Critical Mass Friday 28th 6pm

A Place to idle the day away talking about anything you fancy. Expect to find cycling and non cycling topics inside

Critical Mass Friday 28th 6pm

Postby rollerskate skinny (sylv) » Thu May 27, 2004 12:40 pm

a few of us will be going ...

"Critical Mass London - Friday 28th May - 6pm South Bank

Here we go...

Summer is here and this Friday (28th May) is London Critical Mass! Join hundreds of other cylists in London as we reclaim the streets from traffic for an evening of bicycle celebration. After last month's 10th anniversary extravaganza (yup - TEN years of London Critical Mass!) we expect this to be a really fun ride.

Bring your bike, your mates, music, energy and life meeting up at 6pm under Waterloo Bridge on the South Bank. This month it has been proposed we head for the North end of Blackfriars Bridge for 7:30pm for a memorial gathering in rembrance of a cyclist who was killed there last week.

For more info on Critical Mass check out where you can join the CM London discussion list and find out about the aims and history of London Critical Mass as well as other CM's in the UK."
rollerskate skinny (sylv)
Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2003 1:33 pm

Postby Tamar » Thu May 27, 2004 5:07 pm

Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure I leave work promptly so as not to get caught up in a swathe of cyclists making loads of noise, blocking the road and riding at about 5mph. Intensely irritating when all you want to do is cycle home!
lives on this board 24/7!!!
Posts: 545
Joined: Thu Dec 05, 2002 6:09 pm

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