A few years ago (in my youth) I cycled around part of Europe. One particular day I left Geneva with the intention of getting to Chamonix.
This was in the middle of the summer, in the middle of a European heatwave.
After many miles on my knobbly tired mountain bike i hit the final straight which for me was uphill for miles. I dont remember how long but it was hours.
Now this might not sound too bad or difficult but picture this....
- I had not owned a bike for many years before this trip
- My total training consisted of about 5, 10 mile trips at the most
- In the first few weeks before the worst day I had been through Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland and now this
- My bike wieghed a ton. I had two panniers on my bike, a rucksac on my back and another bag in the main triangle
- I had to carry loads of very heavy water - some times 8 litres at a go
- The water quickly became very hot and discusting to drink
To highlight how hard these couple of months were I lost 3,5 stone - (not healthy as I was no porker to start with and eventually resulted in me cuttign the trip short)
Anyway back to this particular day. By the time I made it to Chamonix I had been riding all day, my sun screen washed off due to the sweat and I had really bad sunburn on the top of my thighs. Looking likea right state I then had to find somewhere to stay for the night, which ended up being a pub, which ended up being a 3 day stay despite Chamonix being possibly the most expensive place on earth!!