Hilly Ride next Saturday 22nd Jan

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Hilly Ride next Saturday 22nd Jan

Postby Marek » Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:03 pm

Next Saturday I am leading a ride out of CSS taking a hilly route. The route will be approximately 100km and takes in a number of the harder climbs in Surrey.

The ride will start at CSS at 8.30am. Am intending to keep a steady pace of around 17 - 18 mph, will wait for people on the hills.

We will stop for tea and cake at the cafe in Shere. This stop off is quite a bit further than the normal club run stop off, so you should make sure you bring plenty of food and drink with you to keep up the energy before we get to Shere.

Hope to see plenty of you out.


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Postby Nick » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:22 pm

I may be up for this What sort of hills and how many???
The reason for asking is I am the Clubs worst hill climber and need to get some in but I wouldn't want to keep you all back. I appreciate you will wait for me.....I managed to climb box hill at about 10-11 mph...that being the only big hill we hit on Saturday...but what I lack on Hills I make up for on the Flat.......
And the distance suits me as I'm a memebr CYCLING+ metric Century Club
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Postby Rob » Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:36 pm

its winter, going up a hill at 10 mph, in a small ring and taking it easy is perfect...whilst all the others race ahead in their stupidly big gears, just sit back and admire their stupidity as you take it easy!
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Postby Ian A4size » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:03 pm

Well nick let me inform you of the ride--- I think that you are capable of it no doubt about that as you have been stacking up the miles but it is an extremely hard workout- dont let me put anyone off- I did this ride last year and have to say i was absolutely cattled- mind you I have done it a few more times and I do find it easier than before, you will find that Marek :evil: and his fellow torturer Dave Findlay :twisted: ( you were warned :shock:) will take you up all of Surreys most evil gradients, Coldharbour - a-gentle warm up of between 12-14%, then you get to relax as you come down the other side 8) ,a gentle pootle along the lanes :shock:- this unfortunately usually means you are at the bottom of another whacker! could be tanhurst lane -a relaxing ascent :roll: 12-14% again! Never mind you are warmed up now so lets find some more! You should by now be frantically looking for signs to Orpinton- dont let Marek or Dave :twisted: lead you they are both chronically dyslexic and will try to convince you it is in the Cranleigh direction- oh dear you did not listen- wecome to 20-25% torture this little bump caused me a lot of pain and eventually I rode from side to side- I think another rider got off and walked- nice view. It does get easier from here on coz the next one is only 18% white down :shock: then a really nice blast down thru ranmore and westhumble goes on for ages it does. This brings you to flat box-hill which of course you will fly up as its only 5-6%.
I think after you have done a ride like this you do get a real sense of acheivement and understand how hard the pros train and also how fit some of our guys and girls are.

Such a shame that I wont be doing it as I am recovering from a really bad flu infection.

go on Nick have a go :D
Ian A4size
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Postby Marek » Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:36 pm

Ian is right that a few of the hills are quite steep but they don't last very long. With your fitness you will have no problem with this ride as it is a lot shorter than 100miles.


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Postby Maria David » Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:21 am

Sounds an interesting ride Marek - a winter edition of TOSH - unfortunately I can't make it - will be up North.

Hope to find some interesting hills while I'm up there.
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Postby sylv » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:15 am

Maria have you got the latest edition of the British Cycling magazine?

There is a picture of you racing in Addiscombe kit and it's not a tiny one!

Postby Tamar » Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:43 pm

Nick - I'm thinking of doing this so you won't be last up the hills.
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Postby David Findlay » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:02 pm

For infortmation I hate hills and therefore cannot raise the enthusiasm to climb them. I am going on this ride for the exercise certainly not for the enjoyment.

The route is very scenic if you can see through the black dots in front of your eyes.

Ian - the 'flu recovery' excuse is wearing thin. I think you should come out anyway as your directions are much better than Mareks. I will sit at the back with you and hand you some tissues.

Like Rob says, gentle spinning in low gears is in order. Please take note Marek..
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Postby Maria David » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:46 pm

Yes Sylv, I saw the picture - and what a shock it was at the time !

Well, that's the nearest I'll get to being calendar girl !
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Postby Brett P » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:33 pm

I wouldn't call someone stupid for climbing up a hill in the big ring!

I don't like going to the gym & doing weights so I do my strength work on hills using the BCR. So long as you vary it and not go OTT it can be a good training aid.

You just focus on what you're training program say's & not what anyone else is doing!
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Postby Ian A4size » Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:43 pm

Dave, please dont encourage him,
He was really poorly and wasnt able to move untill Sunday, he went back to work for half a day on Monday and was shattered. I am trying to scare him off of doing any damage by overdoing training this week. he is off down to turbo now with strict instructions to keep his heart rate down. its the first time he has been near the bike for a week. which makes him even more grumpy to live with than normal. :shock: if that is possible

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Postby David Findlay » Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:39 pm

Suggest you bury the alarm clock and keep him tucked in. He would only come out and spread the disease....

I agree with your point about the chain rings. If you read Joe Beer/Graeme Obree training tips the advice is to use big gears/low cadence from Jan onwards to build up the leg muscles for sprinting.
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Postby Rob » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:19 am

yeah but dont confuse using big gears with small gears doing specific training, and then the addiscombe training where its big gears non stop racing each other!!! theres a big difference as im finally finding out!
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Postby siwickm » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:36 pm

This advice all coming from the most restrained rider Rob Fallon, who on every training run sits in and then when it gets to his turn to pull on the front sprints 100 yards and sits out ahead of the pack and as he slows down then sits back in. Sits in then when a hill approaches sprints to the top and then sits back in again. :lol:


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