And Finally... The ACC RACE!

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And Finally... The ACC RACE!

Postby Toks » Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:44 pm

I'll let those that were actually racing write there own biased accounts of todays race. From my point of view it was a nice sunny autumnal afternoon hanging out watching my club buddies suffer in a race :wink: ; then it was a case of drinking lots of coffee and munching cakes; till finally, it was topped off by most of us staying to watch the UCI World Road Race. A Perfect Sunday Afternoon!

Big thanks to all those who took part in a great race(s) and made it a real spectacle. I think we had close to forty people racing which is amazing considering we're not really a 'racing' club. Organising and managing the race would not have been possible on my own so I've got to thank Paul Tunnel, Huw, Joyce, Tim and Richard. Their help was invaluable and if I'd have known I was gonna have such expertise on tap I would've raced even with my cold/sore throat...Cheers guys.

Now can everyone get behind Jon's Hill climb next Sat. What with Tim on Club Time Trials , Huw on the Club Sportiv (Surrey Hills), Me on the Club Road Race and Now Jon on Club Hill climb you can stay competitive with your club buddies from Spring till Autumn :D
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Postby Kevin Rynne » Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:13 pm

Thanks Toks for organising a great day, followed by the world champs on tv it doesnt get better than that. cheers
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Postby Marek » Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:52 pm

Well done in organising todays events Toks, it can be a right pain in the ass, but you did a really good job and fun was had by all, well at least I think so, I certainly enjoyed it.

So what happened:

Prior to the race I was really nervous, being last years winner I was feeling the weight on my shoulders and having my wife and daughter coming along to only about the third race they have watched me in I was feeling the heat. Especially as my daughter always asks me when I finish a race if I was the winner, and when I say no she looks very disappointed. I was hoping to be able to put a smile on her face today.

The race started off at a reasonably slow pace with everyone looking at each other to set the pace. Being defending champion I thought it would only be right to get the pace going so I sat on the front and did a bit of a turn and then slowed up to let others through. Sylvain and a guy on a nice Specialised bike were doing quite long turns on the front. Tim also did his fair share of work and put in a few digs up the climb. I also put in a fair few gos at getting away around the back but it was quite hard work as the wind was in your face on the back section.

At one point just before the whistle for the first prime I think Tim had done a long turn on the front. Knowing he was going quite well this season I thought it would be a good time to attack as I thought the others would follow Tim and as he was in recovery after his turn, I reckoned there was a good chance of staying away. It seemed to work, and there was also the guy on the Specialised having a go. As we came around for the end of the lap the whistle for the prime lap was blown. That was very good luck as we had a bit of a gap over the peleton. Basically I sat behind the Specialised guy for the hill around the back to get my breath back and then I went for it on the downhill and managed to open a gap over him and get the first Prime.

I slowed a bit and then got eaten back up by the pack and we had a lap of relative ease, thank goodness as I was tired after the effort to get the Prime. Sylvain was doing quite a lot on the front and then a couple of laps later the Irish duo of Aodan and Kieran moved up to the front. I was sitting in third posiiton and wondered if I could leave them a bit of a gap and try and get some of the others to try and chase to wear them down a bit.

Basically we let them go and they hung about 20 - 40 yards ahead of us as no one really wanted to chase. Then on the next lap we got the whistle for the second prime. Paul H came to the front and did a bit of a turn around the back and then the pace started to pick up as we realised that the second prime was not going to be contested unless we got our asses into gear. I put on my biggest gear down the back straight and then onto the final hill, Kieran must have been around 30 yards with Aodan about 20 yards ahead but I was closing very fast, but not quite fast enough. I caught Aodan but Kieran managed to shade me by about the width of a tyre over the line.

Into the final section of the race and we had a few people trying their luck. Tim had a bit of a dig at one point but we managed to stick to his wheel. Then with 5 laps to go we all started looking at each other. With 4 laps to go I heard shouts from Huw on the sidelines of 'hurry up you lazy gits'. I decided to have one last ditch attack with a few laps to go to see if I could win on my own. This was bit of a mistake as it took quite a lot out of me and I could not hold the others off. When they caught me I thought someone would attack and screw me over, thankfully no one did.

Into the final lap and as ever the pace quickened. Down the back straight I was sitting quite far back, but I managed to get up the required speed to come up the inside. Then on the final hill I put it into the 53 * 12 and let the legs go. I managed to get past all the guys by going up the left hand side and then it was just a matter of keeping the pace high enough all the way to the finish. Thankfully the legs held out and I managed to keep the others at bay with Paul H coming in second, Sylvain a well deserved third and a deflated Tim in fourth.

What I would comment on is that the group were going very well, and it is a credit to the club that we have that many quick riders. I really hope to see you guys out next season in some of the road races, next year is going to be an ACC whitewash, lets kick some Dynamo butt.

