by Andrew G » Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:01 pm
Sonic, Pilates is currently running and goes in 6 week blocks. Send Snoop a pm if you're interested and the next block of lessons starts on the 6th January.
I can't remember when we have access to the clubroom now, it used to be every Wednesday but as it wasn't used Joyce understandably didn't want to go and open up for a few CTC folk to have a cuppa.
We may still be able to use it every week, and I'll check with Joyce. Pilates is running every week but for other things I would imagine a gap in classes could be arranged if people wanted to use the room for something else, it would just need sorting out in advance so get the other things arranged in advance. Pilates has become a regular and made good use of the clubroom as it was very underused before as the forum and the clubrun are used by people for the general chat and the like that clubrooms were used for historically.
Things that have been done in the past are:
Bike Maintenance
Get you home fixes and bike bodges to help you out of any situation
Bring and buy sale
Introduction to Time Trials
Introduction to Road Racing
Roller racing (we have a set of competition rollers)
Now would be a good time to kick this off so well done for raising it. If there is interest then it could be looked to try and fit something(s) in after the next block of Pilates and before the following one.
Shout up folks and post what you'd like to attend and it can be looked in to (who'd run it etc), sussed out possible dates with Joyce and the pilates classes.