Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

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Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:31 pm

I nearly added more irrelevance to Alan's thread about sportives. Then I paused for a minute, and decided not to. There are a few comments in that discussion which I've copied out to here.

Jon Camden said: [quote]I've never understood why we can't publicly praise those that do their bit and name and shame those that don't. If you don't do your bit you shouldn't be welcome on the CR, club TTs, road race or whatever! (BTW still haven't have my fiver for marshalling the club road race!!!)

Jojo said: [quote]Jon, if you took that stance, you will find 85% of the club would disappear. I know it states on when becoming a member we are obliged to fulfil marshalling duties, but there is a big majority who just come out for the CR and have no interest in racing, TT etc etc and shouldn't have to be pressurised or made to feel they are not welcome because of this. I dont know what the answer is, but naming and shaming isn't one. I do however often read the thank you comments from those riders to the marshals.

:mrgreen: said: [quote]As you say it is an obligation when you sign up to be a member, whether you want to race or not. Addiscombe is not unique and you would find that if you joined just about any club in the country then you would have the same obligation, except as most of their memberships are smaller you would have to do more duties than that which Addiscombe require you to.

One of the principle reasons cycling clubs exist is to support grass roots cycle sport and without clubs promoting events then the sport would die off. It is due to the hard work done by cycling clubs and its members in promoting events that the likes of Wiggins, Cavendish, Boardman, and any other British pro (past or present) you mention have been able to get in to the sport and achieve what they have - supporting them in their early days. A lot of people take their first steps in racing after having been to an event having not realised that it interested them before, same as they didn't know they liked cycling as much as they do before joining a club and going on a club run.

I think it's very unfortunate that so many people just want to take from the club. When helping at a race you also get to mix with others with the same interest and can meet new friends, and with an early morning TT you could get a lift out from someone who's racing and then have a nice ride home afterwards taking in some new lanes and a different route as you are going point to point and not having to do a loop.

All this stuff got me thinking...

1 - I've previously mentioned name and shame before and Aodan responded with what I think is a much better idea. He suggested having a public list of people yet to fulfil their marshalling duty and use it more as an encourager. Tidy!

2 - I don't get the bit about 85% of the club would disappear if we enforced the rule. For a mere £19 (when paid by standing order) you get a weekly organised club run, alternative club runs, a fantastically organised series of club 10s, darts matches, occasional socials, a club dinner, some excellent discounts from local cycle related stores, and doubtless more than I can think of right now. In return, all we ask is that you help out once a year(ish). If folk don't think that's excellent value for money then do we want selfish (insert swear of your choice here) in the club?

3 - :mrgreen: suggested a few more social benefits wot I forgot :oops: Good work. Also stated that the marshalling rule is there for all to see when someone signs up. Don't like it? Don't join eh?

Kinda boils down to...

4 - Is there any point in having a rule the club is not prepared to enforce? Why do we do this? Beats me, but I think that feels like the crux of the matter. Paper tigers, toothless thingumajigs etc spring to mind. Use it or lose it? Enforce it or divorce it (crap rhyme I just made up sorry)?

Reading this back - it does feel like we have all the essential ingredients for success (or most eh?), so why does the recipe always end up tasting so.....yuck? What do you think folks?
Snoop Doug

Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Marcus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:55 am

Yes we should insist. That's the deal, you cannot join then say sod them I'll take everything they offer but am such a selfish git I am unwilling to give 3 to 4 hours a year in return.

I see the likes of Tamar, George and others doing an enormous amount for the club and the members. Sam Is only a junior and below the age of 16 is able to get out there and do his bit.

Them are the rules. They have enabled the club to survive for tens of years,they need enforcing, heck you may even enjoy it.

If you don't do your share this year, don't come back next year :mrgreen:
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Marcus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:19 am

I see the likes of Tamar, George and others doing an enormous amount for the club and the members. Sam Is only a junior and below the age of 16 is able to get out there and do his bit.

how could I forget Joyce, Amy and the regular contributors :D
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Jojo » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:55 am

So who goes to the CR every Saturday, stand there with their clip board checking names of those who haven't fulfilled their marshalling duty and then tells that rider you're a selfish (insert swearword here) now leave the club or don't come back as you haven't done your share?

Snoop / Marcus, you going to do it? As I said before I don't have the answer, but I don't think your approach is the right one.
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Marcus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:41 am

[quote="Jojo"]Snoop / Marcus, you going to do it? As I said before I don't have the answer, but I don't think your approach is the right one.

We could ask for volunteers :wink: As it would be a form of marshalling then it could count as your contribution :)
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Amy » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:54 am

Thanks, Marcus - I enjoy helping out at events, particularly doing canteen and I have no interest in racing or time trialling but I'm willing to get out there and support not only my club mates but riders from other clubs. I know others enjoy the marshalling side, standing outside and supporting the riders, both tt and racers.

It is a shame we can't encourage more people to come forward and help. I think all we can do is keep encouraging people to come forward, praising those who do and for those who do marshal to say how they enjoyed (I hope they enjoyed it...).

As Monty likes making announcements in front of the whole club on a Saturday, he could start mentioning marshalling duties and ask people to volunteer. I really start trying to encourage people more myself, as a VC, asking if others have done their marshalling yet when I'm out on the club run.

