Triffic report.

At the regroup just after the lights at Reigate Monty asked if anyone had seen the video of the 100+ club run - you should all take a look it's a monster :lol: Well done Monty - great production.

Its at - just do a search for montycam

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Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:46 pm

huw explained the training group very well.

paul and i did the majority of the work but the others chipped in what they could.

the pace was pretty high the whole way through considering george was not there.

the reason i managed to get onto pauls wheel when he put in an attack on the hill before rusper was because i heard the squeeking/ warning siren coming up behind me so i new to start accelarating.

however our break was half hearted as i think we were both pretty tired from doing lots of work before.

the reason huw found the hill before the duel carriage way so murderous was because paul was trying to phsyk me out riding next to me and humming so i felt i had to up it a bit because he was very out of tune, and it soon put a stop to it :lol:

good through and off as huw said, nice and speedy.
the plan paul and i had for the sprint was for one of us to go but to let steve chase it down so he would be too tired for the sprint. so i attacked early and sure enough steve chased me down i made sure i had enough to tag onto the group once i was bought back, but i couldnt get passed anyone (accept steve :lol: ). paul took victory.

on the way back i went the box hill way but took it real easy because im racing tomorrow.

as we approached box hill i could tell paul was getting worried, as he tried took the round about slow and wide to tempt me to go infront of him so he could gain any advantage which he knew he would need :lol:

along most of the first straight of box hill the pace was not too fast- 12-14mph. round the first hair pin and i came to the front to wind up the pace to about 16mph and soon it was just me, tony and paul left. paul was tried some more tricks, and everytime i looked round to see him he would go from normal to suddenly all out of breath and hanging over his bars :lol: :lol: :lol:

i knew he was bluffing so did not kill myself on the front. round the 2nd hairpin and i pulled aside and tony came to the front, and i jumped on pauls wheel, and again he pretended to be out of breath and over his bars :lol: :lol: :roll: ...sure enough my suspisions were right and paul attacked half way along the straight, but i stuck on his wheel. as soon as he started to slow i then attacked him, and he was too feeble to counter me :roll: :lol: ...i looked back and had a good gap and tony was chasing and had narrowed my gap to about 50m by the time i got to the last hair pin. slightly worried i put in one last dig out the saddle to the top and got the victory with tony 2nd and paul a long way back in 3rd.

nice easy ride back. then as we got to chipstead and pauls ego must have been shattered, as he attacked, but i wasnt going to follow as im racing tomorrow, but ill give him that little victory :wink:

great ride,

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Postby George » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:01 pm

Great reports guy's keep them coming, It's hard just staying in and not being able to come out riding, but It will be worth the wait in the end I'm sure.

Keep up the training group rides and make sure you kick Tony into shape

Good luck tomorrow Stu no pressure hey :lol:

I'm just twiddling my legs on the turbo each day now, to keep the legs muscles working.

Looking forward to maybe coming out on a just for fun ride in late Oct, but we'll see.
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Postby Jim B » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:14 pm

Been out of the loop lately.
Have you hurt yourself or something?
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Postby George » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:22 pm

Yes only slightly jim I broke my neck :(


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Postby Jim B » Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:19 pm

Sounds like you are ok though. Glad to hear no permanent damage.
Hope the Bianchi is ok too.
See you in the autumn. Jim
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Postby Andrew G » Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:33 pm

Great reports. I was a bit dissapointed not to squeeze a CR in before the ACC 10 but thought it would be fool hardy with the SCCU 25 tomorrow as well.

Great riding Paul, glad to see you were working through your repertoire(sp?) of tricks to see if Stu was paying attention.
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Postby Alan M » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:34 pm

Probably a boring report, but among the lesser mortals, I set out for a recuperative ride with the 17s. The initial pace, set by Monty I believe was more than I could manage and as my chest expanded with he need for air and consequent pain. I dropped off for a while and finally caught up as we left the A23.

Just after Merstham I punctured and was passed by 16s and then the 15s. I did most of the remainder of the ride solo except for a Crawley wheeler who joined me. I finally caught up with the 15s and thankfully made the cafe with no queue!

On the way back I felt pleased to be able to hang on to the front group as we made our way back to Purley without mishap. Finally, I mile before home, I had my second puncture and had no embarrassment at calling out the cavalry for a ride home, quite pleased with an 18mph average and the hope that next week I may step up a gear.
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Postby Steve B » Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:16 am

Well, for the first time in a long while I didn't actually enjoy being on the bike yesterday. It wasn't that I didn't want to be on the bike , it was because I didn't feel 100%, and riding in the training group made me feel worse the further I went.

Paul and Stu started off at the front sharing the work, and pretty much stayed there for the whole of the ride. There were a couple of times when someone else chipped in, but in the main it was the two big boys strutting their stuff. As for the pace, all I can say is effing fast. 22.9mph ave was mentioned.

Hanging on at the rear of the group is nothing new for me, infact its what I do best :wink:. Yesterday was no different apart from feeling really odd with it. I can't put my finger on what was wrong but by the time we stopped at the layby before the thru&off, I felt like I'd ridden 100 miles, not 30 :shock:. I hoped the short stop and a nice steady thru&off would help me and somehow miraculously make me feel better, but no chance, I felt just the same. My performance didn't seem to be too affected though, so I can't use that as an excuse for the next bit :roll:

A dastedly plan was being hatched by Paul and Stu to stop me taking the sprint this week. I'm not sure if anyone else knew about it, but it worked perfectly for them. After the first of the right handers Stu jumped off the front and, as this is quite a normal Stu move, I didn't think anything of it. Expecting someone else would chase after him, I sat where I was, behind Toby. But Stu was getting away :x. Where was everyone? As planned Paul wasn't going to chase, hopefully making me do the chasing and tiring myself out. Toby had his own plan of sitting on my wheel for a change, so he too didn't chase stu down. :x

So I gave in and started to chase the young'en down. Ha ha, yes very good, your plan worked. As I got near Stu he looked round and pushed a little harder, then a bit more :evil: By the time I did catch him, sprinting was no longer an option and there was a large number of riders ready to take off from behind. Toby got caught thinking I was going to sprint but didn't, leaving Paul and others to fly past and on to glory :evil:

Just you wait till next time guys. I'm going to get my own mini team to lead me out :wink: Free tea's to those willing to join :lol: :lol:

Ride back was much more comfortable until the climb to the church. This was where I knew something was up. The first part went well, but then my legs fell off. Merstham was the same. Ok at the bottom, legs fell off at the top. I just managed to keep with Chris and Toby, but my legs didn't have any power and totally gave up just before the lights at Hooley

I was very glad to get indoors. The rest of the day and all night my legs really hurt :shock: I hope this is a one-off

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Postby Elliot M » Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:07 pm

assumed something was up when you were in my sight on the way back Steve...

an excellent CR. I seem to have found an extra boost of fitness from nowhere over the last 2 weeks 8)
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Postby huw williams » Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:14 pm

Technically impossible Mr M. It must have come from somewhere

Now, replay the last 2 weeks in your head, identify what you did differently which resulted in this sudden burst of good form, do more of it and you'll keep getting better won't you?

Coach Williams :-)
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