Brighton and back

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Brighton and back

Postby Ian A4size » Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:07 pm

A few of the agreeables are organising a bank holiday ride to brighton and back at the end of August. Its not gonna be a b@lls out attempt unless of course marek and dave findlay fancy organising a faster group who will go ahead and get the chips in! BTW you could go home on the train, I think joanna will be going for this option.
Also dont forget the French cafe club run on the sunday.
If marco doesn't mind too much I will bump this message up to the top at regular intervals.
so come on you club runners the world does not end at Charlwood cafe, stretch your legs( and bellies) on a chip run to the pier.
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Brighton Ride

Postby Nick » Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:33 pm

Have got any idea on what day it will be sat,sun or monday?
As I have 4 lovely children (or Devils :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ) I would like to know a.s.a.p so I can try and organise something with them on the free days?.
Thank you
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Re: Brighton and back

Postby Robh » Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:04 pm

[quote="Ian Munnery"]A few of the agreeables are organising a bank holiday ride to brighton and back at the end of August. Its not gonna be a b@lls out attempt unless of course marek and dave findlay fancy organising a faster group who will go ahead and get the chips in! BTW you could go home on the train, I think joanna will be going for this option.
Also dont forget the French cafe club run on the sunday.
If marco doesn't mind too much I will bump this message up to the top at regular intervals.
so come on you club runners the world does not end at Charlwood cafe, stretch your legs( and bellies) on a chip run to the pier.

What time are you meeting?

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Postby Ian A4size » Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:31 pm

We aim to meet at CSS around 9-15 for a 9-30 leave, we aim to go down the way the L2B runs so its merstham, nutfield , smallfield, crawley down, turners hill, ardingley, etc.
The home route we used last time was via devils dyke then towards horsham then pick up the club run route home.
Monty, Paul Brown and myself did it in may at a reasonable pace and it took about 6 hours ( we do have a combined age of about 200!)
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Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:03 pm

Was that 6 hours to or from Brighton? :lol:

Is anyone particular leading this run? I have some interesting variations if you want a slightly different route?

Meet up by the beach just west of the pier (the one that's still standing) for a bite to eat.

Way back via Worthing and through Adur valley is very pleasant? 8)
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Postby Ian A4size » Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:28 pm

It was 6 hours riding time there and back, dont know how long we spent eating, it is a good ride and only 1 fun climb on the way there!( mind you turners hill always makes me puff, but I am 13 and a half stone) most of the ride is fairly undulating and the climb up devils dyke is far less daunting than the beacon.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:10 pm

I went today - and barring a small intended (ahem...honest m'lud) diversion - I got to Brighton in 3h15 riding time. Pretty much followed L2B route. I tell yer - when I'm El Presidenté - that Beacon's getting flattened - it sho don't get any easier. Blew away about 2,700 calories so it's a curry tonight fer sure!!

Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Ian A4size » Fri Aug 13, 2004 6:45 pm

I reckon 10 times up that in 53-11 should just about cap off your Ventoux training!
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Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:58 pm

Oy - Cheeky Monkey.

I have pretty much secured a pass for this so barring disaster it's looking good (actually about half way up the beacon I'll probably change my point of view).

Oh Doctor - I can smell the chips already - will they be fried in lard or is that just too good tee contemplate

Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:58 pm

Oy - Cheeky Monkey.

I have pretty much secured a pass for this so barring disaster it's looking good (actually about half way up the beacon I'll probably change my point of view).

Oh Doctor - I can smell the chips already - will they be fried in lard or is that just too good tee contemplate

Snoop :mrgreen:
Snoop Doug

Postby Ian A4size » Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:22 am

The weather is shaping up to be ok, well thats what it said on the telly just as I type this so fingers crossed!

will it be mushrooms.... fried onion rings.... we'll have to wait and see,

you have to be at least 30 to know the next few lines.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:05 am


Old feller at the back of the van slowly breaks into....

Will it be chips or jacket spuds, Will it be salad or frozen peas

You gotta love it

Pensioner Snoop :mrgreen:

Hoooope it's chips it's chips
Snoop Doug

Postby Neil W » Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:19 am

Hi chaps - I'm a new member of the club (and the forum), have been on a few club runs so far.

I'm looking for a ride on Monday, will join you on the Brighton run if that's ok?


Neil W
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Postby Nick » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:09 pm

All The Agreeables all together and all in HARMONY!!!!! :shock:
........We'll have to wait and see
See you all Monday morning 9:15 ???? CCS ???
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Postby Ian A4size » Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:39 pm

Neil you are welcome to come along, lets hope the weather has improved after todays deluge, still it may have rained itself out.
Look forward to seeing everyone there, 9-15 for a 9-30 off.
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