The above bike was stolen from Streatham on Saturday. It is a Dialled Bikes Prince Albertand is a prototype - there are only three in the country. Not only does it have a very distinctive colour (brown), but as you will notice, there is a small bar between the top and downtube which makes this very distinctive - no other steel hardtails have this. In addition, the forks haver only just been released (they are Rond Magura Ronin's) and are still very rare.
Any information offered on this bike would be much appreciated and I'm sure that you'll realise that the guy who was testing it and the guy who developed th bike and is putting it into production are gutted. Mike, the guy behind Dialled Bikes is a good friend of a number of the mountain bikers and is a local lad.
If you do see the bike anywhere or hear of such a stand-out bike being for sale, please can you either rind Streatham Plice, myself (on 07711 059 294) or Mike on (07884 438 961)
Thanks for your time.