I have to say that I've had over half my membership fee paid so far this year and it would've been more if the 3-up had gone ahead :roll:

There's always an after-the-event-get-together - such as a brunch somewhere :D
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Jojo » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:01 am

[quote="Marcus"][quote="Jojo"]Snoop / Marcus, you going to do it? As I said before I don't have the answer, but I don't think your approach is the right one.

We could ask for volunteers :wink: As it would be a form of marshalling then it could count as your contribution :)

:lol: Good luck ! I don't want to sound confrontational, so please don't see it like that, but half the problem with this club is there are too many big voices on the forum, but when it comes to the doing those big voices cant be seen (Yourself and Snoop excluded of course as I know you both do your bit as do the usual suspects)
We have a club captain who should be promoting other events other than the cr. I know the cr is the backbone of the club, but this is the time when we have the numbers in one place to promote the other club events.

Right I will get off my soap box and get on with some work. Have a good day all.

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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:05 am

[quote="Jojo"]So who goes to the CR every Saturday, stand there with their clip board checking names of those who haven't fulfilled their marshalling duty and then tells that rider you're a selfish (insert swearword here) now leave the club or don't come back as you haven't done your share?

Snoop / Marcus, you going to do it? As I said before I don't have the answer, but I don't think your approach is the right one.

Well I did it for over two years Jojo, but when crunch time comes, no one would back me and enforce da roolz. So I became the embarrassing paper tiger. I was encouraged to do the role but given no backing when I needed it. Don't get me wrong the rule is a last resort but when people persistently duck what is after all an obligation they signed up to (see earlier point don't join a club which has rules you don't like) then we either do what's necessary or don't even bother in the first place.

If - as appears the case, what we do currently doesn't work, and we seem unwilling to enforce a rule, I'm just putting out an ask for ideas on how to make it better. Without wishing to sound hitleresque about it, personally I would highlight the situation to a few persistent offenders and ask them quietly to get involved. If they still refused, well I'd ask them to (drum roll) get on their bike :lol: . Seriously - if we asked a couple of well known faces to leave because of persistent rule breach that might send a message that a) we offer great value and b) we expect a teeny contribution from everyone in return.

And to be fair the rule doesn't say leave the club - take a look at it.
Snoop Doug

Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:06 am

Jojo - we crossed in cyberspace - not confrontational - this is an uncomfortable issue the club has failed to grasp for years which is why we find ourselves here - your input greatly received. Got to dash - more later

Snoop Doug

Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Ivor » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:09 am

Perhaps one option could be to try to the club run into events that are occurring a bit more, I guess this partly links in with the other aspect of not having the exact same run/route every week.

I know there are/have been valiant attempts to get alternative club runs/routes off the ground - and I have some problem criticizing the runs here since I don't participate in them much (it's on my new years resolution list).

but getting back to the point, perhaps there is a way that club runs could be organised/moved/rearranged to tie in with events going on? early morning TT's probably a bit tricky to tie in, although you could have a "this week the club run starts out from holmwood/broadbridge after the TT" or this week there is an alternative run starting slightly later and heading down to watch/(help out) the road race.

just a thought.
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Jojo » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:23 am

[quote="Ivor"]I know there are/have been valiant attempts to get alternative club runs/routes off the ground - and I have some problem criticizing the runs here since I don't participate in them much (it's on my new years resolution list).

Alternatives every Saturday with Pete a South African chap (dont know his name) and their merry men and ladies. Been on a few when ive had the chance to get on a cr as I get sooooooo bored with the usual cr. I digress Ivor. Like your idea of the cr to events etc :wink:
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Amy » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:32 am

[quote="Jojo"]Like your idea of the cr to events etc :wink:

[quote="Jojo"]We have a club captain who should be promoting other events other than the cr.

Please don't make me laugh...

Ivor, you could get your New Year Resolution started and come out this Sat to Wisborough Green, mostly quiet(er) roads, lovely scenery - maybe a cafe if it's still there or a pub for lunch...
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Marcus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:51 am

[quote="Jojo"][quote="Ivor"]I know there are/have been valiant attempts to get alternative club runs/routes off the ground - and I have some problem criticizing the runs here since I don't participate in them much (it's on my new years resolution list).

Alternatives every Saturday with Pete [size=150]a South African chap [/size](dont know his name) and their merry men and ladies. Been on a few when ive had the chance to get on a cr as I get sooooooo bored with the usual cr. I digress Ivor. Like your idea of the cr to events etc :wink:

Nelson Mandela :P
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Ivor » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:40 am

[quote="Amy"]Ivor, you could get your New Year Resolution started and come out this Sat to Wisborough Green, mostly quiet(er) roads, lovely scenery - maybe a cafe if it's still there or a pub for lunch...

would love to. can't sorry. :(
ECCA10 on Sat and ECCA25 on Sun.
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Re: Marshalling - Is it right that we insist?

Postby Marcus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:47 am

[quote="Amy"][quote="Jojo"]Like your idea of the cr to events etc :wink:

[quote="Jojo"]We have a club captain who should be promoting other events other than the cr.

Please don't make me laugh...

How abouts we just make you giggle :roll: i'll stop now :)
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