Highs and lows of the weekend

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Highs and lows of the weekend

Postby Marek » Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:17 pm

Hello all,

Clubrun was great fun this weekend. I started off in the 21mph group with 5 others and we were having quite a good run until Simon punctured just outside of Reigate.

We quickly fixed the problem but had to watch the 19mph and 17mph groups go by. We quickly caught up the 17 and then did through and off to try and catch the 19mph.

We were going race pace the whole way and we did not catch the group. We took the shorter dual carraigeway route to the cafe due to us all being knackered after chasing. We then had a sprint to the line which Tim from Liquigas won. Nice bit of wheel sucking to take Simon on the line who lead us all out for about 5 miles.

Today did the SERRL race in Tenterden. Max, John Shurmer and myself. Everything started off great but second lap and I took a flyer. I mean literally. The road was in front of me one second and then it was gone, basically the side of the road had broken away and I went straight down into a ditch as I could not see being about 5th man from the front. Unfortunately I brought down Max as well as we were sitting together near the front of the peleton. All other riders were ok but I have had to have two stitches in my knee and the bike needs a bit of work on it. Bit of a bummer. Apparently there were two crashes in the same place the last time they raced there, so at least I am not the only one, little comfort in my opinion.

Unfortunately won't be able to do the TT on Tuesday, hopefully will be riding by the weekend but have been told to take it easy. Need to get up and running as have the 3 stager on the 23/24 july. Anyone got any tips, I remember Darren doing one legged training when he did his knee in on the turbo, maybe I should try that.


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Postby Rob » Mon Jul 11, 2005 12:21 am

blaming the road, i guess thats one was of saying had too much imported vodka! am i allowed to laugh? crashes are always funny, even my own!!!

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Not too sure about the ups

Postby Simon C Izoard » Tue Jul 12, 2005 11:35 am

Thanks for the warm up.
Simon picked up the pace like LA did when he was brought down on that climb last year by a spectator (didn't he have Basso behind him? we expect good thinks from him this year!)
Anyway 21mph turned into 27mph, without warning. I managed to last 5 miles before realising I might suffer a transient ischaemic attack which might stop me from doing the BecCC 10 that afternoon, so I peeled myself off a couple of miles before Rusper and strolled in casually.
I even stopped myself from wanting to scale Boxhill!
Managed to get to North Holmwood two hours early, two days couldn't have been long enough!
penultimate man to start, but that soon changed, was briskley over taken after 5miles on the turn, up hill into head wind I clocked 27.21 my first and official PB, woo hoo.
So I think I was on my 50thmile of flat out riding coming back to HQ, and another ACC rider (who clocked a 23) saw my dishevelled state and can only thank Stephen tremendously for the lift back to Caterham. I was so numbed, I couldn't even feel the six miles I rode back to south Croydon.
Now I'm packing to go and recouperate in the Tuscan hills, find my original form and then come back to annhilate that 10 at the Crawley Wheelers 10 on the 30th (then do the club run :cry: ).
Hope your recovery goes well too!

A presto

The guy who got dropped
Simon C Izoard
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