Addiscombe forum awards anyone

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Postby Marek » Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:51 pm

Cleanest Bike on Club Run Award

Most original excuse for packing in a race

Most original excuse for not winning the sprint for the Charlwood sign

Worst bike maintenance award

Best dressed club runner

Most accident prone club runner

Most under the thumb club runner

That is probably a good start, I will let you think of possible nominees.


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Postby Nick » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:14 pm

I would like to nominate myself for last years award 2004 for the most accidents whilst on the Public road.
1 in april and 3 in september these accidents were not of my doing and all parties have admitted Liability.

We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.
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Postby Marek » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:26 pm

Hmm, I am not sure about that Nick, I think that the accidents need to have had at least some of your own fault involved.
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Postby Nick » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:41 pm

Cycling in and around London would put me at blame somewhere? because we all know it's a dangerous place to ride.
We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.
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Postby Marek » Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:35 pm

Okay, here are my suggestions for the awards, I am sure you will have your own nominees:

Cleanest Bike on Club Run Award

Dave Findlay - Every time he turns up on a club run, on whichever bike he is on from his stable of bikes it shines. I am not just talking about the frame, you could use his rear sprockets as a pizza cutter they are so clean.

Most original excuse for packing in a race

I think that I may have to give this one to myself, in a 123 cat race late last season a couple of horses got in my way in the race and I had to slow down, the peleton did not wait for me so I packed on the end of that lap.

Most original excuse for not winning the sprint for the Charlwood sign

Ajay - After giving it his all and losing the sprint Ajay pipes up, did you like my lead out, hmmm didn't look like a lead out Ajay.

Worst bike maintenance award

There are a couple of contenders here, Brown Chain Max or Wonky Wheel Simon. You can certainly hear them coming not from the swoosh of aerodynamic wheels but normally something or other is squeaking.

Best dressed club runner

Of course here there is the Assos crew Dave Kennett, Dave Palmer etc, but I think it has to go to Ajay for his full on Assos kit finished off with his sequined cap, superb.

Most accident prone club runner

I have heard a few tails about Paul Brown and have certainly seen him in action, the fateful crash on Tilburstow hill. Simon H has ridden into a bush on one occasion when the peleton suddenly slowed down and he had no where to go (more likely his brakes were not working). Of course Monty has come a cropper a couple of times recently on the road and the track. I think I would need help with a nominee on this one.

Most under the thumb club runner

Has to be Luke Scott, if you are wondering who he is, well basically he doesn't get out much hence the award.

That is probably a good start, I will let you think of possible nominees.


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