Thanks for the prizes from Cycling Weekly as well, a DVD and a couple of books, with the bonus bottles of beer for winning the Prime.


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Postby Andrew G » Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:03 pm

B Race – RR Cherry Popped!

First couple of laps were taken at a fairly easy pace until one or two of the stronger riders started to wind up the pace. Dug in and sat on the wheels and was just about managing to stay with the front group of four, although the elastic was starting to stretch more and more on the first hill - It was the drag at the top that was doing it for me. I like a descent and a bend and was making full use of the hairpin and swoop down at the back of the circuit to latch back on but it was becoming harder with each lap.

Glanced down at my computer and saw 20 minutes had passed and decided to let the four go as I couldn’t hold on and if I tried to stay there much longer I’d risk not finishing. Then passing the start/finish Huw blew his whistle and called “prime next lap”. Before dropping off I thought I wouldn’t so much as burn a match as torch the whole bloody box. Dropped a touch on the first hill but put it in a big gear to grind my way back on down the back. Used my momentum to come round the right side and sprint up the second hill, had a glance back and no one was on my wheel (probably didn’t hear Huw’s call or just didn’t care) so kept my head down and crossed the line first.

Knackered now so cruised down to the hairpin by which point the leaders had caught me. That was it, as they pulled away up the hill and I couldn’t hold on any longer. Carried on as best I could but was caught and passed by Gavin after a while and then joined by Phillipe. Rode with ACC’s very own “Big Phil” for a couple of laps before his strength had him pull out about a 50 - 100 metre gap. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t close it and just had the Haribo kid taunting me from the back of his jersey.

On the final lap the leaders passed me going up the first hill. There was a bit of a gap opening between the first three and Alan so I tried to be a Good Samaritan and called to grab my wheel and gave it everything to try and drag Alan back up. Couldn’t quite make it and I don’t think Alan had enough left to make the final jump.

Thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and got a couple of beers from the prime so the effort was worthwhile. Thank you to Toks and Co for organising and running the day, and having now ridden at Eastway can understand why so many are appalled at the ludicrous decision to get rid of such a superb circuit and racing facility.

Lessons learnt:
1) A true appreciation of how quick and strong Marek, Tim, and the rest are. Only when you’re on the same circuit can you see the relentless pace they go at.
2) I have got to work on my fitness and endurance.
Last edited by Andrew G on Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kieran » Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:04 pm

well, thanks toks I really had a good time today and the race wasn't too easy :o . looking at the data from my hac4 the average speed was about 36.5 kph (22.5 mph - glad Rich wasn't racing!) which is slower than other races but there was less sheltering and a few moments of strategic go slows by the group trying to force others to lead. My max heart rate of 194bpm was recorded after the second prime, with it reaching almost similar levels for the finish. My average heart rate was 169bpm so as I said earlier it wasn't too easy. As Marek said it was a good race with good company aand competition and hopefully we'll see more more active next year.

I had to laugh reading about Marek's daughter asking how he does as I get that everytime as well, hopefully some day I'll be able to do the same

Well done to Marek he really earned the win as well.
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Postby Alan M » Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:29 pm

I am more than happy to add my appreciation for the event which was fun and felt safe, except that I touched a pedal on the tarmac, second time round the first turn but remembered to lift it for the next 20!

I thought that the Bs were plenty fast enough (ave 21.7) and I only did a few turns on the front, usually on the home straight to make it look more repectable to those watching, but otherwise I was towed round by the eventual winner and just jumped quickly on any potential breaks like Paul doing a flyer towards the end

Eventually, on the last 2 laps, 4 of us got away from a disintegrating group of followers, and as I said, I covered every break, all but the last one.....

I tried to stay with it and was in second position but couldn't get the wheel, and the combination of wind and tiredness got me at once and 2 further riders came past and except for a valiant attempt by Andrew lapped on the back straight to do a Boonen style lead out and deliver me to the front, I sat up and settled for 4th.

On reflection, I should have let the 2 slightly stronger riders chase down the last break and maybe they would have carried me to a beter position at the end - because, at that point in the race, once the wheel has escaped, it is so difficult to recover.

All in all a great afternoon and a splendid work out.

Thanks again
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Postby John Sheridan » Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:16 pm

My wife was nice enough to take some pics. They can be found [url=]here[/url] and when I've recovered I'll put them somewhere where you get a bigger preview.
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Postby -Adam- » Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:35 am

Greetings from liverpool....

well sitting here in my student shoebox i am feeling very very jealous!

what would i have given to be able to be on the start line this afternoon!!! sounds like you guys had a great race, shame i wasnt there to try to alter the outcome. mind you after being off the bike for the last 2 weeks and drinking far too much i doubt i would hav stood a chance! unless the alcholic fumes being given off by my body got everyone else so drunk they fell (literally) by the wayside!

oh well, i am making a trip back to sunny london next weekend so all being well i will be at css in time to suffer my way round the clubrun!

my timetable is perfect at the moment, off fridays so i can come home on a friday morning and get a cheeky session in on a friday afternoon before having to embarrass myself on the saturday morning.

oh well, better get back to the beer, er i mean studying...


