ACC Annual Dinner 2010

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ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Dombo » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:53 am

Great evening, great company, great food. Big thanks to the organisers.
Highpoints included hearing about Joyce's achievements on the bike, and watching George slowly disappear behind his growing pile of trophies.

I would also like to apologise to Amy, Nick and Mrs Nick, for taking the last cab from CSS - as we were all heading off in different directions :(
Sorry for that, and hope you all got back safely.
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Rob Q » Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:01 am

I would like to second that. :D
Great evening was had by all and a special thanks to all that were involved in organising the event. Snoop did well to keep proceedings moving along nicely cause when I saw the list of awards I feared that it would be a long night and not because those winners don't deserve their accolades, but the amount of wine I would have had to consume during the presentations.

Not sure who Nick and Mrs Nick are Dom, but it was Amy, Mr & Mrs Quinn that were left waiting ;-). Anyhow the wait was only around 10 minutes, so no worries there fella. :D

I hope everyone else had a good time and there are not to many sore heads this morning :lol:
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby joyce » Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:54 am

glad it all went off well.Arrived back at East croydon.hailed a taxi and keith,Tamar & I were home in a jiffy.Thanks to everyone involved for making it a great evening.All of you have a great season this year.Happy cycling
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:14 pm

Ditto the congratulations to those that organised the night. A shame that the distance to the venue seemed to put some off as it would have been micer to have some more members' there, and with the bus to and from it wasn't a problem. Very nice food, fell off the bine if you looked at it.

My Dad said he'd send me his photos so I'll stick some up as and when.
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Roy Green » Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:22 pm

Great organising and general jollying along by the Snoop/Tamar/Joyce team, with others, ensured it was a brilliant evening. My wife Jean said she didn't know many at the start of the evening, by the end had made lots of new friends - true Agreeables style. Talked to Brighton Jane, an occasional visitor to the clubrun, who said she found us a far more sociable club than most, especially the 'waiting for' policy on runs. Top evening. :D
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:34 pm

My Dad's photos. I expect you have some good ones Sean as you took quite a few of the evening as a whole as well, brave of you to let Marky Mark have your camera for a while though - you may have some frightening ones on there as I saw him trying to find out if anything was worn under Snoop's kilt :shock: .

John and Snoop have a "Camp out" competition :lol:
Joyce dishes out all the gongs.
Surrey League winnings collection
Time Trial Medal collection
Hal collects some chamois creme to help him recover from his 5 day unsupported Land's End to John o'Groats
Amy collecting The attendance Cup
Mr Green Sr with the Photography Cup (winner from last year, unfortunately George's van wasn't working so he couldn't get the display boards up for this year so perhaps we should have the comp on the forum?)
George and his Cyclo Cross Trophies
Steve Davies with the 10 Mile Trophy
George tries to work out how to carry the 25, 50, and 100 Mile Trophies back to his table
Paul and George collect their medals and plates for the 30 Mile Tandem Club Record
Snoop picks up the Memorial Trophy, cheer up :wink:
This rather impressive beast (the trophy not PVT) was awarded to our region for the biggest increase in BC membership over the year

Unfortunately non of the road race trophy winners were there to collect their silver last night.
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:52 pm

OK confession time, who scooped out the contents of my head overnight and replaced my wonderful brain with a pile of broken glass and rotten eggs :? Slight headache this morning.

Good fun evening, I saw lots of laughing and smiling going on all night. Strikes me that in future years we could all try to encourage more to attend based on all our own positive experiences.

I hope no one felt the pace of the award presentation was in any way disrespectful but even with a few prize winners absent we had a lot go get through. I'm extremely proud and humbled to win the memorial trophy, and Roy's pic shows me managing (just) not to cry about it :lol: :lol: honest! Soppy git :oops:

Well done to everyone organisers, partners, drinkers, eaters - all performed magnificently. And in particular thanks to our outgoing social secretary Paul Tunnell. As incoming social secretary we've been left quite a legacy to follow and I hope we can make things even better again next year. Once my hangover is clear we'll get some feedback on what worked - what could be improved, why people did and did not come etc.

