Club run:17/5/08

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Club run:17/5/08

Postby huw williams » Sat May 17, 2008 1:26 pm

Superb - haven't had so much fun in the rain for ages.

20s group was like clockwork for the most part. Going up the three humps the Shadow, Brian and Sid decided to take 20 literally but by the top the Shadow screamed out "LEGS" like a good Bingo caller, which coupled with the fact that there were riders strewn all over the hill, suggested that the pace might be little high. After the re-group at Reigate it was a super smooth, shared effort which resulted in an av speed of 20.4 to the caf.

Good break away for the sprint, Rob went out early taking big Phil, me and the Shadow and the four of us got away but the Shadow, sitting at the back, had all the aces - when he came through at almost 1200watts I was quite literally chasing shadows at a mere 1000 - there was only going to be one winner there :(

Miserable drizzle on our egress from the pine cafe and much goading between the 'straight back group' and the 'Box Hill group'. Nice steady ride with the 'straight back group' I thought and that's how it started. Then Paul H appeared on the front, Hal came through, Marek blasted up the outside and we weren't in Kansas anymore. The Shadow said "I'm going to do some work on the front" and he did, hard, grafting coal-face type of work - carving open a substantial gap with that fella in the Corridori jersey - the two of them were bounding up the road and I could see Marek itching to give it a go in the pack - finally he could resist no longer and tore off after them with me stuck tight to his wheel like the manufacturers logo.

Sweet jesus that was a hard chase (and I was only sitting in) but we got em just before my lungs fell out. Through the estate before the golf course climb a few others caught up and I was chewing the bar tape up the hill trying to stay with Hal and Marek, just about survived that for a quick thrash to the regroup at the church. Merstham drag was just a war with Marek tearing up the outside pursued by the shadow and anyone else who could still breath before the polish flag of retreat went out, the great Siwicki U-Turning off to the right and going home laughing, job done, the rest of us in pieces. Usual series of rapier-like attacks on the descent to Coulsdon.

Anorak details of an excellent ride.

Distance: 51miles
Speed: 20mph av (front door to front door)
Nutrition: 1/2 bottle of water, 1 cup of tea and two organic dates
Power: 218w av - 998w max (sprint for Charlwood sign)
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Marek » Sat May 17, 2008 3:10 pm

Was a good ride out from East Grinstead this morning. As I was leaving it seemed as though it was going to stay dry today so I took out the fast bike. I can't seem to put the nice bike down at the moment, I have grown into it now and am loving riding it, my other bikes are being neglected, I will probably pick them back up after the Marmotte.

On the ride up to Coulsdon I was feeling pretty good and just before Bletchingly I saw a group of riders just going up the hill before the village. I decided to put in a bit of a dig and try to catch them up, got them just before the summit of the hill and then I left them and carried on down to Merstham. On the way down the Church descent I saw a few ACC riders out, think it was an Etape training group as Tim Wilson was in the mix, he looked as though he was struggling a bit up the climb.

It seemed quite windy today into Coulsdon, I decided to pop to the newsagents and get a flap jack to top up on the breakfast. Huw said that they would wait, and then as I was leaving to go to the shop he said he would see me at the cafe, love the friendly attitude. :roll:

After my little snack we were soon set off by Monty. We had a B training group ride today. Six of us in the mix with Keith leading the charge and Hal showing us how to climb/sprint on every hill we hit. The Reigate steps were led out by Keith, Hal chased him down with me on his wheel and then I pushed over the hill. Ant was riding well and the Tri rider and guy in the green shirt were not going too bad either.

Hal was on fire today and every time we hit a hill it seemed to be a sprint with Keith and I trying our best to get around Hal, Crystal Palace seems to be working its magic. Was really good fun, normally in the training ride we are going so hard already that sprinting on every hill is out of the question so this was a good laugh.

On a few occasions the group split with all the sprinting and attacking, so we would wait and re-group which worked quite well. Onto the dual carriageway and we had a really steady through and off keeping it tight as the wind and rain were getting stronger.

Up to Charlwood and we left Hal on the front to wear out his strong legs. Then Keith attacked really early, I missed his wheel and he had a good gap, but I had managed to sprint away from the others and was closing in on Keith. Took a while but I managed to reel him in and then went past him, I should have sat on his wheel, but I was feeling confident. Then I decided to keep the pace up and put my head down and just spun as fast as I could, there was still quite a long way to go and I thought if I keep this pace up then maybe Keith will drop off as he was now glued to my wheel. Unfortunately I did not have enough to drop him off and he came around me for the finish. :x

Nice cuppa tea and chat, got up to get my membership card and that sly Malarkey slipped into my seat, ah well have to let the OAP's sit down I suppose.

