Saturday club run

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Saturday club run

Postby Alan M » Sat May 20, 2006 7:48 pm

A bit of a wet one - the size of the group seemed to have lessened by the time we reached the cafe. I went out with the 18s having been scared off of the 19's by Marek's glib comment, "It?ll be 19-21 'cos I'm not feeling to good" ho hum! Anyway, the 18's were a more or less cohesive group and we raised the tempo around Newdigate and had a good ride, crying off the dual carriageway with the prospect of warmth and hot liquid. On the way back I opted for Box Hill with Sylvain, riding as if he was dressed for a sunnier day, Ray (I think) Kieran and Aidan - the speed of the group was fast with Sylvain tapping out a good rhythm on the front. When we got to Box hill Ray had a spill on the cycle path making me wonder whether it would have been safer to have taken the road - he was OK and at the top returned to his Dorking home for some tea and sympathy. We went on and at the straight flat bit the pace quickened and I tried for a short spell on the front just to show willing but soon fell away, and after that lost contact a bit, and probably interest too as I was sensing the end of the ride, so I did a solo into Chipstead Valley road and a relaxed pace to Purley arriving home just before the rain came on again. A good ride even though the weather was so crap.
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Postby kieran » Sun May 21, 2006 11:09 am

Indeed, glad to get home and get dry, clean and warm. I hope the etape de dales thingy today is better for those doing it and I'm praying for sunny weather next week in north wales (some chance!). Odd thing is during the day I got a rash on my leg where the padding on my shorts would have ended - don't know if the fact that they were wet for most of the ride caused it? hopefully it'll have gone next week. Thanks to Sylvian for keeping the pace high and for Aidan making me chase him up box hill unsuccessfully.
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Postby Steve B » Sun May 21, 2006 11:35 am

Good turn out considering the weather, around 50 was the number I heard.
Set off from coulsdon in the 18 group, as Marek's 19-21 group looked abit hot, and by the time we got to Reigate we had started to get wet. Then we got more wet, the relentless engine that is Alan towed us through it, and then we got even more wet. 'Engine' Alan decided to warm things up on the long run in towards partridge and I heard a few hopeful voices saying " are we turning left here". I'd already decided to a long time ago!
By now we were all totally drenched, covered in mud and debris from the wheel in front, and no one could see through wet, misty glasses.
To top it off, on the last bend before the 'non-sprint', there was a coach over-taking a stationary van, taking up the whole road. It was like riding round a corner and being confronted by a brick wall. I'm sure James and Ray in front of me must have needed a change of clothing!
Warm tea and cake was good but having to go back out in to the cold and wet wasn't.
Two groups went back normal route and one bunch of insane hard core guys wanted to stay out longer and go back via box hill. Hats off to you all.
What with suffering all week (again) with asthma, I had nothing to offer up through the golf course, or up Merstham, so had to just try and hang on. Unfortunately couldn't manage it so I'm off for a lung transplant next week, Lance Armstrong said I could have one of his as he doesn't need it now.
Off to Mallorca tomorrow morning for a weeks sun, hopefully a good rest will sort me out.
Adios amigos
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Postby Dr Frigo » Sun May 21, 2006 1:32 pm

Kieran, I got a similar rash on one side and think too it must be due to the wet shorts. It's better now.

I was never cold yesterday Alan, except when getting out of the Caf? after sitting down for a while. But thankfully that was the moment the sun chose to make its 5-minute guest appearance, and the ole ?newspaper up your jersey? trick did the ? trick too until being warmed up again.

Once again Aodan made it first to the top of Box Hill, despite my best efforts. He also made an early bold move for the sprint (now known as a ?Richard?) but was caught with ¼ mile to go, Marek (I think) just edging Paul. I did try to come back onto him on my own but didn't quite make it, if I had we might have gotten away with it working together. Had good legs on the way back but was very close to bonking towards the end.

A wet one, but nothing compared to today's mountain bike ride!
Dr Frigo

Postby Marek » Sun May 21, 2006 5:43 pm

Maybe it is something that is going around, I too am walking around like John Wayne today. Mind you I made matters worse by racing in the SERRL in the pouring rain. I did 5 of the 7 laps and then packed, legs were tired and I was not motivated to carry on in the pouring rain, especially as I could hardly see where I was going.

Yesterdays club run was fun. There were about 5 of us in the faster group and I think we averaged about 22mph to the cafe. And that was with a glasses cleaning stop and also getting stopped at every set of traffic lights.

This weeks sprint was a bit of a strategic affair. I was marking Paul and then Kieran made a move off the front. He got quite far away and then Sylv also started to get away chasing after Kieran. I did not want to chase as I was worried that Paul would have me in the sprint so we ambled for a bit. Max, Paul and myself were just looking at each other. Max then went on the front and gradually built up the speed a bit and then I jumped off Pauls wheel and chased down Sylv. I sat on Sylvs wheel for a breather and then on the last corner went past Sylv and caught Kieran. I could feel Paul breathing down my neck but I had plenty in the tank and managed to keep the lead for the win. I wish my race reports could be as good as the club run reports.

