This is a message from the club committee.
ACC Club Survey
In the last few years Addiscombe Cycling Club has continuously grown to just over 300 members at last count. With all this expansion, it is probably time to poll everyone to see what kind of cycling they are involved in and what they would like to get from their cycling club.
Once the results are collected they will be published and will help the club committee decide how to make the club more efficient and "agreeable".
In the next day or two everyone will be sent an email with the survey form. Please return the form to the email address given (accsurvey10*at*
It would be good to hear from everyone in the club so please fill out the survey and return it even if you don't answer all the questions.
To move things along I will be at the club run in Coulsdon South next Saturday to collect forms. It would help matters if you could either :
(i) print and fill out the survey beforehand and return it to me by email or in person at Coulsdon.
(ii) arrive a few minutes early, get a blank form from me and take a minute or two to fill it out there and then.
Again, it would be good to get as many forms back as possible.
The VCs have been asked to check that everybody in their group returns the survey before the group leaves the station !!!
I'll be making similar moves to get the forms from the other arms of the club. Hopefully within a couple of weeks I'll have enough returns to start publishing the results.
Note that all returns can be filled out annoymously but we will mark off who has completed a form so we can make sure to get returns from as many people as possible.
Thanks in advance for your support,
Aodan Higgins
ACC MTB secretary
a sneak preview