ACC Sportive

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ACC Sportive

Postby Rob Q » Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:41 pm

I remember this been discussed a few years back viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5800&hilit=addiscombe+sportive .
There never seemed to be any outcome unless I missed something? :oops:

Just seems that a club the size of ours should take advantage of the numbers we have to potentially run a Sportive that incorporates our cr and some of the other great routes in the area. Other much smaller club do it and what a great way to generate local interest and revenue into the club.
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Rob Q » Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:55 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan"]It has been,

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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:13 pm

I imagine we could do this and do it well, there's enough of us eh?

Some things to consider:

1 - we already have a busy event calendar, can we cope?
2 - someone needs to own and drive this. Ideas grow on trees - they need developing and stuff to make them happen (insert cheezy management guff here but you get the idea)
3 - how much competition is there locally? Could we do a twist on it maybe - start in a park and have a junior section somewhere safe?
4 - how about doing it as a fundraiser - not for the club but maybe for a charidee?

Pretty sure the above have been discussed to some extent before....

Back to sleep for me

Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Dan_K » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:28 pm

Why not do something and put the money into the club rather than a charity?

I saw that Adam had a tough time getting money together to go to Belgium. Why couldn't we raise some funds to help young, promising cyclists to race/train abroad and have a fund that riders can apply for?

I know nothing about organising events but would be willing to give up time to help.
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:33 pm

We've struggled to meet our current commitments for the last few years, wouldn't it be better to make sure we meet those well before starting something that would require a huge amount of work and involvement? The number of people needed to run a sportive well is loads, otherwise you end up with an expensive nothing bike ride that doesn't really serve a purpose. Think of the various comments that crop up on the forum about the poor goody bag at the end etc. Personally I think if you are going to go in to this and try and compete with events run by Pendragon Sports et al you need to make sure you have every base covered and covered well. If you're charging the same fee then you should match the service provided.
[quote="Sean Hogan"]Sportives are ten a bloody penny at the moment.

Yes, too true. If you look through the list of them then a lot are nothing special rides where someone has just looked at it as a money making opportunity by sticking the word sportive on the end and charging £25 for it. Some are very good, but there's a lot out there that look shocking and cost the same. Hell of Ashdown is just the old Catford Reliability tarted up. The route for the Old Ports Reliability is better, it's also sign posted, turn up on the day to enter, costs £5 not 3 or 4 times that.
[quote="Snoop Doug"]
Some things to consider:

1 - we already have a busy event calendar, can we cope?
2 - someone needs to own and drive this. Ideas grow on trees - they need developing and stuff to make them happen (insert cheezy management guff here but you get the idea)
3 - how much competition is there locally? Could we do a twist on it maybe - start in a park and have a junior section somewhere safe?
4 - how about doing it as a fundraiser - not for the club but maybe for a charidee?

1 - Fill all our marshaling commitments without a problem for a year or two running first I think.
2 - As has been said, it's been mentioned before...a number of times...still waiting...
3 - Loads. I'd check what the Evans rides do as they are in a prime area to be able to do the junior/family thing much better and with much greater ease.
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:45 pm

[quote]1 - we already have a busy event calendar, can we cope?
2 - someone needs to own and drive this. Ideas grow on trees - they need developing and stuff to make them happen (insert cheezy management guff here but you get the idea)

[quote]1 - Fill all our marshaling commitments without a problem for a year or two running first I think.
2 - As has been said, it's been mentioned before...a number of times...still waiting...

Re 1 - is that the sound of hell freezing over I hear....

:lol: :lol: :lol: Agree - I couldn't resist tho!
Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Dominic » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:56 pm

Dare I suggest perhaps organising an Audax instead.

Limited people required, signing on and midway checkpoints, could be a pub :D . Then somebody to collect and validate cards at the end. Same person that would accept applications and send out route sheets.

The only downside I see is, it is not sexy and will not generate money but may enhance the profile of the club and indeed give our non racing members a chance to ride in an uncompetitive atmosphere while giving them a real sense of achievement. Even the hardened bike riders amongst us are happy when we have ridden 100 miles in a day.

The way I see it (and thought about it) is we could even take over, if allowed, the Brass Monkey 100k and the Battle and Back 200k. The routes are in place and would need checking nearer the day but they are well established. The last I heard Tim Wainwright was having a year off but that was a couple of years ago. It would also be nice to resurrect these rides are they are local to us and use our local roads.

Just a thought :wink:
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Antloony » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:11 pm

Does the club really need to make money. It can be run as a none profit making event, that'll keep prices down and hopefully push up the number of entries.

It still amazes me that we bleat on about being the biggest club in the region if not the country yet give so little back to the cycling community. Its great to see ideas being banded about and brought to the fore instead of being lost behind the filing cabinet.
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Rob Q » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:28 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Does the club really need to make money. It can be run as a none profit making event, that'll keep prices down and hopefully push up the number of entries.

