Fat Boy Calling Earth

A Place to idle the day away talking about anything you fancy. Expect to find cycling and non cycling topics inside

Fat Boy Calling Earth

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:22 pm

Tis almost a year since I last rode my bike in anger - however the stars are aligned and I do believe I may go on the club run tomorrow. In case I need the buffer, does anyone know if there will be a just for pain, sorry, I mean fun, ride? I will attempt to twiddle with the 15mph group however much cake and beer has been consumed these past months.......I am a stone heavier than when I struggled up Ventoux!!

Cheers - Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Maria David » Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:38 pm

It's first Saturday of the month so there should be a j4fun ride tmw - but I'm sure you'll manage a faster group, Doug - you've gotta aim high ! Where's your Ventoux spirit ?
Maria David
lives on this board 24/7!!!
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Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2002 6:52 pm
Location: Sometimes Planet Earth !

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:14 pm

Hi Maria - my Ventoux spirit.....is at the bottom of a bottle of Cote De Ventoux - or perhaps a fine Gigondas....I'll look for it tonight :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

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