"British cyclist Millar held for questioning"

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"British cyclist Millar held for questioning"

Postby Elliot M » Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:39 pm

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Postby Will » Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:28 pm

Probably slightly less sensationalist account on Cycling News

[quote]Cofidis' David Millar was taken into custody by French police Tuesday night in his home town of Biarritz. The world time trial champion has been held for questioning as a witness in the ongoing investigation surrounding members of the Cofidis team. Millar becomes the ninth person placed in custody or under investigation by judge Richard Pallain, following Bogdan Madejak, Oleg Kozlitine, Daniel Majewski, Marek Rutkiewicz, Robert Sassone, Philippe Gaumont, Médéric Clain, and Cédric Vasseur.

Reached by telephone Thursday, Cofidis manager Francis Van Londersele affirmed to Cyclingnews that Millar's questioning by French police was strictly as a witness in the ongoing investigation, and the rider himself currently faces no charges stemming from the case (and thus no risk of suspension from his team). Millar remained in custody Thursday but was expected to be released by the evening.
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Postby Dan B » Fri Jun 25, 2004 11:04 am

Ahhh, French policing methods. I can just hear it now ...

[Author's disclaimer: the following is an hommage cordiale to our friends to the south. Or to 'Allo 'Allo. Whichever fits. ;-)]

"Alors, Mossieu Meelar, put down zat rosbif and come avec nous."

"It's not roast beef, you cretin, it's chicken tagliatelle."

"Oh-ho-ho, zee Breeteesh dopeur keeng wishes heemself a Michelin star to go with heez rainbow strip. Take heem away!"

"Mon avocat, je voudrais mon avocat!" [Millar is dragged out the door into the Biarritz night.]

"Quoi, avocat avec rosbif? Mot de Cambronne!" [Tastes Millar's dish.] "Mmmm ... il gout comme le poulet ..."
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