Dragon Riders - have your say

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Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby huw williams » Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:31 am

Cycling Weekly wants to run a Vox-Pop piece on the dragon ride - so if you were there and want to see your name in print (include your ride number and you might even get a pic in) write me a few soundbites on your opinions of the following...

The general Organisation

The Marshalling

The Course

The start/finish facilities

The Feed stations

Your overall opinion of your day

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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Andrew G » Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:54 pm

The general Organisation

Good, the only negative being the waiting at the start. We were there at the time on the instructions and ended up with a 45minute wait on the farm lane.

The Marshalling

Excellent, loads of signs both approaching and at each change in direction. Friendly marshals dotted throughout, even at junctions I wouldn't have expected them to be needed at. Outriders scouting the course regularly would have been an added bonus for anyone who hit trouble - physical or mechanical.

The Course

Very good. Was a section on more main road than I expected but very quiet so not a problem. The only bad surface was the newly resurfaced/gravel chucked on the road stretch and that wasn't on a descent. Mainly very picturesque quiet coutryside, with the occaisional suicidal sheep to keep you on your toes.

The start/finish facilities

Start was not too good. It was a bit vague which probably ended up with us having a longer wait to get going as if we'd known where to go we could have been there earlier rather than waiting at the college. The PA wasn't working so just loads of crackle and static noise.
Finish was okay. Goody bag was naff, didn't care what was in it but I'd have thought for £25 entry there could have been a water bottle or something as a momento. Granted the outriders/marshals need to be paid for but it could have been covered by a small sponsorship.

The Feed stations

Not good. Only had bananas and a few small cheap cakes and I'm allergic to bananas. Just stopped briefly to top up with water. A bit of variety would've been nice. Seemed well stocked and well manned though.

Your overall opinion of your day

An enjoyable day on the bike, a good testing route, and a good atmosphere. The locals were out clapping and cheering you on through some of the villages which always perks you up if you're about to hit a hill.

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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby adrian » Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:55 pm

The field of riders Lacking a certain sparkle :wink:
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Marek » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:04 pm

The general Organisation
I signed on on the day, and this seemed to be no problem. To be able to enter a sportive of this quality on the day to me was a bonus. I did phone the organiser the day before who was very helpful in telling me what I needed to do to get my entry. This initial contact gave me a warm and fluffy feeling about this event prior to entry.

The Marshalling
This was pretty good, the corners were well marshalled and there were the odd motorbike outrider. I think the outriders could have stayed with some of the larger groups for a little longer than they did, but maybe they had the remit to check the whole route out rather than chauffeur certain groups. The guys on the corners etc were very good and let us know if it was clear, you can't ask for much more.

The Course
Prior to the event I had heard bad things about the course from last year, for example a lot of main roads and the like. I thought the course was fantastic, the climbs were great, the descents even better. Shame about the resurfacing and traffic lights, but that was not the organisers fault, these things happen, when I did the Marmotte a couple of years ago we had to deal with some temporary lights on the route.

The start/finish facilities
This was the one area that I felt needed improvement relative to other sportives I have done. Start was quite late and the loud speaker was inaudible so it was not clear what was going on. Felt that a meal or something savoury at the finish would have gone down a treat. Also a medal or momento would have been nice, the food in the goodie bag was near on inedible, but that is probably more down to the sponsorship I suppose.

The Feed stations
Well, I really like Bananas and fairy cakes so they were fine for me. The high 5 was ok as well, I had no problems with the food, although I know others were a bit surprised at the lack of variety on the stations.

Your overall opinion of your day
I really enjoyed the day and the route was a big bonus, and the fact I did not blow probably helped. I would do this one again and recommend to others, but I reckon I may bring a couple of melton mowbrays in my back pocket for savoury backup.

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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Ian A4size » Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:38 pm

Organisation.... excellent... plenty of feedback before the event.. number and timing chip before the event, no need for signing on, just roll over the start mat- i got dropped here... :oops:
one small gripe was that we never knew the start was delayed- should have guessed really, we weren't moving, could not hear the PA system/ rider brief never happened at 7.50, if it did we never heard it.

Marshalling.... first class- outriders always present, mobile mechanics out and about, high viz police presence, all right turns well marshalled, great signage.

Course..... challenging, a few main roads but not like Croydon or the CR route. I only heard one hoot all day. Can't grumble about road surfaces at all, traffic lights are a fact of life.

Start/finish, i went up to the start at about 4 oclock on the saturday..... one tent, nothing on display! Did not bother looking in the morning- i went to Tescos for my energy bars and food!
I am sure the waffle makers were disappointed with their takings, the last thing i want after 110 sugary miles is more of the same.
No point in a goodie bag at all really, inedible fruit bars that even my rabbit turned his nose at, loads of pieces of paper- a water bottle or a simple cheap "medal" (muttley stylee) would suffice

Feed... plenty of water and energy drink, loads of bananas and naff all else, i managed to get one jam tart at the first feed! Only bananas at feed two and half measures at feed 3. However the bumf with the entry/ timing chip said make your own provisions for food as they cannot be guaranteed. I carried enough for the whole club.

