Season 2006: Mostly good, a little bad but always agreeable

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Postby siwickm » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:25 am

To win every race I entered. Attempt to stay upright on my bike in every race.

Training approach / philosophy
Well as I have now moved house, the old riding into work and back has gone out the window. So my training approach was based around riding 5 mins to and from the local station on my heavy mountain bike as fast as I can. I also threw in a few turbo sessions in the winter, the pain.

Lots of long social rides around the lanes of Surrey and Sussex with ACC and East Grinstead CC where no one can talk because they are panting so hard going up as many hills as we can find.

My best ride
I have had a couple of really good rides this year not just in races but also out with the club and on cyclo sportive events.

One of my most enjoyable rides in the winter was with David Findlay where we cycled around Lake Geneva. This was fantastic, it was an overcast cool day, not much wind and we just blasted around the lake which is almost 200km ride.

I also remember at some point this season doing the TOSH route with a bunch of ACCers. We dropped most people on the first climb and then the fast group just went for it the whole way, it was a really good group. It was great fun to see Toks struggling up Cranleigh hill and then having a massive blast back to CSS over Whitedown and then racing back over Box Hill. Over 100 miles in the legs and we were still ticking along at over 20mph. Fantastic.

Racing wise well it has to have been my win of course. I felt so strong on that day I could attack all day long and still had a lot left to be able to break away with around 15 miles to go and get the win. The feeling of joy and relief, at last getting a league win was awesome.

My worst ride
I have a list of bad rides and I cannot really pick a worst. My bad rides revolve around either mechanical failures or physical woes. The physical woes tend to mean me getting dropped in a race or not quite managing to get to my objective of winning every race. There have been many so I won't bore you with all the stories of nearly winning, but at Chertsey earlier this year it was so close, had been away for two laps and on the final lap my breakaway companion went on to win the race, I was 20m off his wheel at this point and the peleton caught me and spat me out the back and I came in well down the pack.

One race where I had a mechanical I was gutted. I had been racing hard and fast in the SERRL, over 100km race against the 2nd cats. I was still feeling strong at the end and was coming down the final hill before a left hand turn toward the finish. On the downhill I moved up into third spot, perfect for attacking the final hill. As I got to the bottom of the hill my bottom bracket gave up the ghost. Basically I could no longer turn the pedals, so not only did I not get the chance to get a decent placing in a 2nd cat race, but I could not finish the race. All that hard work for nothing.

Another mechanical was at the Grand Cymru event. I was really looking forward to this. The weather was great, had spent a couple of days in Bala and was really looking forward to blasting the course. After about 20km my back wheel gave up the ghost. I then had to spend about an hour trying to get back to HQ to see the misses. I must have spent loads of money on that weekend and only rode my bike for about 40km. This was annoying but I will go back next year as the course looked great.

Best road racer
Hmm, well surely the ACC road race results should tell you. :lol: Really though Tim Harris is mega smooth and I think he has done really well. Last winter he could hardly keep up on the hills, now he is whipping ass in races with very high calibre riders. His result in the SERRL against the 1st cats where he managed to get in the points is extremely impressive and shows what he is capable of on a good day.

Best TTer
Hmm, well you need to have something wrong with you to enjoy time trialling and I think that Richy V fits the bill. I believe Richy is in the legal business, they are a strange lot, trying to make money out of other peoples misfortune and making mountains out of molehills. But I have to say that his results have been awesome, the average speed of some of his rides got me thinking as to whether or not he should be done for a speeding offence. Surrey Traffic Police Vs Viney, will you be defending yourself Mr Viney or is it a fair cop that you must have broken a few speed limits on your recent rides.

Most impressive riding
The most impressive riding I have seen this year is from Max Ramirez. Max is a regular road racing member of ACC, but not many of you will have seen him out. Max and I did the Marmotte this year and we spent a couple of days in the Alps riding. Max would just ride away from me and David Findlay whenever the road went vertical, which is quite a lot in the Alps. Max does not look like he is trying, he just gets into his rhythm, seated climbing and just keeps a constant pace, which is just fast enough to drop me. It is impressive to watch him disappear into the distance and watching your own HRM hitting 95% and thinking how does he do that. Although Aodan and Sylvain are impressive climbers, Box Hill is nothing compared to Alp D'Huez and I have to say it chaps, but I reckon Max would knock your socks off up the Alp or Box Hill, his climbing when he is on a good day is awesome.

Favourite Club Riders
My favourite club rider is Paul Hone. He rocks up on his bike dressed like the equivalent of a tramp when stood next to the bling assos clad boyz and then sits on the front of the training group and works. He is extremely competitive and loves trying to drop the training group or at least put them through hell. He is always up for trying to win the race to the top of every small hill, drag or even getting to the end of a road first. On a couple of occasions he has caught me napping this year and made me have to work hard to catch up with the group when he has put in a dig. When Paul is out I always know that I am going to have to put my back into the ride to be able to keep up and put in a good show.