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Postby Dr Frigo » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:22 am

Big thanks to Toks and his helpers, and sponsors Cycling Weekly. Well done to Marek and Paul H, and everyone else who raced - especially those for who it was the first time. Kieran, that prime was well deserved. There was a couple times when I was behind you at the front, and was struggling just to stay in your wheel. Also Marek's sprint launch was so lightning-fast I didn't even see who it was going past. Aodan did some good turns too (think he even tried to go for prime #2 just after the very first hairpin!) even though he had raced the Eastway cyclo-cross the day before. Kevin who somehow got dropped in the race got his payback when he killed us all on the ride back to Croydon.

Marek, on the Spec'zd was Simon, who I think did his first race at Hillingdon recently, and who also deserves a mention for being left to do most of the work on the final couple laps!

Although it was slower, this was harder work than the 3/4 I did at Eastway a fortnight ago. More wind, a smaller group and much more time spent at the front. Think my average was 172bm which is what I would get in a hard mtb race.

Good pics there John. As you can see Tim was freewheeling the final 20m so it's only thanks to this that I got a podium placing!
Dr Frigo

Postby kieran » Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:37 am


I see you've settled into student life very quickly anyway this coming weekend sees the hill climb and track competitions on Saturday and Sunday fi you want to have a go, see other threads for details.

As Sylvian (a deserved podium placer!) indicates I think some people forgot that the race was over on the way home and a blistering pace was set, lost contact with the group at elephant and castle roundabout, me and Robbie took a different turn and wound the pace down :) for the rest of the way home.
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Postby Richard (Apples) » Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:04 am

Firstly a big thank you to Toks and all the organisers for making the ACC road race such an enjoyable day :D

My first race so glad to get a pre race briefing / "calm down dears" chat from Toks and Huw
It all started fairly calmly with nobody really going for it so we cruised round for several laps until we heard the shouts of on your left right etc. and the A race came steaming through.
That woke us up and our pace seemed to quicken quite a bit . I was feeling ok and round and round we went with Chris , Alan and myself taking turns on the front .
I thought the course was really good with some exciting corners a couple of testy climbs and a fast sweeping desent .
Then we got into the last 5 laps an there a few more things to think about like where to position myself ,when to go for it,( if at all ) and what to do if someone else went off.
In the end I didnt get a choice, Chris made a break for it just before the top of the long drag and I got myself behind someones wheel for just too long.
By the time I gave chase he'd got 50 yards on me but I'd gone for it now so head down and spinning like mad I kept going, this proved to be a mistake as I got passed on the final yards up to the finish and got pipped into 3rd :(

All in all a great day and very enjoyable

Must do this again sometime :D
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Postby Dr Frigo » Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:13 am

It would be good if we could find a way to put people's names as subtitles on the photos, as there are now too many people in the club to know everyone's face!
Dr Frigo

Postby Paul H » Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:42 am

Well deserved win to Marek who was clearly the strongest rider. I will definately give racing a serious go next year.

Thanks to Toks and everybody else who helped out on the day.

Marek - I will beat you next year.
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Postby John Sheridan » Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:38 pm

It would be good if we could find a way to put people's names as subtitles on the photos

if you'd like to post a list of pic numbers / names then adding the captions is not a problem.
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Postby Toks » Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:40 pm

[quote]Especially as my daughter always asks me when I finish a race if I was the winner, and when I say no she looks very disappointed.
Now thats pressure! well done Marek - great win![quote]Must do this again sometime
Yeah when? Can I have it in writing :lol: Fantastic effort Apples[quote]On reflection, I should have let the 2 slightly stronger riders chase down the last break and maybe they would have carried me to a beter position at the end - because, at that point in the race, once the wheel has escaped, it is so difficult to recover.
Ha Ha, like I said before Alan this Road Racing lark is a Bitch. Well done mate I think you rode really well[quote]and the race wasn't too easy
Indeed especially when you're sprinting for a Prime, huh Kieran. Still I'm sure that beer went down well :D [quote]Before dropping off I thought I wouldn’t so much as burn a match as torch the whole bloody box.
Oh lordy, I just couldn't stop laughing when I read that Andrew :lol: [quote]Kieran, that prime was well deserved. There was a couple times when I was behind you at the front, and was struggling just to stay in your wheel.
Yeah Kieran has been riding on Crystal Palace Power, Sylv 8) [quote]Marek - I will beat you next year.Oh know you won't Paul, not unless you don't start doing some racing next year :wink:
Once again well done everyone!!!! :D :D :D
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