On the way back to CSS Max and I pootled along in the knowledge we were racing day after. But when we got to the Merstham drag it started to get a bit tasty. There was a guy on a Hybrid giving it some, well played, but I decided that I should give it a bit more and Max came with me and that was the last we saw of anyone else as we bombed it back to CSS with the rain coming down again.


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Postby Paul H » Sun May 21, 2006 8:25 pm

I had a plan for the sprint which was to let Kieran move away at the front of the group as I knew Marek would go after him sooner or later. As expecetd Marek jumped and I followed. He looked round at one point so I started to brief harder so he wouldnt expect me to do any work (this worked a treat with Sylv up Box Hill once). The plan worked but I was too feeble to go past Marek at the finish. I'm going to have to work on those sprints.
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Postby higg » Mon May 22, 2006 12:03 am

"character building" is probably the word to describe Saturday's club run. There was the constant choice of getting soaked staying close to the wheel in front or hanging back and getting hit by the wind.

By the time we pulled off the dual carraigeway I didn't fancy getting invloved in a sprint in the wet so I decided to pull off the front and see what would happen. I was surprised when nothing happened for a long time but right on cue about 200m from the line I saw ominous signs behind
me and sure enough the others swept by. I was just happy to get something hot to eat at the cafe.

(BTW It's Aodan not Kieran, I'll have to introduce myself next time.)
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Postby kieran » Mon May 22, 2006 10:56 am

thanks Aodan, I was getting a bit confused reading the reports, I don't want to steal your glory. Easy to confuse things I suppose as we're two Irish guys on Roberts :P
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Postby Elliot M » Mon May 22, 2006 12:37 pm

I stayed in bed then felt guilty and went to Herne Hill where "intervals" were the order of the day to say the least. 30 mins on the track, 5 mins rain and 10 mins for track to dry (quite fast given the wind) x 3! Gave up eventually and did some ascents of Crystal Palace hill from various directions ensuring I was never more than a couple of minutes from the cafe at the top in case the heavens opened again...
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Postby Alex P » Tue May 23, 2006 11:53 am

I think that those who made the choice to stay in bed on Saturday made a good one as it was certainly a challenge with the wind, rain and saddle rash I encountered.

I have to apologise to Graham, who was leading the 17mph group I was in at the time when I decided to take a very short cut to the cafe, he thought that I had a problem and came looking for me (in the rain) in the meantime I was enjoying a nice hot cup of tea at the Cafe. It does go to show the need for communication. :(

My lasting memory of the day was as we left the cafe at Charlwood, Renate the owner getting her mop and bucket out to clean up the lake we had left behind whilst we were queuing up for our drinks.

Althought it is a bank holiday next week the cafe will be open (usually it is shut)
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Postby Marek » Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:28 pm

I had a catalogue of disasters today. Decided to try out my new winter bike today which I have just finished building.

Got to CSS in good time and the bike felt ok. As we left CSS with the fast group I noticed that my front mudguard was rattling. I pulled up and found that the nut holding my front brake was really loose. So after a quick tightening I was on my way. I decided to try and chase the fast group. Over the top of Coulsdon hill I was screaming down the descent. Put the bike into the top gear and the chain jumped out and got caught in between the stays and the cassette at the back.

Off the bike again, managed to release the chain and adjust the limit screw to stop happening again.

I then decided to pootle until the next group came along. Everything went fine except on the dual carriageway for some reason I could not get into the big ring. I tried messing with the cable but nothing. Ah well, I thought I will fix it at the cafe. Coming up the small hill on the dual carriageway I then got a puncture.

After fixing my puncture I decided to check out the front mech. Eeeek, my bottom bracket had come undone and was almost about to fall out, this is why I could not get onto the top ring. I decided that enough was enough. With a bit of air in my back tyre I freewheeled down to Sainsburys where my wife came and picked me up.

Have just finished making the repairs, blimey I hope that it stays together on my next ride.



p.s. at least it wasn't raining.
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Postby Alan M » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:00 pm

Stayed at home and read a book in the garden - no problems with my bike!

I hope I haven't predicted my own disater by such a light-hearted remark as am off to Cotswolds now but first to GBs to see about replacement skewers for called in faulty shimano wheels - and some electrolyte drink methinks.
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Postby Dr Frigo » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:22 pm

I have one week left to top 500 miles for the month, my pb being 417 (I've already done 416 in three weeks) but that included a long ride in Italy.

Think this May was the second month ever I managed more than 1000m. :P

Good ride today. Bold move by Toby - he got behind a large lorry shortly after the main DC , didn't think he'd keep up for long, but he did and even overtook it in the end. Hit 47mph I heard. Aodan, George and myself were chasing what must have been about 1/4 mile behind at that point, but head down I took a wrong turn and Aodan followed me, so we did an extra few miles and Toby was left to cruise alone to Charlwood.

No probs with my bike either!
Dr Frigo

Postby Dr Frigo » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:23 pm

Someone fix the quote function it's not working
Dr Frigo

Postby Dr Frigo » Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:30 pm

[quote] "seanhogan(CondorMan)" Someone fix the quote function it's not working

hit the quote button twice then drop the text you want to quote in the middle and hit preview.
Dr Frigo


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