Club Run 26/09

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Club Run 26/09

Postby Antloony » Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:12 pm

Well lying in bed sat morning, sun streaming through the window I couldn't wait to get out there on my bike for another agreeable club run. Despite having a tooth pulled out on friday morning after infection complications I was more than up for a good hard ride :shock:

Nice gentle warm up ride to CSS feeling the mercury starting to rise and taking the early morning chill away. With not a cloud in the sky and hardly a breath of wind it was just the perfect cycling day.

Due to a lack of the usual suspects in the training group due to some ditching their bikes and taking to two feet a shout was given for a 20mph group. I was first up swiftly followed by Rob W, we though that was going to be it till young Paul, fresh from his 3rd place at the club RR B race last week showed his face and soon after Rich and Mr Killyridols rolled up along with an enthustiastic Kasper.

Off we went as I lead out the group and started banging out a good fast pace right from the off, this was a bit much for Kasper as he soon dropped off the back to leave the 5 off us. I was quite happy to do more than my fair share of work but Rob then Paul kindly did a few turns just to giveme a couple of mins breather before I hit the front again and upped the pace when ever it started to drop. Everyone seemed happy with this and there were no complaints from the back. Rich lead us up the first part through the woods by Rusper before Rob took the helm and kept the pace up, when he started to flag I took to the front dragging young Paul along with me but I let him know who's boss by hammering out a quick pace to keep him at bay as we reached the top.

T&O was good, started off slightly ragged but soon became nice and smooth with a good average speed. Towards the end of the DC it was obvious there were a couple of pairs of tired legs which was to be expected as we'd averaged over 21mph to this point so as we turned off the DC it was left to Rob and I to do the lions share of the work with Paul still chipping in now and again. Onto the sprint, we'd got stuck behind a slow car going into the last 2 corners, I had planned on just taking a flyer and riding away from the others but the car scuppered my plans. As it was I just sat on Pauls wheel and waited for him to go then just rode round him and hey presto, job done.

Nice fuel stop at the cafe and onwards for the ride home, had a good chat with Marek although I did give us both a heart attack as I hit a bump while signalling for a left turn and nearly hit him :? Fairly steady ride back to the pit stop and regroup were after a quick chat we were off again. Steady pace back up to the motorway junction but as soon as we were under the bridge off we went, Rob starting off with SteveB in tow. Still feeling strong and on my favorite bit of tarmac I put the hammer down and started to pull away from Rob and Steve before letting them catch me to say farewell before a nice steady recovery ride home.

Yet another great day, good company and a really enjoyable ride, thanks guys.
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Re: Club Run 26/09

Postby Hal » Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:54 am

I was hoping to join a steady club run this week, however my brother has just got a new road bike, so with the sun shining i rode out to Oxted to show him the ropes. Along pilgrims way and up Toys hill, (you have to start somewhere right), then the fast decent into Edinbridge for a rest. First he though he was going to die going up the hill :oops: then the though he was going to die going down the hill :shock: .

After the initiation by fire we took it more gently around the lanes for a little loop round Chiddingston/Hever/Lingfield. All very agreeable. (36miles ave about 16mph)

On Sunday I rode out with my wife and mum along the forest trail between Hartfield and Groombridge which was again all very agreeable. (13miles ave about 10mph)

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Re: Club Run 26/09

Postby Amy » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:39 pm

I'm still high on the endorphins!!!! Still can't really believe I've made it back to the 19s and in some style - definitely wouldn't have believed it even a couple of weeks ago :shock:

Thanks, George, for taking it out nice and steady - I wasn't gasping for breath over the motorway junction this week...

Liked the change of route too - quite amusing listening to others in the group saying they hadn't got a clue where they were :lol:

Monty asked for my training regime :lol: My answer?! It's pretty much all down to doing the club run once a week. I don't have time to get out on the bike during the week and I need some time to do things at home :roll:

Think I might join Andrew or anyone else for long rides over winter just to improve my strength and stamina - and suggest a few myself.
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Re: Club Run 26/09

Postby Paulos Fandangos » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:19 am

Having had over a month off the club run, what with races and social jaunts I was relishing a good blast with some agreeables. Fresh from the ACC RR last week I was looking for a hard ride to push myself and maintain some good form! As there was no training group I rolled up to meet Ant and Rob shortly before Rich, Steve and Kasper joined the party.

It was fast-paced from the word go, with everyone chipping in when they felt they could push the pace up. I was feeling good, and clearly Ant still had some bite after losing a tooth (see what I did there) as did Rob, doing a large share of the work. We kept together until Rusper where firstly Rob, then Ant upped the pace. I tapped out a rythym to the top behind a charged Ant.

Into the sprint and a car broke up proceedings. Rich made and early break, and forced everyone's hand. I thought I'd follow and flew past trying for an advantage, but Ant was right there on my wheel. I dug deep, but realised this was futile when he came past. Still a solid ride and a a strong second.

After a long cake stop, I joined the queue for Box hill and we set off at a leisurely pace having a bit of banter. At first I was enjoying the steady pace, but I got itchy and thought I'd put in a dig at Newdigate to see if there were any takers. At first I was on my own, and eased off for a bit to see what had happened. There were a clumps of riders down the road, and shortly before the Holmwood turn-off Ben came to my wheel along with a small group of agreeables. We had a steady pace to the bottom of the hill where Rich came to the front and tapped out a wonderful rythym on the front. We climbed steadily, and come the penultimate corner stretched the legs before re-grouping at the top.

Riding back to Cousldon started steady but soon picked up with Steve, Rich, Ben, Mike I and myself zipping down to Kingswood. Then on to one of my favourite stretches of road down Chipstead Valley, fun and fast. We regrouped for a coffee before heading home. I felt great cycling the last 5 miles from CS. My legs felt fresh still and I'd had a great day on the club run in the sun. Got home with 64 miles on the clock and and average just shy of 20.

Great company, fantastic weather, and a really enjoyable ride!

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Re: Club Run 26/09

Postby Andrew G » Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:54 pm

[quote="Hal"]Along pilgrims way and up Toys hill, (you have to start somewhere right),

:lol: nice one Hal, is he talking to you again yet?

[quote="Amy"]Think I might join Andrew or anyone else for long rides over winter

I'll be starting around beginning of November, sometimes extend a CR, sometimes on a Sunday, sometimes both.
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