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Postby Rob » Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:50 pm

just a quick question, where it says "negotiate a new lease with an un-named commercial leisure company", does this mean that an outside company could buy it and still keep it as the track....or is this just my wishful thinking?
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Postby Elliot M » Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:52 pm

[url=]Dulwich Estate statement on LondonCycleSport[/url]


[quote]The Estate will now explore with other parties, alternative leisure uses for the site which, if financial viable, will include cycling. Although the Velodrome will be closed from 1 February 2005, the Estate will examine the possibility, in the short-term, of making the track available to cyclists; it had asked whether the Council would continue to underwrite this with its appointed managers of the site, Fusion, whilst the new lessee develops a scheme to secure the future of the site, but the Council has rejected this possibility. At this time, it is therefore uncertain whether the traditional Good Friday cycle meet can be accommodated on 25 March 2005 but the Estate is in communication with the LVT [London Velodrome Trust] regarding the possibility of a licensing arrangement to operate the track in the interim.
Elliot M
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:47 pm

why does the country put so much into football when were sh1t at it, and all the other sports where were good, they just let them suffer?

this country pisses me off!!!
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:06 pm

there is , but its not equally shared.....and another situation.....the british traithlon squad...only 4 olympic distance people are now allowed funding, and those under23 and juniors get some money..if your over... tough, support yourself

once again, this countrys f****d, hence y in general, were s**t at sport, and other countries are leaving us behind...and before you reply......think about grass roots etc etc, how well we actually do in sport...were pants, and its because the country has its priorites wrong!!! maybe fat gits who smoke and drink all day and dont have jobs...and dont give a toss about sport have different opinions, but to me they dont count! its something that really bugs me, and ill be glad of the day i leave this country, and hopefully with any luck, my new country will feel sorry for me and let me ride under the national flag! :evil:
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:25 pm

this forums smarter than i thought!!!!
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:19 pm

nothing was directed towards you as obviously you do directing anger at people who just sign on, never try, get money from government..etc etc...and government keep fuelling these types....all this money...could be!!!!

ohwell..just my i said, ill be out of here in 4 years, so not too worry
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:24 pm

my parents are off to arizona next year, so once uni is over, im off to join them, and with any luck, after 4 years of coaching, ill be good enough to join a team over there.
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