Expensive cycling in NYC

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Expensive cycling in NYC

Postby the other Steve Dennis » Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:01 pm

Well Sarah taught me how to be a true NYC cyclist when I arrived, you have to go through safe red lights or just stop every 200m or so. And it's true. So I broke a habit of a lifetime and have become one of them.

Well in the eyes of the law I guess I am one of them. The curb jumpers, sidewalk riding punks on wheels. Cos today, literally 50 metres from my front door I was pulled over and ticketed for turning left from a one way street into a one way street on red. There wasn't a car in sight, obviously except for Officer "I need a donut". You should have seen the dissapointment when I told them I don't have an NYC Driver's license and therefore wont get any points. BUT the fine is unbelieveable $200. I know I broke the law, my choice, $200!! Apparently the normal course of action is to plead Not Guilty and go to Court as the officer is required to show and if he doesnt the case is dismissed. They normally don't. If he did come though, the fine increases and it wouldnt look too good on my visa renewal.

Just venting people.
I'm gonna look into the bike advocacy groups and see what they say about such things. Ticketing is acknowledged in Manhattan, but I live in residential Brooklyn. 50 metres from my door and boy it's cold, about -5 uk temps...

So if you are riding in NYC at anytime, you have been warned.

Hope you are all well.
And getting strong for the new season, I hope to join you for a race at some point. Though I may be wearing orange.

First race of my season is next Saturday, I plan to hang on in.

Have Fun!


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the other Steve Dennis
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