ToSH 15/04/06 Feedback

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ToSH 15/04/06 Feedback

Postby huw williams » Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:51 pm

What can I say guys, an awesome day's riding, thanks to everyone who came along.

32 riders out at one point and 20 made it back to the top of Box Hill in the main group, before going their seperate ways back home. As intended on this ride, a lot of creative interpretation of the map meant that riders less strong on the climbs were able to cut cross country and re-join the main ride at various intervals (although Monty's annual excursion into Guildford was a little too creative).

Some seriously strong attacking was going on on the main climbs and the ride back along the top of Ranmoor and up Box Hill was an all out race effort, with proper through and offs, attacks and chasing down groups - amazingly after 75 miles a few of us still managed to race up Box Hill (and beyond in some cases).

Its a measure of how far the club has come that so many turned out and so many survived such a gruelling circuit. The first year we ran this event about 4 of us got back barely alive!

My computer hit 90 miles on the nose, Croydon - Croydon when I got back and there's almost 2500 metres of climbing, so don't underestimate the ride - its a tough one.

Please post your feedback here if you have any suggestions regarding future rides and thanks again for turning out.

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Postby Gavin » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:12 pm

Excellent ride. 150km in just under 7 hours ride time. Very happy with that.

Started off quite sedatly and spent the first 3 hours on my own with HR always less than 160. After lunch I dug in and completed the whole route with HR going up to 180 at places. I think the 21% at winterfold was the one that really hurt.

Only annoying thing was being hit by what seemed to be a whip from a passing ford escort. Esshh that stung for a bit.

Had a great time looking forward to brighton.

In terms of future rides I am still waiting for the Eastbourne trip, Peter?


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Postby Phil L » Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:24 pm

It was almost 22 who made it up Box Hill Huw!! Myself and Connor were just coming around the bend at the top when you were heading off. We had made an excursion into Guildford adding about 15 to 20 minutes to our ride (I missed that sharp left back down to Chilworth and Connor followed me). To catch up we took the short cut across Hurtwood Common as Huw had suggested, unfortunately it didn't get us a head of the main pack. I have clocked 89 miles today, felt fairly strong most of the way until leaving Box Hill and having to endure the head wind, rain, and tired legs - that finished me off. There was never a point in the ride where I wasn't enjoying myself - even with the rain at the end, so thanks for organising it Huw and look forward to the next.

P.S. I might go and find out the recipe for the apricot cake in the cafe at Shere - fantastic.
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Postby Marek » Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:34 pm

Excellent day out, White Down did not feel that bad today, I think it is because in the real Tosh that climb comes much later. The 21%er at Cranleigh also felt quite good although I cooked myself a bit on that climb trying to beat Toks and the guy with the orange jersey who I just could not catch on the climb. I hit 100% heart rate on the Cranleigh climb, ouch. The climbs after Shere on the final loop were pretty punishing though and I was starting to feel the strain. Was relieved to see the flatish road over the top of Ranmore so belted it along that bit.

Box Hill was a bit of a struggle. The lead group of Tim, Matt and Orange Top (I can never remember your name sorry) were out of my reach and I just about managed to stay on Huw and Peters wheels to the top.

Awesome ride, god knows how we managed to keep the attacks going from Box Hill all the way back but the four of us in the crazy group that went off after box hill just attacked each other one at a time continously all the way back to CSS to see if we could drop each other. Basically the attacks were getting weaker and weaker and by the time we got to CSS we were all pretty cooked. I had got in 100 miles and as I arrived at CSS I was relieved to say the least to see my wife there with the car to take me home. I have just had the best bath in my life, man it felt good.

Huw, well organised as ever and the poached eggs in Shere were good but not as good as the price. Next time I reckon we should phone up and organise a group discount.

I am now looking forward to my hilly race on Monday, just keeping my fingers crossed that I can walk by then.


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Postby Conor Cormican » Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:25 pm

Have to agree with all and say what a good day that was. Many thanks to Huw for organising it especially the short cuts, maybe next time you can hold off the rain until we all get home. Thanks to Phil and Steve for helping me along. Ended up doing 95 miles in total, good training for the L'Etape du Dales next month. Very tired legs now climbing the stairs a big effort, must sleep. Hope to see you all next Sat.
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Postby Paul Blackburn » Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:53 am

