Cheers to Murray and Karen for their company as we gave Tanhouse a miss and joined the TG in the new Pine Café. Hope Murray got back ok - I did wait a bit in Coulsdon but either I didn't wait long enough or you'd gone over the bypass.
Lovely day for a comeback ride - I even managed to get mud on my eyelids but it did amuse one Mr Brent. Also apologies for the idiots out today - at least that driver, who objected to my objection to him walking out into the road and opening the car door just as we were coming up, did admit that waiting to let us pass before walking out and opening car door might have been the more civil thing to do... Drivers may be psychics when it comes to overtaking us on bend but I am not.
Other than that it was a good ride, feel achey but not shattered and wasn't hanging off the back - which considering the start to my day when everything seemed to be saying 'go back to bed, Amy' is a definite plus. The hot chocolate with cream, marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles was a great help too