Local News on the ACC Road Race Debate

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Re: Local News on the ACC Road Race Debate

Postby Ivor » Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:28 pm

[quote="Tony"]Having said all that, escalating the actions of the PCSOs involved is not likely to get anywhere. Road racing on the highway is a privilege and needs police support to do it.

I wonder if in future inviting the local PCSO's along and giving them a slice of cake might be advantageous.

[quote]What road races really need is for the on-coming traffic to be obliged to stop for the peloton.

It's entirely possible that the leading car was driving in such a way past corners to encourage that behaviour. :lol:
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Re: Local News on the ACC Road Race Debate

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:45 pm

[quote="Grahame"]That's two reports that I have read in which the race referee (presumably the commisaire?) is quoted as having sanctioned the PCSOs' actions. Has anybody written to the BCF mentioning this and the resultant endangerment of the racers?

Don't worry Grahame, it is all in hand.
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Re: Local News on the ACC Road Race Debate

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:00 pm

[quote="Tony"]From the description given of the way the race was stopped, the actions of the PCSOs were inexcusible. I saw them trying to chase the bunch in their car (whatever dreadul little tin box it was). It was like a cross between a scene from Postman Pat and the Professionals. There is nowhere to overtake the bunch safely on that circuit - not even in a powerful vehicle. Had the PCSO known what they were doing, they should have driven the wrong way around the circuit waited at a place where they could clearly be seen and stopped the lead car (and thereby the race) as it approached them. The police are fully aware of the race timing and the circuit being used (as far as I know) - so this should not have taken too much lateral thinking.

Having said all that, escalating the actions of the PCSOs involved is not likely to get anywhere. Road racing on the highway is a privilege and needs police support to do it.

What road races really need is for the on-coming traffic to be obliged to stop for the peloton. 60 or 80 riders are always going to spill over the road at the slow points as the bunch concertinas. It cannot be avoided and requires co-operation from on-coming traffic. Unfortunately, a lot of nimbies seem to live around that part of Surrey....

The Surrey league has excellent dialogue and co-operation from Surrey Police (whatever else they may or may not do), and they are happy to let us get on with the job of putting on safe races, i.e. signage, marshals etc. Keith Butler has taken the matter up with Surrey Police, who (apparently) are disapointed with the involvement of the CSOs, as CSO's are not trained to deal with these sort of situations, but of course are required to be seen serving the community. No-one on the roads around the course could not have been aware (sorry about the double negative there) that a race was taking place, yet apparently they "suddenly came across the cyclists all over the road" -how exactly did that happen? - Did they miss the lead car, flashing lights, motorbike, warning signs, marshals at all junctions?

As an aside, which would not help this particular situation, but for future events, there are some new regulations soon to be enacted that will allow approved marshals under certain conditions the power to stop traffic. This has been trialled very successfully in Essex and Wales and Surrey are keen to get this under their belt (as it means they have even less involvement in cycle racing - my interpretation).
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