Season’s low point
Simon Hazeldine getting knocked off his bike just before the racing season started. He had excellent form and was looking like he was going to cause awesome damage to the races. Thankfully he made a full recovery and is now getting ready to kick butt next year.

Most improved racers
I think that this has to be Toks. Before this year Toks was very nervous about showing his true colours in terms of his strength and speed. This year his confidence has risen significantly and he is attacking and leading the peleton in most races that I have seen him in. Getting into the break at the ACC race and then getting dropped later in the race, although sounds bad is brilliant. That is what it is all about, you have to be in it to win it and now he is having a go he is getting his just rewards. Well done on your second cat, you really deserve it.

Best Racing debut
Not sure but you lucky buggers who got a first place in your first ever event have got to be pretty happy. So you know who you are, well done.

Most improved club riders
My hat goes off to Aodan and Kieran. Both of these guys have come on really well this year. Kieran is now racing regularly and next season I reckon will start getting a bit more confident and should be up there in the results. Have you seen Aodan go up Box Hill, no, well nor have I, keeping up long enough to see him all the way to the end is just too painful. If he raced we would all be in trouble.

Favourite ACC event
ACC road race at Eastway. Well done Toks on an excellent event, well organised and cheers for making the result so good as well. :lol:

Best Forum bits
Toks race reports are brilliant. I wish I had the literary art that Toks certainly has. When are you going to start writing for cycling weekly?

Could have / should have …
… won every race I entered/won every race I entered

Best Quote
"we are going to take it easy today", me every time I turn up at CSS and am trying to round up riders for the training group.

Most ‘Bling’ Rider
It has to be Tim, although I seem to remember some really dodgy pictures with funny coloured arm warmers with yellow ACC top, this was pushing it a bit.

King of Pain

Next Year
Young Stu Bianchi is going to kick butt if he stays on the straight and narrow.

In relation to my objectives I managed to stay upright but only won 1 race. Next year objectives will need to be redefined, but I am sure Toks is going to give me some wise words of wisdom as to where I should set my target. Of course this does rely on me doing what he says, and as my moto is 'attack on the first lap and keep your fingers crossed' I think I will need to keep my adrenaline on a tight leash.


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Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:32 am


Aodan has done a fair bit of off-road racing over the past few years, like Beastway, the ongoing cx season, or the Grand Raid Cristalp (130km in the Swiss Alps with 4600m of climbing, no need to tell you how hard this can be) that we did together with Will and Simon in I think 2004. But yeah I'm waiting to see how good he would be on the road.

If we could get a presence with 4-5 or more people of similar abilities in selected Cat 3/4 races next year (so that's before you get the 2nd Cat licence!) it could make waves and make the racing even more exciting.
Dr Frigo

Postby Dr Frigo » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:38 am

And you're not fooling anyone by cajoling Paul H, we all know he has threatened to beat you next year so don't expect any favours! ;-)

In fact, that should be my quote of the year: Paul H "Marek, I will beat you next year".
Dr Frigo

Postby Toks » Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:59 pm

[quote]It was great fun to see Toks struggling up Cranleigh hill
What a mean horrible thing to say!!! :cry:
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Postby siwickm » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:10 pm

Hey I have seen your look of glee before when I have been having a rough day and you have put the boot in so don't come all the innocent. It was funny though, you were dying on that hill.


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Postby siwickm » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:20 pm

Hey, I think the quote that Toks gave at the top of Cranleigh that time was quite good, I think it went something like:

"pant pant, blimey, you guys have either got a bit faster on the hills pant pant, or I am having a bad day".

after he struggled to mount the hill after giving a big talk earlier in the day on how he was going to kick all our butts up every hill. :lol:


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Postby Toks » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:31 pm

[quote]Hey, I think the quote that Toks gave at the top of Cranleigh that time was quite good, I think it went something like:

"pant pant, blimey, you guys have either got a bit faster on the hills pant pant, or I am having a bad day".

after he struggled to mount the hill after giving a big talk earlier in the day on how he was going to kick all our butts up every hill.


:lol: :lol: I don't actually remember saying that, but if I did Chapeau to you. I really don't remember struggling on Cranleigh; I was third up the climb on Winterfold. You got the better of me there and Paul won the KOM. But there's no doubt about it by the time we got to Box Hill I was dead mate.
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Postby siwickm » Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:43 pm

Is winterfold the 20 odd percenter, if so that is the one that I mean. It is just on the outskirts of Cranleigh before you descend into Shere.


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Postby huw williams » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:29 pm

Yes it is - I remember you two racing up there as I was watching it from just behind - I thought at the time "that's the last we'll see of these two on this ride" sure enought Toks went backwards from that point but Marek recovered enough to lead a massive charge along the top of Ranmoor to the bottom of Box Hill.

Even Marek had nothing left up Box Hill but recovered again at the top for a barnstorming finish into Croydon - that was a great day's riding.