It still amazes me that we bleat on about being the biggest club in the region if not the country yet give so little back to the cycling community. Its great to see ideas being banded about and brought to the fore instead of being lost behind the filing cabinet.

Like the giving back to the cycling community bit ;-).
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Dominic » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:33 pm

From the brief responses I have had on the Battle and Back may be taken. That would leave the Brass Monkey. I will mull this over in my tiny mind and may do it regardless of the whole sportive thing :)
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:57 pm

...looking interesting....and the nice thing about audax is it's inclusive nature and not many people needed to run it, be nice to have something in the calendar that ain't a TT or RR. I'd be happy to invest a bit of time into helping an audax - blimey it might even get me back on a bike :shock:
Snoop Doug

Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Marek » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:31 pm

Doing a sportif properly is a hard job. I know a few guys in the Verulum CC and they organise the Chiltern 100. This is a really tough ride, on the same day they also do a couple of shorter rides. The guy who organises this has a committee helping him and they start early in preparations, it is almost a full time job for the organiser who spends his weekends getting things lined up and ready for the big day.

The great thing with the Chiltern 100 is that it is a not for profit ride, it all goes to Charity which I think is great. Costs etc are helped by having some sponsorship. I did this event last year, even got a tune up of the gears from a Sigma Sport stand before I started. If we were to do a sportive rather than a Audax then this would be the model that we should look to mimic. Am sure I could get some tips from Eddie if I asked (no that was not me volunteering).


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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:45 pm

[quote="Dominic"]Dare I suggest perhaps organising an Audax instead.

I think that's a far better idea.
[quote="Sean Hogan"]Audux?
Sexy no, sounds likes sth you buy from the same shelf as Cilit Bang. 8)

Sportive = an expensive audax for people with no sense of direction :wink: .
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby -Adam- » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:43 am

[quote="Dan_K"]I saw that Adam had a tough time getting money together to go to Belgium. Why couldn't we raise some funds to help young, promising cyclists to race/train abroad and have a fund that riders can apply for?

Its an ongoing battle for all riders of my level who aren't quite good enough, or recognised enough (i.e move in the wrong circles). A fund to help aspiring riders abroad would be good.

If anyone has any interest in supporting me, or knows anyone in a position to help me out, I am in the processes of completing a website with lots of space to sing the praises of your business, and I am also getting in with the local papers too. Prime publicity opportunity...
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Re: ACC Sportive

Postby MattD » Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:36 pm

I think an Audax is a great idea, it can require minimum support , and would also be a superb foundation for a Sportive at a later stage . Here is some info from the official Audax site .

What is Audax UK?
Audax United Kingdom (known as Audax UK or AUK) is the foremost long-distance cycling association in the UK, and the biggest in the world. It was established in 1976. AUK oversees the running of long-distance cycling events, and, using a system of timed checkpoints, validates and records every successful ride.

What are AUK events like?
They are NOT races. People ride them more in the spirit of an event like the London Marathon, everyone riding to their own limitations with the primary objective to just 'get round'. These events suit everyone, clubmen, time-trialists, recreational riders, cycletourists, 'born again' cyclists, young and old, male and female. And you'll see all sorts of machines - bikes, tandems, trikes, recumbents, and occasionally even stranger things ...
Size of entry varies greatly but is typically around 100 starters. Small local events may have just a handful of riders while a few popular events attract 200 starters or more.
The routes typically feature a few fast main roads and a lot of quiet, scenic lanes. Many events are quite hilly, some are extremely hilly, and even the flatter ones usually have one or two challenging climbs. Some events are noted for the quality of home-cooked food and tender loving care supplied along the way. But most are not - self-sufficiency is a highly-regarded quality in AUK.
On the same theme, 'support' - for example a following car - is very much frowned upon. There are maximum and minimum time limits, which are designed to suit everyone from the fittest of recreational riders, to more occasional riders who have plenty of determination. Each rider carries a 'brevet card' which is stamped at intermediate checkpoints and at the finish, and which is later returned to the rider as a certificate of their achievement.
The success rate on these events is very high - probably only about 10% fail to finish.

What is a permamanet
Permanent rides are more flexible than calendared events. Most can be ridden at any time and many organisers will not insist that you commit yourself to a particular date in advance. Most organisers provide you with a route sheet and many offer advice as to possible places to obtain your proof of passage in designated towns or villages.

Unlike a Sportive , the pace is usually even with very little racing , although the top Audaxer can still finish 200k in the minimum time including the odd Café stop at 30 kmh !

For a Club with the heritage of Addiscombe I think it would be great to have an established Audax route of 50k , 100k , and 200k. These could be set up as permamanents for the rest of the year , with one calendar date agreed .. perhaps the last ride at the end of the reliability season !

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