An excellent day's riding.I spent most of it with Alan M. In the morning we were caught a bit in no-man's land between the quicker group and those who took a short cut to Shere. Being dilgent souls we managed to follow the full route to the cafe, but ended up being last in and had a very short (but welcome) stop. We then headed out in a small group for the afternoon leg of the ride. After a few minor inclines to get us back into the groove, Monty decided to spice up the ride with a quick criterium circuit through the centre of Guildford before we got back on track at Shamley Green. Here, the rest of group headed back for home while Alan and I decide to try to follow the route for the rest of the ride. We did this with limited success, managing to miss the the Winterfold turn which was disappointing (honestly?). Unfortunately, the detailed CTC directions for TOSH which I had printed off the night before had gone the same way as my copy of Huw's map - out of the back pocket and away in the breeze - probably on one of the morning's fast descents. By the time we got to the foot of the climb up towards Ranmore the rain was just beginning and my legs were really starting to protest so we nipped along the A25 to Dorking and finished off with the climb up the zig-zag to Box Hill. 92 miles in total for me which was plenty! Thanks to Alan for the company on a tough but rewarding day.
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Postby Graham O » Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:44 pm

Thanks to all for a top ride. My legs are still aching and its Sunday Afternoon, so it must have been a hard ride. My legs started to cramp up, when we were riding over the top of ranmore. I guess that its all good practise for the sportives.

Cheers for organisation Huw; and thanks to the guys who spent most of the day up the front of the group..

Ta Ta,

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Postby Phil L » Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:14 pm

Here's the google map of the route if anyone is interested - gives a different perspective to the map we used, particularly the satellite view... ... 04-15.html

And this is the route I took (in red), not that anyone is interested... ... 04-15.html

I managed to cut short a loop by accident (I was one of several who lost their map from their back pocket and lost sight of the main pack a head). The excursion into Guildford was down to loosing sight of the pack again - a very annoying additional 15 minutes. Cutting the second loop short was deliberate - a tip from Huw. Still managed to clock just under 89 miles.
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Postby Steve B » Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:12 pm

Thanks Huw for the organising of another great Addiscombe excursion.
Hats off to all those who took part in yesterday's ToSH - it's a very tough day in the saddle. and I'm sure there were 30 odd very tired pairs of legs last night.
Although I was dissapointed not being able to stay with the front group, and missing out doing the 21%er, I still enjoyed the pain, the cramps, the backache, neckache, and sheer exhaustion of riding 85 miles up and down steep hills in the middle of the Surrey outback. No honestly I did!
I knew from the outset it was going to be a tough day when my legs were aching before I reached coulsdon, ( they must have known what was to come).
Managed to just about keep up with group until Whitedown where my leg muscles decided to not work at all ( thanks to Marek for the encouragement), so found myself on my own with only my map for company. Oh dear, no map in pocket, must have dropped it.
Thankfully Conner was next up, with map, and we both made our way to a very welcome food and drink stop. Egg on toast has never tasted so good.
Re-fuelled and rareing to go we set off at what seemed to be a quicker pace than the morning stint and I knew for certain there was no way in the world I was getting up a 21% hill, or should I try it, no better not!
Took the short cut back to Shere, stocked up on water and cracked on knowing that the main group would be catching me hand over fist.
Being on my own it seemed such a long way back to top of Box Hill but managed to find enough energy to push on a bit on the flat sections. Got to Box Hill with five minutes to spare to see the fast boys racing ( yes racing) to the top. Damn you boys are good.

Thanks to all for a very enjoyable day.

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Postby huw williams » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:33 am

Excellent reportage from everyone - gives a real feel for the mixed fortunes on the ride and underlines the fact that there are a number of different approaches to surviving ToSH.

Having done the ride for a few years now, several things have become apparent:

The size of the club and a significant increase in the standard of the riders means that large numbers now come out on ToSH (34 I think on Saturday). The severity of the climbs combined with the mixed ability of the riders means there's no way we are going to be able to keep large groups together for the entire route in the way ACC does so well on many other extended rides.

It was always my intention to have it split into ability-based groups as its not fair to keep faster riders waiting for slower/punctured/knackered riders on a ride of this length. Hopefuly people on the ride will use their common sense as to who they wait for and when and, largely, that seemed to be the case on saturday as most riders found company for the majority of the ride.

Tosh is a superb route for accomodating this approach as (as many riders have realised) by using the map correctly you can cut out various climbs and re-join the ride having saved a bit of energy. Beautifully illustarted by non-speciallist grimpeurs like Paul Tunnell and Robbie, who despite finding things tough when the steepness increased, consistantly kept reappearing in the lead group right up till the end of the ride.

This allows the guys at the front free reign to stretch their legs and not have to worry too much about what's going on further back. A regular pattern has emerged over the years as to what happens, so for those lost in no-man's land here's a few highlights from up at the front:

Some riders attack certain hills and are very strong at certain points all through the ride (many of them are Irish)

Some riders go hard on all the hills as far as the 21%er at Winterfold (BarnHatch Lane) go ballistic up it, and fall apart totally on the way back, (and are next seen crying on Box Hill - Toks)

Some riders are just too fast on all the hills all the time - Tim, Matt and that fella in red (what IS that guys name?)