Weather permitting there'll be a slightly more measured approach to the same ride on 4th Nov (this being end of season of course)
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Postby siwickm » Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:47 pm

Excellent, I will polish up the racing bike and get my light weight racing wheels to the ready. For a nice 'steady' training ride. :twisted:


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Postby Richard (Apples) » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:40 pm

Goals: Join a club and ride with some like minded people . Try some racing . Improve my fitness and drop a couple of pounds. Get the inspiration to do some serious riding next year

All achieved : Joining the agreeables is the best thing I’ve done in years

Training Approach and Philosophy

Riding to work everyday rain or shine (until I got manflu two weeks ago) Going on the CR now and then. Crystal Palace loop a couple of times

My Best Race/Ride: The ACC novice race . Great fun !! Got the bug for next year

My Worst Race/Ride: Didn’t do that many, but going wrong on the Falling Leaves in a torrential downpour and ruining my chances of a decent time was pretty annoying

Best ACC Road Racer: Toks……never seen him without a smile and always ready with some genuine advice

Best ACC TT Man and Woman: Sean for his 10 pb . Tamar

Most Impressive Riding I witnessed: The ACC peleton as it swept passed us during the ACC race . So fast I don’t remember them going past the second time

Favourite Club Riders: Too many to mention but Paul Dewis , Ian Munnery and The Shadow are agreeable chaps

Seasons Low Point: The drug scandals

Most Improved Racers: Don’t know

Best Racing Debut: The Shadow - winning his first race ever at Hillingdon

Most improved Club Riders: Not sure. Need to go on more

Favourite ACC event: The ACC road race

Best Forum Bits: Mudguards and Huw’s epic tales

Racing/Riding Could of's and Should ofs: Done more training / Entered more events

Best seasons Quotes “Looks nice and bright over there” unknown rider on the falling leaves as we sat at traffic lights soaked through

ACC's 'Blingiest' Riders: The contest is ongoing with all the new bikes in the pipeline

King and Queens of Pain: The 12 hour gang

Who do we look out for next year? All the riders in the novice race…we’ve tasted it we want more :D
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Postby adrian » Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:38 pm

Goals at the start of the year Ride more, faster and for longer. In particular enter some sportives in the summer

Training approach and philosophy Fairly haphazard. Ride with the fastest group I dare to on the Saturday CR; keep ticking over Mon-Fri by commuting to work every day; extra rides on Sunday when I can get away with it. Latterly, and more fruitfully, dedicated 1.5-hr hill-training sessions a couple of times a week. Running and circuit training once a week. Oh, and Pilates on a Thursday

My best ride The recent Falling Leaves was my best performance time-wise. Particularly enjoyed a mini-ToSH in late January - for some reason that was the strongest I felt all year. Also enjoyed the Paul T-led ride to Eastbourne (diverted to Brighton) and back. And did OK in the Circuit of the Cotswolds, though a bout of cramp put the kybosh on my time.

My worst race/ride No question - Highclere Castle. Three punctures and two lengthy mechanicals made it a long, lonesome day. Oh, and it was crap driving there and back, as well

Most impressive riding I witnessed Most of the good stuff went on too far in front of me to see

Most impressive riding I didn't witness but came to hear about: 1) Conor finishing the Etape du Dales in the worst of some atrocious weather 2) Huw's Gran Fondo ride in Italy

Favourite club riders Wouldn't want to offend anyone by risking leaving them out. But there's quite a few, and they probably know who they are

Season's low point Any cyclist getting killed or seriously injured in a road crash, and their friends and family still being let down by the legal system and the government

Favourite ACC event Would loved to have taken part in the Eastway road race - looked like great fun

"Nice one" to Everyone involved in running a great forum - Sean and Marco are names that spring to mind

Best forum bits Sportive write-ups; Huw’s Odyssean ride reports; training advice by Huw, Toks, Marek and others

Riding could haves and should haves Worked harder on the flats in long rides instead of taking a breather between hills. Would've been home quicker

Best season's quotes 1) "About six hours? Oh, really?" Ajay's incredulity at my avowed intent prior to the Circuit of the Cotswolds proved to be prophetic. 2) "How the **** do you do that?" Unknown rider as I flew past him on a hill on the Highclere Castle ride. Boosted my confidence no end and helped me keep going just when I was ready to jack it in

Kings/queens of pain We've all worn the crown at some point this year, have we not?

Goals for next year Do more sportives, including at least one abroad, and be as well prepared for them as possible. Perhaps think about having a go at racing...
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Postby Toks » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:06 pm

[quote] Perhaps think about having a go at racing...
Why perhaps? You're strong enough - give it a go :D
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Postby huw williams » Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:41 am

I agree, already strong enough to feature in the points at Hillingdon - look oout for the novice racer training rides this winter Adrian
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Postby huw williams » Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:02 am

Just noticed the 5th and 19th of Nov are scheduled as race training days so I suggest you give these a go
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