Getting measured for a bike?

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Getting measured for a bike?

Postby Will » Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:50 pm

Has anyone ever been properly measured for a bike? If so, how was it?

I've decided that my current commuting road bike is little bit too small, and so am thinking of selling it, and getting another. An added incentive is that my company has just implemented the Inland Revenue scheme that allows you to get a bike for around half-price...

There are quite a few sales on at the moment, and something like a Trek 1500 looks like it would be quite good, and around the right price mark (originally £949, but about £450 under the work scheme).

So, is it worth getting measured? And, more importantly, is it worth getting measured if I am just going to buy an off-the-shelf bike?
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Postby Jon H » Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:57 pm

Even if it's an off the shelf bike there's things to tweak to get your position right - saddle height & layback, stem length & angle, headset spacers. A decent bikeshop should help you sort those out anyway. Having said that we did have someone come to the clubroom a while back and do a demo bike sizing session and I think we may have a discount with them. Can't recall who it was though, Bikefit springs to be mind but I might be wrong.
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Postby simonfrench » Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:46 pm

Think it was bikefit.

Something I'd like to do too .. but yes your bike shop should do a good assessment if they're half decent.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:53 pm

Sigma Sport do a good measuring up service - costs £35 refundable if you get your bike from there. They are v near to Kingston town centre

Cheers - Snoop

PS - I think Pearsons in Sutton have a measuring thingie too.
Snoop Doug

Postby Rory » Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:14 pm

Alright, Will? How are things?
I had a session at cyclefit in April.
The advice they gave on my riding position was really helpful and the current bike set-up feels loads more comfortable.
If they try and sell you into buying new shoes with le wedge and custom footbed then be wary. They are pricey and, in my case, did more harm than good.
If you can resist le wedge then I'd recommend it.
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Postby Rob » Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:57 pm

get cyclefit on your case and u'll end up looking like your riding the local butchers bike!!!

dauphin cycles used a ruler, their eyes, and personal judgement...ive tweeked my position slightly for how i find comfortable!!!

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Postby Brett P » Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:15 pm

Cyclefit measuring is really only for Serotta bikes.
You can get measured up for a normal bike but the system is designed for their own frames... hense the £2500+ price tag for the bottom of the range Serotta (frame & forks only)

Your best to go to shops mentioned above (depending on your location)
Don't forget, your body changes shape & becomes less flexible as you age so the size & set up you have now will probably need changing in 5 years or so.
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Postby Phil S » Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:22 pm

Another negative experience with cyclefit here... at first i tried to convince myself they were gurus and that i was riding much better. however, after my first race in the new position i felt like i was crippled! couldn't walk the next day due to excruciating knee pain. phoned them and told them all about it - they said they'd take another look at my position. i got seen by another guy at cyclefit who seemed to contradict everything his colleague had set up - not good for over £100.
i've now had dauphin cycles look at my position on three bikes and they've got me set up right each time and i am totally pain free.
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Postby Rob » Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:38 pm

another experience,,,,neil robertson of fit-for took two of his bikes to cyclefit and different was amazingly uncomfortable because there was almost an inch difference!!!!
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Postby simonfrench » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:50 pm

Are cycle fit and bikefuit two different outfits? Or just one to avoid.

I can echo good feedback on cycles dauphin from Mike (also Addiscome) -who went expecting to need a frame upgrade and was persuaded a new stem & bars would fix the comfort and he should keep his frame.

Any shop that only sells you kit if you really need it has got to be good.
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Postby DavidKennett » Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:05 am

Best person to ask is Rohan at Cycles Dauphins. Even if you decide not to get measured there, worth chatting to him so you get a feel of what you should be looking for from a fitting. Worth taking your current bike up there for him to look at it's setup. Know a few who have brought bikes from Butlers have gone there and have been impressed.

Have found Cyclefit do all their measuring for the bikes they sell and thier positioning tends to be more for 'social' riding than racing, e.g. high and short at the front.
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Postby Will » Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:19 pm

Thanks for all the replies

I'm not too far from Sigma so dropped by today to get measured up

I've now got a set of print outs with all my fit info, so I'm gonna get the tape measure out and see how well it matches by current bike

If it's way off, I'll go shopping... 8)

Alright Rory, yeah, I'm fine! Hope things are going well back oop north, and that you've found some fellow cyclists who can keep up with you :lol:
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Postby Will » Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:28 pm

Incredible... my saddle was positioned to the exact millimetre that the bike fit recommended :lol:
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