Some riders go ballistic on some hills, then fall apart on others, recover, and put massive, full-on, race-efforts in on the flats to try and get away - Marek

It being a Saturday, some riders like to include a bit of shopping in Guildford

Some riders think its not hard enough so handicap themselves further by riding mountain bikes made out of Wrought Iron scaffolding - Kieran

Despite being knackered after 70 hilly miles, some riders still want to race when the end is in sight. Normally this point is the bottom of Box Hill - on saturday it was from the top of the climb to Ranmore Common (still 25 miles out). A break of three went off the front after the Hairpin descent, "Call that a break?" said Marek dissparagingly, pinned his ears back and set off in pursuit at 30mph. Me, Toks and Peter ill-advisedly joined in and pulled it back by the dual carriageway.

Box-Hill - "Go on Huw. close that gap... give it all you've got" said Marek from behind me as Tim, Aidon and Matt attacked again on the lower slopes. "This IS all I've got" I replied, my legs beginning to resemble blu-tack. "COME ON! FIND SOME MAGIC FROM UNDER THAT HAT" he insisted - ?????? Amazingly this worked and I dragged him up to the break - then they kicked again and it was goodnight Vienna.

After Box Hill we wound it down gradullay as the rain started to fall but there were still those who wanted more and dissapered off the front in an effort to get back home for the football results.

All in all a great ride... The next ToSH will be in June when its warm and dry, watch this space

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Postby Matt Robbins » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:10 am

As a true newbie member of Addiscombe CC (I think I?m now a veteran of 4 club runs and 1 Wednesday evening) Saturday?s TOSH was another great day out with the club.

I managed to hang on the back of the lead group the whole way round (the words ?skin? and ?teeth? come to mind) and as Huw said it?s great to have the mix of ability as it means people like myself can enjoy riding with the front group and do no work on the front (I was in no state to do that?honest)!!!

Must just say a massive thanks to George who rescued my bidon which took a flyer when descending back into Shere for the second time..even though I shouted not to worry about it?thanks mate!

For some strange reason I felt great coming back from Boxhill and was even able to do a bit of pulling on the front of our small group?nice to meet and have a chat with Toks as well?

Of course I blame my slowness on the hills to my heavy (honestly) Altec2 Quest training bike?.so I now have the perfect excuse to get a new ride!!!

Thanks to all involved.
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Postby Marek » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:55 am

I tried to race today and got blown out after 40km, I blame Tosh but maybe the Easter eggs I went through yesterday were not the best preparation.

Man I just had no power today at all. :cry: Ah well always next week.


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Postby Toks » Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:06 pm

[quote]Some riders go hard on all the hills as far as the 21%er at Winterfold (BarnHatch Lane) go ballistic up it, and fall apart totally on the way back, (and are next seen crying on Box Hill - Toks)
Ha ha! :D thanks Huw. You did warn me at the beginning but I'm a taurean. Big mouth and Big Head...That was without doubt one of the ten hardest cyclosportiv rides I've ever done!!. I'm super busy right now but I'll try and give a more physiological account of the day in the next 48 hours. Big happy yellow smiley stickers to everyone who completed the ride.

PS What is Tim's, super grimpeur mates' name and what is that guy in Oranges' name?
Marek, I did say after the first couple of climbs that anyone who raced the next day would be in trouble!!!
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Postby Tim H (liquigas) » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:25 pm

haha - yeah his name is Matt - he has been in London since last September, however, he came from the Peak district were he was a 1st cat - that explains why he is such a hill mucher hey!!?

Cheers for the TOSH Huw.. i would go as far to say that is the best ride i have done with the club... i have not been out with the club since feb as i have been racing and its good to see how many strong riders there are.

i have been racing crits which basically means an hour of power as Toks calls it... i have not riden more than 50 miles since Jan however, like TOKS says it all about intensity not quantity.. like Toks i have been doing 2 one hour sessions per week and racing on the weekend and it makes a massive difference... even in the hills where i use to be rubbish!! recommeded for all those thinking of racing..

when i got back from the tosh i was soooo tired.. fell asleep on the sofa for a few hours.. when i woke up i got peer pressure from my mates to go out.. not a good idea as i managed to fall asleep in the nightclub i was in....

cheers again Huw
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Postby Paul H » Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:02 pm

Hi, I am the guy in orange with the bent Principia.

Thanks Huw for organising a great day - it was the longest time I've spent on a saddle. I think the hardest bit of the ride for me was trying to hang onto Marek & Co going back into Coulsdon - unfortunately there were not any hills to slow him down.


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