Are you lot out on the club run on Sat?
Perhaps you we could identify ourselves to each other, coz I'm buggered if I know what you look like Toks et al.
Perhaps a few of us "complete beginner racers" could go out in a group together with one or two more experienced people and they could aid us in the ride, things like speed, intervals (wtf are they?) and general tips and stuff. I pretty much know the route now so getting lost is not an option. Ajay/Toks, are you up for helping us out?
This would be very beneficial to me, er I think (if I don't keel over from a cardiac arrest) and hopefully help the others.
Like I say, I have ZERO race experience and any help will be better than I have now.
My only training I'm doing now is commuting to work (35 miles round trip) 3 - 5 times a week and bolloxing it down the bus lane when a git mountain biker passes me thinking he's Lance bleeding Armstrong in a time trial...get this, this morning I got burnt by somone on a Brompton (full cycle gear, SiDi shoes, crouching position, the lot) - he looked like Graeme Orbree on that think he built. Felt like pushing him off.
I suspect this may not be enough