Ride Today 12/02/2005

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Ride Today 12/02/2005

Postby Nick » Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:27 pm

Just about made it home, the outsides of my knees are giving me serious grive could only sruggle at 14mph for the last 15 mile a very unforgiving day due to the full head wind ALL DAY. Finished off with over 80 Miles today.

A special Thanks to Ian for his Presetaion made to me in the Cafe. I will fit it to my bike for next week. Jo if Ian is suffering HALF as much as me you have my SYMPATHY. It was the head wind and with heart rates over 186 (is that right Ian?) after the downs did drain me, I made a slight but worthwhile recovery for Boxhill and the Cafe sprint but had nothing left after that.

Thanks to all others on the ride and to those that left and went the other way at BOXHILL, WELL DONE as this was the right desicion TRUST ME....


Came home house empty? HORRAY.......Then found out Wife taken all 4 children to Guys Hospital as my Youngest Daughter Ciara has an absis and my son Conor who had an operation on his eye when he was 8 months old, they believe his stiches have come undone and we have to take him back tomorrow for them to operate on him once his notes have been found????????. His eye is very black,swollen and he's sobbing that it hurts puts my bad knees in prospective as mine is self induced.
We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.
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Postby Nick » Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:20 pm


I'm wearing tights and didn't feel cold once yesterday, they are a lot better Today but still hurt when I go up or downstairs. I may buy some knee warmers if it happens again.

Update on Conor.

Took him too Guys/St.Thomas's today and they have found that it was part of a pencil BROKEN in his eye. When we questioned him for the hundredth time he remembers having a blue pencil on thursday at school but doen't remember stabbing himself????????NO SENSE NO FEELING (Just like DAD). They have got most of it out but there is a piece wedged around the coloured bit. He has to go back again tomorrow too see if it has moved if not, if it hasn't he'll have to have an operation to remove it.

Update on Ciara

Absis gone down back to Dentist on Monday.
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Postby Ian A4size » Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:49 pm

Hi Nick
I am a bit stiff still, that wind took it out of us- funny how we always seemed to be at the front!
Hope the kids are gonna be fine as well having sick and injured kids is always upsetting, maybe things are going to start going your way soon- perhaps the compass will point you in the right direction! :lol:
See you at the clubroom for the marshalling chat and free isue colnago for all club members who attend ( that should bring a few more along!)
Ian A4size
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