I did 60 miles yesterday
Started off in thick freezing fog in Croydon - passed two MTBers on the road after Purley who on seeing my ACC kit started shouting "Paul, Paul"
Oh the indignity - I was either being mistaken for Tunnell or Dewis, I didn't know which was worse - I know I've been off the bike for a month but surely I wasn't riding THAT BADLY
Anyway one of 'em did a big effort to catch me up and it turned out to be Marco, on his way to Farthing Down with Bob for a brief off-road sojourn.
In the 60 miles that followed I dIdn't see a single other rider out from any club
By the time I got to Merstham the sun was breaking through and I had to strip a couple of layers off but then after Reigate in the lanes towards Brockham it got seriously bad - freezing mist and the roads were like an ice rink. Every corner was risking a crash and punctures were inevitable (I got two despite newish tyres). Box Hill was deathly silent - not a single car up or down - eerie
After Chipstead valley I did a couple of the climbs that go up to Fanny's to make the ride longer but each time I came back down the temperature seemed to be getting lower and I was risking a crash so I went home
One of those 'character building' rides you hear about
Stu - is your bike a mess, that's about the worst condition my bike and kit have been in for years. After xmas we'll have to show you the best route to Brighton and back