Decided to take the shorter route home instead of going to Box as did not want to be out in the rain for too long. Wound it up a bit on the way back as the group was really big and thought it would be safer to split it up a bit. Before I knew it Steve B and Corridori had got a reasonable gap. I was just biding my time to see if anyone else was going to chase, it seemed like they weren't so I went to the front and dragged a few others onto the back of Steve B and Mr C. Onto the Church climb and Paul H attacked near the top, I went after him and then we hammered it to the Redhill stop off.

I decided to ride up the Merstham drag today for a bit of a laugh as have not done that for ages. It was going a reasonable pace up the hill but halfway up I decided to put in a big dig think I managed to get a few heart rate monitors beeping but there were a fair few strong riders stuck to my wheel, at the top I pulled away and it looked like Hal, Huw and Steve B were about to unleash. I turned around and went back down the hill and had a nice swiftish ride on my own back to EG.

Stats, hmm well I don't have any, but I reckon I rode moderately hard with a few big digs and probably did about 80 miles or so. 1 flap jack, 1 cuppa coffee, 2 bottles of water and OJ and two slices of toast. Actually quite fancied a visit to Fannies today, but decided that I might catch a chill so a big piece of chocolate cake as I got home hit the spot.



p.s. Keith thanks for the Electrolyte capsules, put one in my drink for the ride home and it tasted quite good, will defo use them in my next race or long ride.
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Antloony » Sat May 17, 2008 4:09 pm

Just to echo Mareks report really. Good run out there, group worked well, I felt ok today, hard work at times but then you can never expect an easy ride with the likes of Marek and Keith setting the pace, luckily they eased up over the tops of any climbs for us to regroup. Had the pleasure of riding with Hal for the 1st time today, he really burried himself at times and was looking quick.

Came back via BH, good easy run there, the last bit of DC before you turn off for BH I managed to draught a lorry and soon got up to 38mph till he started to pull away from me. Good fun though. Climbed better this week, hats off to Del though as he's turning into an excellent climber, must be all these hilly events he's doing. Nice to see some new faces today, young lad who I didn't get his name shot off up BH and did well to keep a good tempo to the top.

Set off back down at an easy pace till we hit the bridge over the M25 where the pace picked up with some strong turns being done on the front. I hammered it over the lumps just before the 217 RAB as it seems to do my legs no harm to make them really suffer.

Back down the M25 and met up with a young lad called Jack. Had a really good chat to him, for a 15 year old he's a really quick rider as I found out when we blasted together down the 217 towards Sutton. I gave him my number and the site address and asked him along for a saturday jaunt out....hope he's not to young for the club though.

Anyway thats it, time for a kip before I head off into London for a night of DJ'ing and fun :D
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Andrew G » Sat May 17, 2008 8:05 pm

Towed the old man to Cousldon to deposit him in the safe and loving hands of John Cz, quick chat with John L, who's still buzzing - and rightly so - from his smashing 10 last week :D , and then in to the groups.

I had really heavy legs at Palace on Tuesday, don't think it made me and slower just hurt more, after the 25 on Sunday and the TT newbie tryout on Saturday. This week I decided to use my head for once and haven't touched the bike for three days and just did an easy 17s today. Hopefully I won't be so knackered for Palace on Tuesday now after tomorrow's 25, that's the theory anyway - sounds dangerously close to being structured that doesn't it :roll: .

17s actually turned in to an 18s as everyone was going well and seemed fine. Alex and I checked regularly so we could drop it back down if anyone was struggling so there'd be no complaints about a lack of "tin" ride. All hunky dorey though :) .

Quite a vocal group with the jovial Marky Mark (try the 18s next week as you should be fine judging from today if it's a tin-ish group) and gassbags par-excellence Carole and myself in the group :lol: . Tried to coax Carole to get her TT bike back out soon or it'll feel neglected and Tamar needs some competition :) .

I said I'd lead out the sprint but Marky and a couple of others got carried away and went way too early :lol: so I went to the front again and lead out a second time, then sat up and let everyone have a good sprint. Not sure who got it.

Quick tea and toast and then straight off to avoid getting too wet, and also pick up the commuter bike from GBs before the Giro. Had a really nice steady spin back with Tamar and wheel God Baker.

Nice gentle leg loosener and back before the rain started falling a bit harder so only got a bit damp.
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Steve B » Sat May 17, 2008 11:30 pm

Cracking write up Huw, you should think about taking up writing for a living :wink:

As Huw said, great ride even though we were wet through.

I'm really pleased with the way my fitness has come along lately, being able to work at the front of a group rather than in it feels good. All I have to do now is be able to string the short efforts together and 'Bingo'

Good group out of coulsdon, nice and smooth riding by all and all shared the work. Group was actually called as a 19, but everyone was more than happy at the 20.4 av :D

After the leg burning blast up the Reigate steps, the pace stayed consistant all the way to Rusper drag, where Rob shot off the front, creating a good sized gap back to the rest of us. I've always been 'legless' at this part of the ride, but today (for the first time ever) my legs were still stitched on and I chased Rob down, catching him at the top. Good Palace training :D.

