I've had a some weight loss in a relatively short period of time this year, I find myself wearing big or baggy clothes or dressing in layers to hide my body shape and/or weight loss. I get a bit obsession with calories and fat content of foods, and must always get out on my bicycle everyday for continuous exercise.
Frequent trips to the bathroom immediately following meals (sometimes accompanied with water running in the bathroom for a long period of time to hide the sound).
Although I do like to binge and purge my food as I love eating, I get a little worried with eating around and with others as my food rituals such as shifting the food around on the plate to look eaten; cutting food into tiny pieces; making sure the fork avoids contact with the lips (using teeth to scrap food off the fork or spoon); chewing food and spitting it out, but not swallowing; dropping food into napkin on lap to later throw away.
I like to hide food away in strange places (cupboards, cabinets, suitcases, under the bed) to eat at a later time of the day.
I'd think I'd say there's nothing wrong with me in the food department