Cyclist killed

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Cyclist killed

Postby NICKSMITH » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:04 pm

A cyclist has been killed near the Olympic park.

On such a great day for cyclists all over the country.

Our sympathy goes to his family.

Article from Road CC pedal power.

A cyclist has this evening been killed by a bus transporting members of the media between two Olympic venues, according to a report by the Sydney Morning Herald.

The fatal incident is said to have taken place at 7.33pm at the junction of the Eastway and the A12 Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach Road.

That junction is close to the northwestern corner of the Olympic Park, where the Main Press Centre is located, and it is understood that the bus was heading from there to the ExCel Arena at the Royal Docks.

A picture accompanying the Sydney Morning Herald's report suggests that the bus in question belongs to Stagecoach.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby Phil H » Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:18 am

[url=]Eyewtiness account[/url] (not for the easily upset). No word on whether the bus indicated. And councils are still creating cycle lanes that encourage people to filter on the left at junctions. Madness.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby adrian » Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:38 pm


I know Bradley had his mind on other things, but I thought it disappointing that he didn't use the opportunity to call for more awareness of cyclists on the part of motorised transport users. Admittedly I didn't hear the whole interview, but from what I heard he appeared to suggest that if only cyclists would wear a helmet or not use MP3 players while riding, everything would be OK for them on Britain's roads.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby adrian » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:10 pm

[quote="marco"](if true)

Yep. Not sure why anyone who'd had an experience like that would be sharing it with perfect strangers within minutes.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby Phil H » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:11 pm

Far more pedestrians suffer head injuries than cyclists. Target helmet laws where they'll do most good.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby Amy » Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:49 pm

Sorry, but making helmet wearing compulsory is not the answer - enforcing the road laws and educating both drivers and cyclists would make the roads safer :evil: As it is making helmets compulsory makes cycling appear more dangerous and puts people off when it's the actions of all on road that causes the problems. This morning a skip lorry passed me too close, too close to the car in front for the speed he was going at. I could've wobbled for a variety of reasons and ended up under his back wheels and wearing a helmet is not going to save you if your body is crushed.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby Antloony » Fri Aug 03, 2012 5:19 pm

[quote="Amy"]I could've wobbled for a variety of reasons and ended up under his back wheels and wearing a helmet is not going to save you if your body is crushed.

Of course a helmet won't help if your under the wheels of a lorry, stupid point to make in my opinion, but where a helmet comes in handy is the slow speed accidents where you can easily crack your head on a kerb or a car bonnet which is a far more common occurrence than the tragedy on wednesday. For those that say helmets don't offer any protection, if you were given the choice of wearing a helmet or not while being hit on the head with a hammer which option would you opt for?

You can try and educate all you want and enforce laws but there will always be an element of idiots who think they're above the law or who simply don't give a toss, plus what with all the cuts in policing who's going to enforce the law. How many times a day do you see people driving while on the phone still? I don't think we can rely on Joe Public to always be polite and obey the law at all times so I'm quite happy to make some personal choices and try my best to stay safe, be it law or not.

When I was 12 I was really into my skateboarding and used to have no fear in going as fast as I can down hill (still the same now on a bike) I fell off once and my mate who was close behind me hit the back of my head with such force that it cracked my helmet and left me with severe concussion. My life was saved by wearing a helmet that day so I appreciate the benefit a helmet can give you in a crash hence the reason I wear one when on my bike.

Stay safe all :D

Enough serious crap from me, I'm off to polish me helmet.
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby Amy » Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:04 pm

[quote="Antloony"][quote="Amy"]I could've wobbled for a variety of reasons and ended up under his back wheels and wearing a helmet is not going to save you if your body is crushed.

Of course a helmet won't help if your under the wheels of a lorry, stupid point to make in my opinion

Thanks for your opinion, Ant - unfortunately, the fact that someone wasn't wearing a helmet appears to be more important to non-cyclists than the fact there was some element of dangerous driving. Also compulsory helmets causes a high reduction in people cycling and makes those left of the road more vulnerable.

[quote="Antloony"]You can try and educate all you want and enforce laws but there will always be an element of idiots who think they're above the law or who simply don't give a toss, plus what with all the cuts in policing who's going to enforce the law. How many times a day do you see people driving while on the phone still? I don't think we can rely on Joe Public to always be polite and obey the law at all times so I'm quite happy to make some personal choices and try my best to stay safe, be it law or not.

Agreed but as New York showed, a zero tolerance to all offences reduces the number of offenders and the severity of the offence - basically the more people can get away with, the more they will try and get away with. But hey, we can't afford all these public services...

[quote="Antloony"]When I was 12 I was really into my skateboarding and used to have no fear in going as fast as I can down hill (still the same now on a bike) I fell off once and my mate who was close behind me hit the back of my head with such force that it cracked my helmet and left me with severe concussion. My life was saved by wearing a helmet that day so I appreciate the benefit a helmet can give you in a crash hence the reason I wear one when on my bike.

As you say, personal choice. Ah, that explains a lot, mind you.

[quote="Antloony"]Stay safe all :D

I'm off to polish me helmet.

Yep, that's all we can hope for ultimately. Enjoy polishing your helmet, I know you will :roll:

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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby djembi » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:23 pm

i suffered severe concussion on monday as result of being catapulted off my bike due to mechanical failure and my crash hat saved me as it has before.

you do not get a warning you just hit the ground very hard and a crash helmet helps save you a bit
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Re: Cyclist killed

Postby NICKSMITH » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:59 pm

Didn't expect this turn into the "WEAR OR NOT WEAR" saga.......

But I had was hit by a van nearly 8 years ago........

If I didn't wear helmet this thread probably wouldn't exist...

However I was wearing a helmet and the thread does Exist.........I was riding at around 18mph van going in excess of 30mph (his admission) almost a head on collision..... so speed and other factors NOT always an argument......or point of view.....

I may have front loble brain injury (SOME SAY IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE AS I WAS SAME BEFORE :shock: ) BUT IM HERE............TO SEE MY KIDS GROW UP.....
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