Brotherhood of Cycling

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Brotherhood of Cycling

Postby Dan B » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:34 am

Last night while cycling home from the part-time job, I punctured. As I was on the cricket green in Mitcham, I was not looking forward to the walk back to Croydon in the growing dark.

As I was texting my wife, telling her I was going to be late, a man walking his dog strolled past. "A puncture?" he asked.


"Is that a 700?"

My ears pricked up at that.


"I've got a tube for you - my house is just around the corner."

So I ended up wheeling my Trek into this gentleman's back garden, replacing the tube in record time (for me! :wink: ) and chatting about the Addiscombe.

So anytime you run across Jim Walsh or any of his mates with the Redmon, give him a smile and a wave! (And a tube!)

Dan B
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Postby davep » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:58 am

is new here, be extra Agreeable to them!
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Postby rollerskate skinny (sylv) » Fri Jul 09, 2004 1:05 pm

nicer ways to say it, but true!
rollerskate skinny (sylv)
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Postby JayneToyne » Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:57 pm

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Postby Dan B » Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:28 pm

Is there a nice way to say F**k off?

Good riddance. Kiss my a**e.
Dan B
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Postby rollerskate skinny (sylv) » Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:44 pm

rollerskate skinny (sylv)
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Postby Will » Sat Jul 10, 2004 7:08 am

It is nice when that happens (someone stops to offer help rather than takes the piss)

I've been offered help a few times on my commute (never needed as I'm always prepared), and have also asked others who have appeared to have some problem

THat said, I kinda feel like I'm riding naked if I go anywhere further than the local shops without a pump, tube and multi-tool
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Postby Daren L » Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:32 pm

If you've seen Dan try to change a tyre then you'll know why he doesn't need a pump.
It would be quicker to vulcanise your own rubber.
Dan's logic follows thus: if I puncture anywhere within a 45 mile radius of home or a cycle shop, then it'd be quicker to walk home than try to change the tube.
Daren L
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Postby JayneToyne » Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:05 pm

I can never quite understand how something as basic as changing a tube can be so hard for some people to grasp.

its a wonder some of them can actually ride a bike as well. its a basic skill that should be practised as much as lubing the chain, adjusting cables, learning to corner safely, learning to emergency stop and adjusting the strap on your helmet.

anyone want to join in a childrens session to gain any of these essential skills they are free to do so.
Im happy to get the whistle and stop watch out to time any of you who think you have a lightning quick tube change time.
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Postby Daren L » Sun Jul 11, 2004 9:18 pm

Adjusting, lube, chain tension - it's all a scary foreign language to Dan.
A whistle and stop-watch is a good idea; but I think a calendar or a seassons counter would be more appropriate. He once changed a tube at Easter and finished it in time to sing Christmas Carols.
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Postby JayneToyne » Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:27 am

Are you a chick who digs bikes? then have a look at the ladies email group by clicking the www button below.
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Postby Dan B » Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:34 pm

Okay, now that I've calmed down a bit ...

This was supposed to be a celebration of those who are willing to help, especially for a guy who, as it turned out, went to school with Gus, knows Eddy and has watched a lot of the ACC guys from nappies onwards.

Instead, it's turned into a personal flame. Daren, I can take his ragging 'cause he's been on the long haul rides with me and understands a bit of where I'm at.

I had already punctured that day. I ran my finger round the inner casing, picked out the obvious sharps, then replaced the tube using the only spare I had in less than 5 minutes - I've been practising. But I got caught out by a broken water main which flooded the road halfway home.

Money issues mean I have to wait a bit before I can put aside more for tubes - it's all spoken for in terms of mortgage, food, school loans, pension, baby, etc. So I was riding more or less on hope that I could make it until my next payday on what equipment I had.

The reason nobody's seen me on the club runs these days is not only focused baby time but the part-time job I've picked up to help pay the bills while the wife is on maternity leave.

Okay, my life isn't exactly a country song lyric, but I do appreciate the folks who pass along a little help.

See you on the roads, soon I hope,

Dan B
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Postby JayneToyne » Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:37 pm

Dan , there's no malice here, we all feel the cycling love, and i too have the tight fund problem/ do i repair or replace descision with tubes etc.
dont get upity, we are just having a bit of fun.

Ive given tubes away to folk who are stranded before ( i usually carry 3, i used to be a girl guide and the moto "always be prepared" is emblazened on my mind) ive even changed tubes, replaced tyres and pumped the flippin thing up as well for some fellas who just havent got a clue "because the support car normally just gives them a spare wheel" i kid you not. Ive pulled over a few times in my car to lend my track pump to assist as well.

so i recon we should have a group hug and a whip round see if anyone has any spare tubes to "lend" to our needy club mate.

hows the sprog?
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