The day.......a really great epic ride, good camaraderie amongst the riders, sense of acheivement, my first big one :shock: , would love to do it again. I feel a bit bad about the niggles as i had a great time but pointing them out will help the organisers.
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Dombo » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:38 am

[quote="huw williams"]Cycling Weekly wants to run a Vox-Pop piece on the dragon ride - so if you were there and want to see your name in print (include your ride number and you might even get a pic in) write me a few soundbites on your opinions of the following...

The general Organisation
Very good. Effective marshalling at junctions and outriders periodically riding the course. Sending chips etc beforehand was a good idea, unlike last year's British Cyclosportive to Canterbury.

The Marshalling
See above

The Course
Great course. Straight into a decent climb without negotiating any major towns. good mix of climbing with recovery downhills. Nice to climb Bwlch from different directions as going over the same road twice in the same direction is dispiriting.

The start/finish facilities
Start was poor - long wait and endless shuffle through a farmyard. Sound system needs improvement. Would have been awful in bad weather. finish was ok. I don't expect much, just hand my chip in, get to car, change and go home. Not fussed if there are showers/facilities or not. Shame no blueberry gel this year, would have liked that after my service station Double Whopper on the way home

The Feed stations
some savoury stuff would have been nice, not exactly trays of canapes but maybe bite sized pieces of sausage roll or even TUC biscuits. however that aside they were very good, manned with enthusiastic and patient people.

Your overall opinion of your day
Great day, beautiful weather, good company and a challenging course.

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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby TimN » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:34 pm

The General Organisation
Spot on, there was always enough friendly people around – especially Jeff Dragonride he was very helpful. All or the people around on the day seemed to know what was going and nothing was a problem. No faffing about signing in and getting your timing chips.

The start was a bit of a pain, the queue was so long I had to have two pees, may be they could give people rough start times, half hour slots to reduce queues.

The Marshalling
The motor bikers were really good, they appeared to funnel the riders through tricky narrow bits and hold up traffic to let us through, all were very cheerful and up for banter. Even the local police were full of humour when the saw me get off my bike and run down the pavement to avoid traffic lights.

The Course
Brilliant, really fast and great fun. Not that scenic but if you want to look at the countryside buy a tourer (Trek Madone maybe).

The start/finish facilities
Did the job but is bit poor really I suppose, just a gravely surface and a few wobbly portaloos.

Feed stations
The feed station entry and exit was a bit chaotic but I did manage to ride straight up the high5 barrels fill up and exit without in under a minute. I would be surprised if there was not a crash there at some point in the day.

Great day out, best sportive I have done this season but then it is my first. Second would be the Exmoor Beast, third North Cornwall Tor. if that is what this sportive lark is about i'll be back next year

Things I would do to improve it,

Once you have finished you should be able to check your current position, screens up showing everyone’s times and placing. Blimey imagine if the marshal bikes had screens on the back that told you how many seconds were of the next place, that would get you going.

Recovery Room
The sports massages were great but they would have been even better if I could have had some pasta, cup of tea, bacon buttie or something whilst I was waiting and may be a little warmer to.

A big profile poster at the start, showing feed stations. and which colour sign is for which route so i don't have to do laps of the round about

the lads were gutted they didn't and a medal or something to show the mrs,

thanks dragon people

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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Dombo » Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:59 am


The Course
Brilliant, really fast and great fun. Not that scenic but if you want to look at the countryside buy a tourer (Trek Madone maybe).

Tim no. 333

"Not that scenic"???

Brecon Beacons bathed in sunshine against a clear blue sky, and the view across Cray reservoir from the feed station? The second Bwlch climb as the Afan valley opens up to reveal the road winding round the side of the mountain, its path picked out by the colourful peloton stretched along its length?
Not that scenic?
What did you expect, herds of wildebeest thundering across the veld? Alpine peaks piercing the clouds with eagles soaring overhead? :D
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby TimN » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:43 pm

ok fair point, 7.3 out of 10 the scenic value, i didn't see any reservoir though.
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby huw williams » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:30 pm



Crai and Brecon reservoirs - in both cases the roads in the picture are roads which you would have ridden on on sunday providing that A) You took the correct route and B) You did the long ride.

If you only did the short ride you will still have seen this on the descent after the first feedstation at the top of rhigos


Are you sure it was the Dragon ride you did Tim? :D
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby TimN » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:47 pm

that would be it, i did the short route.

nice shots though thanks for that - i still don't remember the res though.
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby TimN » Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:41 pm

huw did CW ever do a article on the dragon ride? which one is it in?
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby huw williams » Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:59 am

This week's CW has a story from the Dragon - With a couple of quotes from ACC riders (Phil and and Carol H's very funny 'dynamite the Bwlch' comment
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Re: Dragon Riders - have your say

Postby Andrew G » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:28 pm

Someone was kind enough to leave theirs behind so had a quick shufty through. There was a quote from one bloke saying his Polar said 2,600 metres of climbing. I think he missed a hill as my Garmin said spot on the 3,000 quoted by Mr. Dragon.

I noticed camp agreeable in the corner of one of the pics too :D .
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