Thanks all for such a good time - great club, great people.
Last edited by Snoop Doug on Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Marky Mark » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:58 pm

What a stonking night, thanks dad (Monty) for dressing me.

Very agreeable night in a great location and fantastic company, a good time was had by all, well done to all involved for making these things happen.

Thanks to whoever nominated me fot the Tankard, made me feel a million dollars and I will treasure it and hand it the next worthy winner.

The x-ray confirmed that my finger is broken so I'd better stay off the bike for a week :lol:

Marky Mark :wink:

Have you got any pics for us Sean????
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Amy » Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:45 pm

[quote="Dombo"]I would also like to apologise to Amy, Nick and Mrs Nick (aka Rob Quinn and wife), for taking the last cab from CSS - as we were all heading off in different directions :(
Sorry for that, and hope you all got back safely.

It was most gentlemanly of you :lol: Don't worry, I didn't have long to wait and neither did the Quinns; though we were lucky as all the world trooped in after you left and started demanding taxis. Got home safely despite the driver's rather cavalier attitude to speed limits - either that or his car could only go at stop and 40 mph. At one point he overtook two cars in the 20mph section by going round the wrong side of a traffic island :shock:

Anyway back to the main business, definitely was a good night, with good food, good company and some good laughs in good surroundings. Even I come out not looking too bad in the photo... (I hate photos of me :oops: ). The original hotel building was quite an impressive pile (shame about the modern extensions) with a wonderful interior such as the old library bar where we had our bucks fizz and the little antechamber just off the reception with curved doors at either end. Definitely didn't feel tacky like the Fairfield Hotel even though we were in the modern bit. Oh there was even a bit of a moat or at least a stream running past the front of the house...

I thought Snoop kept things moving at a nice pace - time to appreciate things but not so slow that you just sat there wanting to get things over. Well done to Tamar and her 'glamorous' assistant for organising the quiz.
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Alex P » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:09 pm

What a great night, I did enjoy that. 8) 8) :) :)

A big chapeau to all of the organisers!!!!!!

The highlight for me was Joyce reading out her history...

Roll on next year..

PS Marky, after I dropped you off at the pub you were staying at I turned down a road which had a bit of surface water on it however after the water bow wave was coming as high as my bonnet I was thinking "this is it - my goose is cooked!" :shock: but managed to push through to the other side....phew I live to fight another day
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Marky Mark » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:28 pm

[quote="Alex P"]PS Marky, after I dropped you off at the pub you were staying at I turned down a road which had a bit of surface water on it however after the water bow wave was coming as high as my bonnet I was thinking "this is it - my goose is cooked!" :shock: but managed to push through to the other side....phew I live to fight another day

Alex you are a real gent, even aiming your headlights so we could find the door, nice touch.

I deepy (no punn intended) apologise in my drunken state for not telling you about the 2 foot deep small puddle that covered the whole road , I had done the same puddle 7 hours earlier :oops:

Also you just have to love our Joyce.

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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Marcus » Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:48 am

Glad everyone enjoyed the Acc dinner. It seems the organisers put a lot of work, effort and time in to a very successful evening.

Joyce and Amy both look fab and made a real effort unlike snoop who it seems thought it was fancy dress :lol: Hope your haggis didn't get cold :lol:

Congratulations to all the winners and hope they receive some serious competition this year :)
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Re: ACC Annual Dinner 2010

Postby Nick W » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:44 am

I too would add my thanks to the organisers (and everyone on "our" table) for such a good night and, in my view, a great venue. The coach trip down only served to heighten our excitement, I am sure!

I think Snoop did very well to keep matters moving along at a suitable cadence.

Is it just me or does George have a crazed red eye look in the photos!

He must have slipped in to racing mode with all the excitement of winning all those trophies. That said, I did pretty well with my raffle stash.

Many thanks too to Mike and Kim for the lift home.

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