Hello IT inclined people...
I am currently in the processes of developing my own website. It is to be a step on from a blog, to provide a platform for which to market myself to new teams and potential sponsors over the next few years. You may have noticed almost every half decent rider around has his own website to keep people informed of their movements etc.
I have come across this site [url]http://www.webeden.co.uk/[/url], it offers a really easy editing software that seems to offer me everything I want from a website. It can be free, but in order to get the exact domain name that I want, and to be in control of any advertising on the site, there is inevitably a cost! In order to get the features I need, there is a £24.29 annual charge to use the appropriate editing functions/features. In addition to this, a cost of £8.99 to register the domain name, which will run for 24 months.
What are peoples (who are far better educated in these matters than myself!) thoughts?
Thank you in anticipation!