Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

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Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jeff Hewett » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:08 pm

Track Cycling at the Calshot Velodrome

I have booked Calshot Velodrome for Saturday 28th Jan from 5.00pm to 8.00pm.

I have arranged two sessions. The first session 5.00pm - 6.30pm is for those who have been before and this will be for a group of 16 . The second session 6.30pm - 8.00pm is for those who haven't been before and will be for a group of 10.


They supply track bikes, shoes and helmets. However they do advise to bring your own helmets to save time adjusting the centre helmets to fit.Their bikes are equipped with Look Keo2 pedals. Those riders who use the same pedals may prefer to use their own shoes. They suggest that long-sleeved tops and cycle tights are worn whilst track cycling.
Please note that they no longer permit riders to use their own pedals

By car

For SatNav users their postcode is SO45 1BR
From Southampton, follow A326 Fawley and the brown tourist signs for Calshot Activities Centre and Castle.


The track and instructor is £270.00, Therefore if we get 26 to go the cost will be £10.50/person .
If you would like to be included please let me know asap as it will be on a first come first served basis.

There is plenty of room for spectators should you wish to take your 'other half ' or family.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to be included I already have 8 names for the first session. The intention is to do the Club Run in the morning and then aim to leave at about 2.30pm for the first session.

Jeff Hewett

07976 703738.
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Andy K » Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:56 pm


Great News!- always intended to have a go on a track but never got around to it!

Please put me down for the beginners session.

I will be driving down so can take any others who live not too far from Reigate, if that is helpful. Let me know.

Looking forward to next Saturday :D
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:00 pm

Sam and I are definites for the beginners group. Depending on when you decide to drive down I'll probably take you up on the offer of a lift, Andy. :D
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jeff Hewett » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:55 pm

We have 5 'first timers' and 10 'done it before'. We could do with a few more for both groups. Any one with transport problems we should be able to arrange, just let me know . Either place your name on the Forum or phone / text me 07976 703738. Jeff
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby mlocke » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:18 am

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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby mlocke » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:59 pm

Hi Jeff

You're plannign CR in the morning?

The usual route?

I'd like to do both but would like to be back earlier than the planned ride to the pub i think

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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jeff Hewett » Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:53 pm

We have the following names for Calshot ( 17 in total ) so there is still room for a few more. See Mark's 'You Tube' above if you'r unsure.

Names so far: Andy, Andy K, Ant, Dan, Darren, Jeff, John C, Katie H, Katie, Mark L, Paul T, Phil, Phil's son, Ron, Ryan (poss), Sam, Steve.

I understand John & Sam are going with Andy K who are all cycling in the 'first time group' at 6.30pm

I can take 6 in my car. So at the moment we need two more cars or let me know if you have already made arrangements. Transport and cars should not be a problem.

In answer to Mark, I'm going on the shorter dog & duck run with the club to get back in plenty of time. Then go down ready changed with jeans & top for coming home. We need to be at Calshot by 4.30pm for the first session so we need to be on our way about 2.15pm.

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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Phil H » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:18 am

I've got a couple of spaces in the car. Me and Tom are doing both sessions between us so will be there for the whole 3 hours though.
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby mlocke » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:47 pm

I have space for a couple of people.

I'm basedin wallington, not far from CSS

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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:32 pm

What a brilliant time! My first time on a fixed and my first on the track - a Velodrome with the steepest banking in Europe - I kid you not!! :shock: :shock:

19 of us made the trip to Southampton. A more experienced ACC group did the first session and then it was the beginners turn! We were all a little nervous - riding a fixed without brakes for the first time, and those banks did look steep - but we all quickly got into our stride and were soon riding fast, in tight (ish) formation, trying to avoid crashing into the back of the leading rider, effortlessly moving up and down the banking (it really is incredible how the bike sticks to the track despite an almost verticle drop!! :shock: :shock: ) with beaming smiles on our faces. We couldn't believe it when the instructor said we only had 15 mins to go - time indeed flies when your enjoying youself! :D :D

Thanks to Jeff H for organising the whole thing - we must do it again soon! I've got the bug!!! :shock:

Thanks to Andy K for driving us there and back and to Andy, Sam, Martin and Lizzie for the company there and back.

Fantastic fun - where were the rest of you!? You missed something special. :D :D
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:04 pm

BTW - two bidons were left in a Sainsbury's carrier bag in the mens changing room. I have them.
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Phil H » Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:11 pm

It was a great day. Good instructor got the initial nerves out the way. Having 8 in the "advanced" group meant exactly the right number for a team pursuit at the end. Great to get on the front and realise that you're reeling the other team in ...

Tom's taking the video clips off our camera and editing them together. Quality isn't all that but we'll see what we can do. Watch this space.
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby katie » Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:45 pm

Big thanks Jeff, and for the ride - was so much fun - looking forward to having a race next time now the beginners experience is done....
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:15 pm

'tis good fun at the Calshot wall of death, wish I could have made it.
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Re: Track Cycling - Calshot Velodrome

Postby Phil H » Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:22 pm

First shot at a video. I did spot Ron taking some shots too.

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