Hi all,
Latest is that it's probably going to be a close/late call re racing tonight as whilst it has been wet, it looks to brighten up and the track could well be dry.
So, we should meet at CP at 6.00/6.15pm for 6.30pm start as planned please. (If it's off, we can abort to the pub!)
I will be travelling after 16:30 with no access to email, but Patrick (the organiser) will let me know via text if it is called off between then and 6pm.
Ant McCoy, Martin, Andrew, Lesley, Jessica, Phil, Naomi and Katie - I have your phone numbers and will text you in that instance (or before if I hear earlier).
Nic, Steve, Ant Leeson and Mark - I don't have your phone numbers.
You can also keep on the CP crits twitter feed
https://twitter.com/CPCrits Look forward to seeing you later.