Club Run Today, [i]FAST[/i]

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Club Run Today, [i]FAST[/i]

Postby Marek » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:35 pm

Excellent run in the fast group today. Had a group of about 10 riders with Dave Findlay gracing us with his presence for the last time before he heads off to Switzerland.

Pace was high all the way with most people doing turns on the front and keeping the pace up. On the dual carriageway we averaged around 27mph and then onto the hill before the traffic lights Simon H attacked and we went up the hill close to 30mph, ouch.

Thankfully the lights were red. Then onto the run into Charlwood and I attacked on the rise just after the mini roundabout to try and get the pace up and take some sting out of a few of the sit in sprinters. Then Tim Liquigas made a fantastic break which Jim and I chased down eventually. Then came to the sprint and I went a corner too early but tried to maintain the pace only for Jim to sail past me on the line.

Excellent ride into Charlwood, average speed was over 23mph for the ride from CSS and no one got dropped. Well Dave F was struggling a little bit on the dual carriageway but you have to get your own back on the man who has probably dropped most people in the past.

Run back from Charlwood was pretty steady and great fun up Merstham.


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Postby sylv » Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:45 pm

So was that the 19 or 21mph group? Mmm, maybe not such a bad thing I didn't catch up with you guys for my inaugural road bike ride (I got to CSS late and got told you'd just left, but my rear shifter died 300 yards from the station, so I stuck the rear mech into a manageable gear and went with the 17 group).

Excellent ride with seemingly a tail wind all around (or is it that the road bike!), went back with Bobbie and Paul through Box Hill which I'd never done before - good for a change, and just about do-able in 39*15 (I was glad about the hairpins though, the off-road climb just goes straight up the hill!).

Average speed overall was just under 19mph.

Postby Ian A4size » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:08 pm

The 19 group today consisted of about 12 riders- perfect and all about the same ability ( no not all fat and wide Marek!). It would seem that the pace has been hotting up this summer and last weeks ride was 33k avg at the cafe and a few people had been dropped so they hung in with the 17 group and pushed that pace up, so this week our group was smaller, Huw controlled the pace and i must admit it was quite a comfortable ride with a very smooth thru and off, good to see newcomer Alex out in the group this week after a few 17 mph rides under his belt.
It will be nice to see "Shadow" Steve Broomfield do the ride and use more than 100 calories, the only time he took the front was to win the sprint!
I was doing 30mph plus and could not get a wheel- all in all a very tidy club run- thinking about the 21 group soon - but thats a world of pain!
Ian A4size
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Postby Nick » Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:16 pm

The 17MPH group (no through and off) was a very good ride today and we missed ALL THE RAIN. A very steady speed was had on the way out to the cafe with an average of just over 18mph. Alan was out in our group on his OWN built fixie. whilst following him I tried to imagine myself riding a fixie :shock: ........NO WAY with no gears on the hills and no Freewheeling :( WELL DONE ALAN :D .
The sprint to the cafe last week was won by ME :) due to certain members of the group mistaking me for another rider who is a Hill climber and not a sprinter just gave me the edge I needed so this week it was very hotly contested after Peter nash gave me a great lead out last week I asked him to do so again and he did but he also had a Lead out from none other than Alan on his fixie who started to increase the pace at the bottom of the climb before the decent.....I again managed to postioon myself in the right place at the right time and with the Help of an on coming vehicle I thought I had it in the bag....then I noticed a Pearson being ridden by a very nice chap (Sorry I forgot your Name)who gave me a good run for the Sign with about 6 inches in it I managed to keep him off and at the same time inspect the inside of my Lungs as I was certainly in Oxygen Debt. But a Great ride again with the most fantadtic club in the country.....Not sure about the Towns and Villages but certainly the best in the country.
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