Thru& off wasn't the best with a 'newby' (Blase sp?) on board, not quite getting the hang of it at first, but he got better after a few words from Alan, and it wasn't too bad in the end.

Run in to the sprint was quick. Rob, who really does do a fantastic job of this every week, got on the front quite along way out and powered his way toward the final sprint section, dragging Phil, Huw and myself behind him. Round the last bend, Phil was itching to go, but I could tell he was unsure whether to go long or wait for a short one :? In the end it was a medium one :wink: As he did go, I went too and Huw tried to latch on to my wheel, but those extra 200w made all the difference and I pulled away for the win :D .

Ride back was interesting too. I tend to like the flat twisty section of road midway back, where again I hammered it as hard as I could for as long as I could, to see what happens. I didn't know that I had a gap on the group with Neil(coriadori) in tow, but once my legs started to go and I looked round for help I realised we had got away :shock: Neil came round and we stayed away for a bit longer until Marek pulled us back. I enjoyed that :D

The church climb was a slog but I hung in. With quite a few fast guys in the group I knew the Merstham drag would be tough, and boy it was. Marek charged off the front knowing he would be bailing out at some point, leaving Hal and myself 'chewing bar tape' as he pulled off. My legs were screaming and I think Hals were too, but we dug deep to stay away, if indeed we were away, I didn't look back. Then Paul shot past :shock: and Hal gave chase, but Paul was down on his tri bars pulling away, leaving Hal now stuck in 'no mans land. I don't know where from, but somehow I found the strength to claw my way back up to Hal. We were both now on the edge but Paul was there to chase, and the group just behind, could smell blood. With a couple of turns each at the front, the gap to Paul was closing and this gave us a boost, but the lights at Hooley turned red and it all came back together. Probably the hardest I've ever ridden up and over the Merstham drag :D

Thanks for a top ride guys :D

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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Ian A4size » Sun May 18, 2008 2:50 pm

A nice super speedy ride home lads- the elastic broke for me at the church climb- as usual.

Just over 19mph for me door to door

Nutrition.... thimble of energy drink, 2 raisins and a Munnery salad -3 pork pies and a tomato- hold the tomato!
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Marky Mark » Mon May 19, 2008 9:19 am

[quote="Andrew G"]

Quite a vocal group with the jovial Marky Mark (try the 18s next week as you should be fine judging from today if it's a tin-ish group) and gassbags par-excellence Carole and myself in the group :lol: . Tried to coax Carole to get her TT bike back out soon or it'll feel neglected and Tamar needs some competition :) .

I said I'd lead out the sprint but Marky and a couple of others got carried away and went way too early :lol: so I went to the front again and lead out a second time, then sat up and let everyone have a good sprint. Not sure who got it.

Are you trying in a nice way to say I'm gobby? :wink:

I'll see what direction the wind is next week, If it's the same as the last CR I'll be in the 19's next week. As as for that dam Sprint, I do confess to going off a few miles too early. :lol: :lol: I got boxed in at the end of the sprint checking out the tread on your back wheel!

I decided to ride back with newbie Rick (and yo-yoing with 2 others) as he got left behind last time and lost before Riegate.

All in all, A super ride with super ACCers, Shame about the weather but it could of been worse. I keep checking the post looking to see if I made it into that 10TT,
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Andrew G » Mon May 19, 2008 9:38 am

[quote]Are you trying in a nice way to say I'm gobby? :wink:

Do you honestly think I of all people am in a position to comment :lol: .

You'll get a startsheet during the week before the event, probably the Monday or Tuesday but some are a bit earlier out.
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Ivor » Mon May 19, 2008 9:45 am

[quote="Marky Mark"]Are you trying in a nice way to say I'm gobby?

cough. ahem.
[quote="Marky Mark"]I keep checking the post looking to see if I made it into that 10TT,

You'll get the start sheet during the week before the event. Sometimes they'll email out the details too so you'll get those first.
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby blaise » Mon May 19, 2008 1:25 pm

Had a great time in the 19mph, thanks to Steve and all the rest for being so welcoming and also putting up with my initial fisher price efforts on the through & off (culminating in not letting the last man know he was the last man)- hopefully got that one now, so won't be quite so rough 'n ready next time..!
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Re: Club run:17/5/08

Postby Alan M » Mon May 19, 2008 2:18 pm

[quote]Nice cuppa tea and chat, got up to get my membership card and that sly Malarkey slipped into my seat, ah well have to let the OAP's sit down I suppose.

Yes, of course, thanks Marek, we need a little respite to pause and reflect on our final salary index linked pensions and consider the probable fate of the callow youth in our midst! 8)

BTW OAPs wouldn't usually take an apostrophe :!:
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