Club Run March 6th

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Club Run March 6th

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:55 am

Just two of us out in the ACC Surrey Hills Club Run today. Me and Sue Ritchie (hi again Sue :) . We were joined by Danielle and Jess from Astounding Adventures plus some good company from a few other mtb clubs. After coffee, a quick bike check and a few intros, why are you here, what do you want to learn, any issues (I told 'em, don't worry), we set off. A lovely sunny day, blimmin freezing mind.

Most of the morning was about core skills, I learned a lot mostly because I didn't have any to start with. By the end of the morning session I had learned how to get my weight properly balanced on the bike, I was looking way ahead instead of straight down at the ground, I'd ridden over a teeny log, which previously I'd have stopped for or navigated round, I'd ridden off a very short, steep(ish) drop, practised some cornering, and had a go at Telegraph. Managed the third section apart from the steep dip with the stump in it. Apart from that though, I got all the way down the steps in good time.

I've just had to re-read that bit, this is more than I'd contemplated I might achieve in the whole day.

After a nice pub lunch, burger chips and a pint of Sussex we were out again. We sessioned a steppy section of Telegraph practising manuals and in no time I was coming off the steps landing both wheels simultaneously. Great fun, did this loads and loads of times. We did a session on basic mechanics which was useful, I need to buy a few spares. Then we rode to the top of Holmbury and did the yogurt pots :shock: . First time I stumbled a bit, this was waaaaay out of my comfort zone but I made it down and managed some sections quite well. We were given the option of another go. I hesitated then accepted. Second time round it was much better, did the whole lot, a bit slow in parts but made it non stop.

To finish we did the second and third sections of Telegraph again. Annoyingly I still couldn't hack the stumpy dip but I belted down the rest of the track at high speed and loved it. :twisted: :D :D :D

The people at Astounding Adventures were great teachers and confidence builders, I think we should try to sort out an ACC session with them, the group I was in had some v experienced mtb ers and I think we all learned well.

Best fun I've had on a bike for ages, in fact I bet no one enjoyed their club run yesterday as much as I enjoyed mine. Still pinching myself 8)

Wonderful day.
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Elliot M » Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:04 pm

good writeup snoop. i bumped into the Astounding Adventures group the other week, looked good. i know what you mean about the stump on Telegraph Road, it seems inevitable you'll smack into it...
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Dombo » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:11 pm

Great write up Snoop and well done. That dip with the stump on Telegraph is the hardest bit. Trick is to ignore the stump, look to the right of it and up the trail, and your bike will follow. Hope to see you out on the mtb sometime soon.
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Andrew G » Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:30 pm

Great stuff Snoop. I'm really pleased to read that you enjoyed it and found it so useful, I know you've had your problems with the bike which must be so frustrating. Hopefully this will provide a lot of help long term. I think having such confidence in your teachers, and perhaps not previously knowing them may have helped.
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Sylv » Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:46 pm

Glad you enjoyed it Snoop and that the instructors were a good bunch.

You think yesterday was cold - be thankful you weren't riding today. We were out for 3.5h, and I never warmede up properly. The wind was making it so much worse. Towards the end, my face got so numb I was having problems moving my jaws to speak - Marco thought I was having a stroke.
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Antloony » Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:53 pm

:D The Snoopster rides again....good going dude, glad your enjoying yourself on a bike again.

Good club run for me. Felt like a bit more of a work out so dived in with the training group. Steady ride out, not a mad pace due to the fact Paul H and Keith were away on racing duties, still enough strong riders to keep a healthy pace going and nice to see the return of Andy E. I gave the T&O a miss, looked at the wind direction and just didn't fancy it, the others said it was hard work.

A good head wind to keep us working hard on the way back. Started off in a large group but that soon whittled down to a select few to battle it out back to CSS. Legs felt good after the M23 junction so gave it some large licks on the front, hurt a bit but all good training I guess.

[quote="Sylv"]You think yesterday was cold - be thankful you weren't riding today.

Phew, thought it was just me thinking it was freezing today, must have been that biting cold icy wind. :shock:
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Amy » Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:49 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Legs felt good after the M23 junction so gave it some large licks

Why were you licking the road surface there?

Yes, it was cold today - glad I didn't ride to the one day sale. My friend is very slow and I would've frozen to my bike...
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Re: Club Run March 6th

Postby Marcus » Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:56 pm

[quote="Sylv"]You think yesterday was cold - be thankful you weren't riding today.
My face got so numb I was having problems moving my jaws to speak - Marco thought I was having a stroke.

I rode today and I think it is the first time I wondered how to keep my teeth warm, they were really that cold.
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